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    Still striving to get the greatest performance out of your equipment? This weekend will be the perfect time to apply Tech Upgrades to your gear, as we’re doubling the amount of Technology Points earned from each one applied! From Thursday, February 8th at 9AM PST to February 12th at 10AM PST, every Tech Upgrade used will apply twice as many Technology Points toward your next Upgrade! This in turn reduces the amount of Dilithium that must be spent to reach each Upgrade threshold, allowing Captains additional chances to attain both Mark and Rarity increases on their favored load outs. .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(http://images-cdn.perfectworld…157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s;

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    Second Officer’s Log, Supplemental My third night shift with the conn has been rather sedate thus far. Several members of the command staff are enjoying some off-duty entertainment in Holodeck Two; I believe it has something to do with a peculiar form of Terran mythology from the 20th century known as “super heroics.” The captain seemed amused by my tactical suggestions for the event, particularly regarding the inefficiency of capes in close combat situations. “All decks have reported in,” Ensign Chen said from the Operations station. “We’re ready to begin the system maintenance sweep at your command.” Second Officer Stoln nodded from the center chair while calling up a display to monitor the procedure. “Very well, Ensign. Begin the procedure, starting with deck 30.” The young Vulcan officer studied the holographic readout emitted from the command chair’s armrest and

  • 02


    Every week, designers, engineers and other developers from our five offices around the world answer backer questions submitted on SPECTRUM and voted on by YOU. This week, we get answers on Ship Docking, Scanning, Blind Quantum Travel and more.

    You can submit your questions for consideration in future episodes of Calling All Devs here

    And for info on becoming a subscriber, go to:

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    When we took a look at the update to Deep Space Nine we did for Victory is Life, we decided we wanted to go a step further. While DS9 now looked amazing on the inside, it was time to make the exterior match the interior. Luckily, we knew just the man for the job. We’ve partnered with Tobias Richter, modeler extraordinaire, and the man made the 3D model of the Enterprise D when Star Trek: The Next Generation was remastered into HD. We sat down with Tobias to talk about his work. Star Trek Online: Hey Tobias! Thanks so much for joining us. Can you start by telling us a little bit about yourself and your relationship with Star Trek? Tobias: My name is Tobias Richter and I am a life-long SciFi - and especially Star Trek addict. When I was a child the original Star Trek ran on TV and I tried to see every episode of it. I was drawing Trek starships, making blueprints, wrote stories. Once I got my

  • 04


    Crossfire short stories XV: Journey with no return

    The Tactical holo-display in the middle of the Command Center at GMG’s research station shows symbols for more than 50 ships hovering around the station and huge special jump-gate. The appearance of there being peace in space is misleading. On board the ships and space station itself, there is nervousness as the crews repeatedly perform all internal systems checks...

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    has posted a status update for his scratch-built


    Tallahassee model. He showed off a few images to demonstrate what he's done lately, and this includes a nice resizing up to a significantly larger scale model. The blueprints for his new design are displayed right next to his previous generation cruiser. We can't wait to see the larger results! He's also previously used different color materials to show contrast during the construction phase, which are clearly very different than any scheme we'd ever seen in game, but I kind of like the funky colors. There's some potential for some very creative artistic license there!


    So what am I doing? Well, I'm sort of starting over... kind of. As I mentioned previously I lost the file that had all the notes for scaling so I couldn't finish the last version of the model I was working on. Well, I decided to take the first steps and go big
  • 24


    moviebirthday17t.jpgToday is the McDanielist—or Pilgrim—Holy Day of Acclivity! It celebrates the disappearance of the first sloship to reach Sirius on this day in 2311. Pilgrim theology teaches that the lost ship was translated to a higher plane of existence where it continues to guide the faithful. You can read all about it in our full writeup here.

    The Final Exodus

    By 2309, the governing body of the outer planets, the Outer Planet Policy Council (OPPC) was under the control of McDaniel’s followers and preparations were made to begin launching Morvan Drive “sloships” to settle distant stars. The first, the Exodia under Hella Ti and a crew of devout McDanielists, was launched on February 19, 2311 carrying McDaniel himself and 1,199 other colonists to settle Sirius A-B. On March 23, the Exodia made the final .22 light year hop to Sirius successfully. The slowship had barely launched its single-person scout when

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    We have just released a new patch for Nintendo Switch, bringing you the following changes:

    • Fixed being able to use drones while "no consumables" hardcore mode handicap was active
    • Fixed drone counter not decreasing when player controlled drones are destroyed
    • Fixed UI navigation issues in ship repair service station repair screens
    • Fixed that when winning a hardcore run, the game over screen would show zeroed-out stats

    Have fun playing!

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    Starfleet Executing Crash Mobilization Program for Walker-Class Starships Earth, June 15 2256 Jayce’s Interstellar Editorial Staff After the outbreak of what many pundits are already calling “Burnham’s War,” Starfleet Command has directed the superintendents of Yards 4, 32 and 39 to begin emergency evaluation and rehabilitation of mothballed Walker-class starships. The U.S.S. Walker (NCC-1202) entered service in 2221. Rapid innovation in both propulsion and duotronics led to the original design of the class becoming obsolete quickly, and given the difficulties involved in a full refit, Starfleet planners originally had decided to sunset the class in favor of new construction instead of investing in a modernization program. Before the war began, a small number of Walker-class starships were still in active service, but the majority of them had already been decommissioned. Now, with

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    Quick captains, it's time to jump into your favorite shuttle and get to the frontlines! For a limited time only, we're hosting the Shuttle Weekend Event. From Thursday September 20th at 8AM PDT til Monday, September 24th at 10AM PDT, swarm your enemies in these small craft! During the Shuttle Weekend Event, we have transformed a few of our starship queued events into brand new shuttle events that offers marks for any reputation! Federation and Klingon Fleet Alert, and Storming The Spire will now feature twenty player queues to try and take down some familiar enemies. While the original missions will still be available this weekend, the shuttle queued events will feature twice as many Marks for completion! These special queues are based off of normal difficulty. Learn more about some of the missions you'll be flying this weekend! Atmosphere Assault Maximum Players: (5) The Elachi have sent

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    General: Romulan Imperial Minefield: Mission reward box at the end now shows the player all of the rewards received, not just the random item. Fleet marks awarded to all captains now, not just level 50+. The damaged asteroid mining facilities at Alpha, Beta, and Gamma now have small amounts of mines around them. Be careful! This is a minefield, after all. Resolved an issue that caused Romulan ships to fight each other at the end. There is now a small chance on each play through that a Romulan Republic ship will show up to assist. Resolved an issue that could cause players to get the "Go to Rally Point" button while already at the rally point. Resolved an issue that could cause the reward items at the end of the operation from being of a level appropriate to the player. Temporal Agents: Noted on Admiralty campaign progression that the goals apply only to Federation,