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    Crossfire re-release and future updates
    It is safe to say that 2020 was a very turbulent year, sometimes with some unpleasant surprises waiting around the corner.We are living in a difficult time and adapting to new situations sometimes can be challenging.The plans we had for Crossfire in 2020 were thrown overboard and got replaced by necessary structural changes that helped us to create a future proof foundation for Crossfire.

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    ODVS has another fantastic video sample to show off. After releasing his massive enhancement to WC4 and Prophecy video, he's continued to research and perfect the craft. This has produced some impressive results from the very low res WC3 footage, and even more advanced methods for manually improving video quality further have been discovered. The results from that testing have been amazing! Check out a new sample below. This one minute clip took several hours to produce, however, so ODVS is looking for feedback on how much an improvement fans think this is over the last release. Let him know what you think at the CIC Forums!

    I've been experimenting with a new AI model and overall video workflow technique and I thought you all might like to see the results.

    This new process is far more time consuming than the previous one. As well as the new AI model, I'm actually upscaling to 4K (2160p) then

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    Authorities in the Geras system have confirmed that the conflict between Geras First and Ndozins State Inc has come to an end.

    Both factions received support from independent combat pilots, to whom generous rewards were promised, but in the end there could be only one victor.

    Independent journalist Donal Varden offered an analysis:

    "After a week of furious fighting, the Geras system is now eerily quiet. Ultimately only one side could be victorious, but this uneasy peace has come at a great and dreadful cost."

    Pilots who participated in the conflict can now collect their rewards from Yurchikhin Port in the Geras system.

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    continues to round out his WC1 fleet with two sharp new additions. The Raptor that was previewed

    last month

    has been completed, and it looks great. The fighter's colors are spot on and there are plenty of gorgeous little details like 'TCS Tiger's Claw' stenciled into the side. As a bonus, the Hornet is also finished. All the compliments for the Raptor apply here as well, and both ships are also posed at some wonderful angles. Many people have modeled the Hornet over the years, but we can always use more beautiful ships!


    My WC1 addiction continues... I revised the Raptor, the old hull panels were kinda crappy so these look better. For additional fun and frolic, I made new unit insignia because... well I have too much free time?Also, a Hornet! Because the Killer Bees always get the next shift.Enjoy!
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    This new breed of Pilot Escort represents a unique blend of technologies from each of the primary Alliance members, with various projects and subsystems pulled from Andorian, Lethean, and Dewan techniques. The sleek styling, tight maneuverability, and impressive arsenal of offensive capabilities of existing Andorian Escorts have informed a great deal about the core functionality of all of these vessels, as is obviously reflected in these modernized Andorian starships. Players will soon see the addition of Allied Pilot Escorts to the C-Store! These ships will be available individually, as 3-ship Faction Bundles, or as a 9-Ship Megabundle. Each of cutting-edge Escorts possesses impressive and unique capabilities, inspired by their unique lineage. Starfleet officers will gain access to the following starships: Andorian Kuthar Pilot Escort [T6] Andorian Chimesh Pilot Escort [T6] Andorian Thozyn Pilot

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    Security forces in the Fousang system are reporting that criminal organisations in the area are executing more frequent and audacious raids on civilian traffic.

    Wing Commander Horatio Montange of Fousang security had this to say:

    "Our resources are stretched with the Thargoid threat, and a certain criminal element has taken advantage, increasing their presence in the system and attacking trade convoys. While our forces are continuing to maintain order, the need to defend the system from external threats has had an impact on our overall effectiveness. With the help of Blue Creative Company we hope to curb this sudden increase in crime, and continue to concentrate our resources on combating the alien insurrection."

    To counter this threat, the Blue Creative Company has placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver bounty vouchers to Akers

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    Daniels tugged at the high collar of his wool coat as his temporal trainees followed behind. All three of the trainees were likewise garbed in heavy, long coats and gloves, with their specialized temporal equipment carefully stowed away in hidden pockets and beneath holographic camouflage. On mid-22nd century Andoria, non-Andorians were still rare, and the temporal agents definitely didn’t want to draw attention to themselves, so they stayed together, kept their heads down, and focused on the job. “Like the cold, pinkskin?” shouted an Andorian from somewhere in the crowded marketplace. Daniels simply turned and kept his gloved hands on his collar, partly obscuring his face, as he ducked past an open cooking station—some kind of deep freshwater shellfish, probably pulled out from beneath a glacial lake—and gently brushed past an old Andorian woman. Several small tables choked the space on

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