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    Just kidding. Today actually marks fifteen years of continuous daily WC news updates. The last day we missed was May 25, 2003, short of the occasional technical issue that may have slightly delayed the daily news a bit. Back in the spring of 2003, we were all eagerly awaiting the imminent release of Wing Commander Prophecy for the Gameboy Advance.

    Not every day features major breaking stories or unearths startling revelations, but there's always something happening in the Wing Commander community. That's thanks to how engaged and dedicated you all are every day. Where will we be in another five, ten or fifteen years? Probably looking back and wondering what the heck the headline on this post meant.


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    We’re teaming up with the fine folks at Tribble Toys, and you can win an STO Tribble of your very own! These makers of fine Tribbles for companionship are making an STO set of Tribbles, including the Triolic Tribble, the Gamma Quadrant Tribble, the Radan Tribble, and the Winter Tribble. You’ll be able to take these adorable pets home with you starting right now, as long as you can follow these very simple rules: Do not leave them alone with food. Do not leave them ever. At all. Be considerate, and let any visiting Klingons know there are Tribbles in your home before they get there. When you purchase a large size version of these adorable, prolific creatures, you’ll also receive a code for an in-game Black Alert tribble on PC. Petting this furry guy will get you 2% extra run speed, and 3% extra manimum health. And that’s not all! We’re adding a new food item, the Sauteed Shitaake,

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    It's a great week for never-before-seen Wing Commander imagery: AD has discovered the official website and social media presence of Wing Commander III, IV and Prophecy set photographer Mike Kubeisy. A fair amount of Wing Commander III set photography has been made available over the year but almost none from Wing Commander IV and Prophecy was ever released... it's pretty neat seeing some of the sets and costumes in high resolution! We've reached out to Mr. Kubeisy to see if he has any other Wing Commander photographs available.


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    Guybrush_SF posted some fun scans magazine reviews for Wing Commander 2. These appear to be from the French magazine Tilt circa December 1991 or so. They're at least partly written by Jean-Loup Javanovic, who's still a big fan of the game all these years later! I don't speak French, but I love seeing the colorful vintage spread. If anyone can explain the scoring to me though, I'd appreciate it. The game appears to have gotten 6 out of 6 stars in graphics, cutscenes and sound for a total score of 19.


    j'ai encore le thème Kilrathi dans la tête. Comment ça vous marque à vie... :D :P

    I still have the Kilrathi theme in my head. How does it mark you for life ... :D :P

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    Here are a couple of different cool updates for the Secret Ops

    Model Upgrade Pack

    . The first shot shows off a more refined version of the new Piranha cockpit.


    has added emit mapping to all the gauges and buttons, but he's been careful to balance them so they don't overpower the actual HUD elements. There's also a sampling of the newly recreated missiles that Confed fighters will launch. Lots and lots of new ships have been introduced over the past couple years, but these enhancements will help increase immersion for the pilot whether or not they've got a target on screen. The next big release for the project is scheduled for August 18 - just in time for the CIC's 20th Birthday Party!


    Welcome MUP-fans to the "Things You Rarely See" edition. Let me ask you a question: Do you hop into your shiny MUPetized Panther and head out ready to kick some high-poly thorax; you line up your
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    We've got several new updates to share on the Secret Ops

    Model Upgrade Pack



    is working hard to prep the next big update to the playable test package. In addition to a variety of incremental improvements and graphical refinements, it will also feature a cool lighting upgrade made in conjunction with Dark Sentinel. The Confed Superbase is also almost ready to go - check it out with both a Midway docked below! Stay tuned for more announcements as we approach the next MUP release.


    So this thread has been quiet for a bit, but that doesn't mean we haven't been busy. We're hard at work getting a new package ready as a holiday gift for loyal MUPpets. This new package addresses a number of defects identified in alpha 4.0 as well as adding some improvements to improve stability and a bunch of new graphical options that we intend to implement over the next few releases. One of the
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    It's probably only really interesting to me, but here's two minutes of the Dorkir VDU footage from the various insert shots done for the Wing Commander movie. I rotated, cropped, and did some minor stabilization on this clip to make it slightly more viewable. The best looking section is about a minute in, but the low quality and partially cut-off shots are due to how it was shot or the source tapes it came from. You can see that it's a bit more WC1 Dorkir-looking than we thought before, because you can't really get a good or clear shot of it from the Blu-ray edition.


    LOAF added this image for context:


    For comparison, here's the Wing Commander I Dorkir design. The movie version looks like they just elongated the 'cab'. But it's pretty neat to watch a movie so many times and still be able to see a new spaceship.
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    has released a long-awaited update to his


    patch for Kilrathi Saga. The program makes a number of critical updates to the game's DirectX implementation in order to improve compatibility on modern computers. WC1 has been the primary focus, but the last couple updates provide initial support for Wing Commander 2. This update refines that and improves stability and smoothness of your WC2 game in Windows. Grab the files


    and give it a try!


    General changes:

    • Patcher internals have been completely overhauled. Ideally, you won't notice any difference, but you should now get better error messages when things go wrong.
    • Due to implementation divergence in the underlying platform, wcdx now handles scaling of the game's graphics internally instead of relying on the operating system.
    • Restored mouse cursor positioning for all games.
    • Much better multi-monitor support.
    • Fixed a couple of
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    has released a long-awaited update to his


    patch for Kilrathi Saga. The program makes a number of critical updates to the game's DirectX implementation in order to improve compatibility on modern computers. WC1 has been the primary focus, but the last couple updates provide initial support for Wing Commander 2. This update refines that and improves stability and smoothness of your WC2 game in Windows. Grab the files


    and give it a try!


    General changes:

    • Patcher internals have been completely overhauled. Ideally, you won't notice any difference, but you should now get better error messages when things go wrong.
    • Due to implementation divergence in the underlying platform, wcdx now handles scaling of the game's graphics internally instead of relying on the operating system.
    • Restored mouse cursor positioning for all games.
    • Much better multi-monitor support.
    • Fixed a couple of
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    The WC4 Remastered team has a new article on their journey to improve in-flight comms. The videos that come across your VDU in flight are far smaller and more compressed than the game's regular FMV, so getting these tiny clips to look good is an extra challenge. So, ODVS has incorporated several technologies to try to bring them up to modern standards. Check out the new video below to see how they look!

    A future release of the project's demo will share these in action. In the mean time, if anyone is an expert at extracting Playstation videos and would like to contribute to research in this area, let them know!

    Aside from the miniscule resolution of the source material, another major problem is compression. In order to fit all those thousands of frames onto the game’s CD-ROMs, they were quite heavily compressed using mid-90s techniques. The unfortunate side-effect for us is that they’re blocky
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    KilrathiKiller stopped in to share the latest in a series of Wing Commander wallpapers. This one commemorates Wing Commander 4! They feature nice high resolution 4K logos that look crisp against a space backdrop. If you don't recall his previous iterations, that might be because they date back to 2008 and 2009. We're always happy to see someone come back around and keep plugging away on a project. Hopefully he completes his Prophecy artwork before 2030 - but in case he doesn't, we'll be here when he's ready!


    So was sitting here with some time on my hands and decided to make a little 4K wallpaper for fans of Wing Commander 4. Possibly my favorite of the series. Hope you like. I have both just the logo and one with a background. If anyone remembers I always had a version with the characters in background but finding pics for 4K that don't look terrible is really tough from something that old. I
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    This week the WC4 Fan Remake team has an update on sound effects. They revealed last month that a new composer had signed on, but a specific audio effects specialist, MrCoffeeee, is now also on the team to punch up what you hear even further. This is one of those things that your nostalgia brain might think was just fine back in 1996, but when bringing those dated chirps forward 25 years, the quality don't match the stellar visuals and music that fans are creating for the remake. Check out the sample below to hear what the updated version sounds like! Don't forget to visit the full article over at for more background on today's update.

    Recreating sounds for Wing Commander 4 turns out to be a task on its own. When playing the old lady again in 2021, it turned out that the game holds some very cool sounds for its time but unfortunately in low audio quality. In order to save space in the