News categories list

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    General: Resolved an issue that was causing enemy critters to not match player level when a player joined a Task Force Operation midway in. Resolved an issue that prevented Vulcan characters from being able to proceed in "Diplomatic Orders" when speaking with Vulcan aide T'Pela. Removed “The Once and Future Agent” from Discovery faction mission journal. Moved “Task Force Operation: Age of Discovery” handoff mission into the Klingon War arc. Added a 5-minute Cooldown to the "Defense of Starbase One" Task Force Operation. This should improve its interactions with Random TFO selection. Unlocked Age of Discovery mission group for all non-Discovery captains. You can now go directly to "Secrets" even if you haven't finished the rest of your journal. Updated description on Age of Discovery starter pack to include ship claim instructions. Known Issues: Gamma Marks

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    General: Resolved an issue which was occasionally causing maps to crash. Deep Space Nine: Resolved an issue that caused the consoles in the ship yard to be exclusive to one player at a time. Qo’noS: Resolved an issue where the new banks were exclusive to one player at a time. Resolved an issue where players who logged out in the old Deep Space Nine interior were not immediately taken to the new interior when logging back in. Cardassian Bridge Officers can no longer be sold on the exchange. Resolved an issue where the Gamma Vanguard Species description was incorrect in the C-Store. Added messaging that states a Jem’Hadar captain needs to have played for 20 hours in order to receive the 50,000 Feet Dilithium reward for joining a fleet. Resolved an issue where the Marks Weekend that started on July 5 was set to run for 2 months. Content: Swarm Elite: Resolved an issue where the

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    In late 2018, we kicked off a Foundry Challenge to celebrate the release of Victory is Life, and now it's time to announce the results! We had a lot of entries from very, very talented people, and we were blown away by the stories you tell in the Star Trek universe. The requirement was to tell a story for a Jem'Hadar or Cardassian Captain, and our winner has done that to a T. So without further ado, congratulations to XR-377, and their winning mission, "Flowers of War, Thorns of Peace." XR-377 was kind enough to make the mission twice, once for Federation Captains and their allies, and once for Klingon Defense Force Captains and their allies, so all of your characters should be able to play it. In addition to winning a T6 R&D Promotion ship of their choice, the mission is joining our roster of spotlit missions. Thanks again to everyone who entered! .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px

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    Here's a couple of really cool Japanese advertisements that LOAF recently came across. As is common in the country, they're chock full of text and liberal with the exclamation marks. The first is a small embedded ad for the Mega CD port of Wing Commander 1, which was the only version that got full speech as it was transferred to the disc-based format. We also get to see a sell sheet for the Japanese Armada, which was ported to a surprising number of platforms: PC-98, FM Towns and DOS/V. I love that Armada color tone filling the Japanese block text!


    Little find this morning: an ad for the Mega-CD port of Wing Commander I from a Sega flyer. I'd love to find the advertising ASCII did for Wing Commander SFC in Japan!
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    Still striving to get the greatest performance out of your equipment? This weekend will be the perfect time to apply Tech Upgrades to your gear, as we’re doubling the amount of Technology Points earned from each one applied! From Thursday, June 14th at 8AM PST to June 18th at 10AM PST, every Tech Upgrade used will apply twice as many Technology Points toward your next Upgrade! This in turn reduces the amount of Dilithium that must be spent to reach each Upgrade threshold, allowing Captains additional chances to attain both Mark and Rarity increases on their favored load outs. .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition:

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    Cherno has shared a neat video of tech demo project he's put together. It's a top-down 2D space shooter with Wing Commander models. This reminds me a whole lot of the early Arena concept shots. Although it's conceptually pretty basic, there are some nice touches with familiar asteroids and damage sound effects included. Cherno's been toying around with different ideas to give the game some more meat, and we hope he continues to develop the idea further!

    This project was started about two years ago using Unity, then abandoned and now (January 2022) I got back to it, fixed some bugs, and made this short gameplay video. What you see is all there is to it: just glorified placeholder assets using the original graphics and sounds of Wing Commander. I always wanted to make a top-down game but the limited field of view restricts the gameplay mechanics. Initially, I opted for a straight conversion of the
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    We have exciting news! Captains on PC will be able to enjoy a bonus on purchased ZEN! Is there a ship in the C-Store that is tempting you? Now is the perfect opportunity to grab ships, keys, and whatever else has caught your eye. From November 21st at 9am PT to November 27th at 9am PT, Captains will earn an extra bonus on purchased ZEN when you charge through Direct Credit Card, PayPal, Skrill, BoaCompra, Xsolla, Paysafecard, or Steam. *Please note that this Charge Bonus offer is ONLY available for the following payment processors: Direct Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover) PayPal Skrill BoaCompra Xsolla Paysafecard Steam .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0;

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    The Crystalline Entity is back and stronger than ever. After the success of the updated Crystalline Cataclysm Event last year, we’re bringing those changes to the regular Crystalline Catastrophe Task Force Operation. The Crystalline Catastrophe Task Force Operation has undergone some improvements! Our goal was to provide a deeper experience when taking on the Entity. The mechanics in place had the potential to do this, but weren’t able to shine. The following are some of the bigger changes: There is now a 30 second mission briefing time before the queue begins. This allows players time to join the queue and read the briefing if necessary, before taking on the Entity. The Entity shards that it deploys are now immune to control effects, this allows the feature more room to breathe as the queue progresses. Small Shards will no longer buff the Entity’s damage for the entire queue. Instead,

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    has previously

    set the record

    for the fastest winning and losing times for Wing Commander on the SNES. Now he's bested his previous run from Enyo through Hell's Kitchen by six seconds to 5:24. That might not seem like something to strive for to some, but finding the very fastest time from start to an endgame is a highly sought after milestone in the speedrunning community. Once you crunch this down smaller and smaller, shaving off seconds gets harder and harder! Check out the evidence here:

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    Raph Koster

    has posted


    snippets from his upcoming book on video game development,


    . This time he provides a glimpse into the incredibly ambitious economy that Privateer Online was supposed to include. This includes complex guild mechanics, a virtual stock market and an offline web-based interface for certain tasks. Pretty wild for the time! The 700 page paperback publication is still slated for June 26, but ebook editions are starting to trickle out. The

    B&N Nook

    version is already available at just $20.

    Another feature of Privateer Online that arose out of its heavily commerce-oriented gameplay was its in-game stock market... which may not have worked the way you'd expect. Long before Farmville, MMOs were exploring asynchronous play. There were player vendors in UO, of course, but in Privateer Online we planned to extend that to a fully player-driven economy. I mean, we were
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    During Star Trek Online’s 2020 Summer Event, players participating in the festivities available at the Risa resort can earn Daily Event Progress towards an exciting new ship by participating in any of the following activities once per day. As with other recent events, progress towards this ship is account-wide, as is the final reward! Flying High Sun, Sand, and Scavenging Dance Party Horga'hn Hunt Making Waves Risa Biathlon Earning a total of 20 Daily Progress will allow players to claim a Risian Weather Control Vessel [T6]! Once this starship is obtained by any character on your account, all of the characters on your account will be able to claim the Risian Weather Control Vessel [T6] from the Account Claim tab within the Event Store (in the Event Tab of the Mission Journal). You can take a look at our community stream about this ship below! We are also excited to announce

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    Christian Klein

    marches ever closer to having a complete set of Wing Commander games translated for Spain. This looks like a pretty thorough job with everything from the box to disc to manuals in Spanish, although no in-game audio has been revamped. The front doesn't have the big Midway flap that opens, but the static front and rearranged rear screenshot collage make it its own unique collectible! Compare to the original packaging




    This Wing Commander Prophecy version arrived today, and now my Spanish Wing Commander collection is almost complete. \o/