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    albumkickstarter_goodies34xt.jpgWe're now just a bit more than three days away from the conclusion of George Oldziey's campaign to create a new Wing Commander album with a live orchestra. Just since this past weekend, the project has added another $1,000 to approach $19,500. With only a few more days left to go, is $22,000 possible? The project has already crossed the minimum $16K threshold, but we'd love to see it hit the $22K stretch target to add a live choir as well. Wing Commander fans have shown up in force many times before, so it's certainly possible!

    Here's some samples of George's wonderful 2019 jazz album full of Wing Commandar bar music. A handful of reprinted copies are up for grabs as part of the new album campaign:

    George Oldziey · Wing Commander Bar Music!

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    Today we've got an updated look at the exotic Double Helix design that Klavs is experimenting with. Instead of a static image, this time we've got a subtle video where it ominously hangs in space. It's both beautiful and eerie at the same time!

    Playing with the Double Helix spaceship again, fiddling with camera angles & focal lengths to make the ship appear to shift and stretch in slightly unsettling ways. It all happens probably too slowly to notice, but then maybe that's the poinnnnnnt.
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    Shout out to Origin’s 1993 “CD-ROM Edition” graphic. That’s how you know it’s a CD-ROM Edition!

    cd-rom_edition1t.jpgcd-rom_edition2t.jpgcd-rom_edition3t.jpgcd-rom_edition4t.jpgcd-rom_edition13t.jpgcd-rom_edition14t.jpgThey went with a much more subtle version from 94 to 95. Wings of Glory is so handsome!

    cd-rom_edition5t.jpgcd-rom_edition6t.jpgcd-rom_edition7t.jpgcd-rom_edition8t.jpgcd-rom_edition12t.jpgAnd by 1996 you didn’t need to advertise that a PC game came on a CD. It shows up on the European Wing Commander IV box but not the domestic release.

    cd-rom_edition9t.jpgThey also had something called a CD>Hard Drive release. These didn’t have any CD-specific enhancements and instead just installed the disk version without all the swapping.


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    Spacedock has produced another slick sci-fi lore video, and Wing Commander gets some nice mentions this time out. Rather than focus on one specific ship or element, the subject here is the broad concept of pulsars across franchises. The Wing Commander Movie's pulsar jumps are mentioned as is the pulsar-focused plot in WC Academy's episode Expendable. Pulsars are also seen in places like the Wing Commander collectible card game as well as the losing Blackmane series of WC3, although they're not mentioned in this clip. Thanks to FekLeyrTarg for spotting this one first!

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    Our weekly

    All Wings Considered

    show is off to a great start! LOAF and Dundradal have been coming up with tons of content to share each week, but they're also actively reaching out to viewers for what else they'd like to see. Feedback on what's been done so far is much appreciated, and they're also especially looking for questions to fit in the Ghorah Khar Talk segment. So if there's any burning topics that you've been waiting for a panel of WC experts to answer, hit the comment link and let us know!

    We hope everyone is enjoying All Wings Considered as much as we've enjoyed making it. We're starting this thread to ask what the community would like to see on the show as well as any questions or feedback you have. Please feel free to include any questions, suggestions, and ideas you may have.

    If you have a question you want to see answered during Ghorah Khar Talk, please let us know!

    Happy Wing

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    Artist Alan Gutierrez has posted another one of his fabulous Wing Commander scenes commissioned for the Wing Commander Customizable Card Game. It was mirrored and used as the art for the Magnum Launch card. It's hard to tell if this was just due to image processing, but there are possibly some very slight differences between the two scenes: the ceiling structure is more pronounced in the recent posting while the light reflections on the deck appear slightly more distinct on the card. Mr. Gutierrez notes that this scene was likely the inspiration for a similar fighter launch scene he did a few years later for Steve Jackson Games titled X Wing Fighter Scramble. You can find links to some of his other Wing Commander items below and plenty of other nifty sci-fi scenes here.


    From the card game "Wing Commander" commissioned and published by Tracy Hickman & Margaret Weis, 1995

    A "Luck" card, it was the