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    Starting this Thursday, we’re launching a brand new weekend event, the Admiralty Bonus! From February 27th at 8am PT to March 3rd at 10am PT, your Admiralty missions will give out bonus rewards! During this special event, you’ll find that all of your assignments give out double Campaign XP, allowing for faster progression, no matter who’s missions you’re completing. Get in good with the Ferengi, serve the Federation or the Klingon Empire, or help rebuild the Romulan Republic. In addition, all Tour of Duty missions will award bonus Dilithium Ore during this event! As part of our ongoing efforts to balance the game’s economy, we’re also making some changes to how Admiralty rewards work. Specifically, we’re changing the rewards on two of the Tour of Duty campaigns. The Klingon Campaign will now offer 50,000 Fleet Voucher Dilithium as a reward, and the Ferengi Campaign will now offer

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    Starting this Thursday, we’re launching the Admiralty Bonus event! From May 14th at 8am PT to MAy 18th at 10am PT, your Admiralty missions will give out bonus rewards! During this special event, you’ll find that all of your assignments give out double Campaign XP, allowing for faster progression, no matter who’s missions you’re completing. Get in good with the Ferengi, serve the Federation or the Klingon Empire, or help rebuild the Romulan Republic. In addition, all Tour of Duty missions will award bonus Dilithium Ore during this event! We hope you enjoy this special event, Captains. Command your fleet to take to the stars! .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent;

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    Starting this Thursday, we’re launching the Admiralty Bonus event! From July 9th at 8am PT to July 13th at 10am PT, your Admiralty missions will give out bonus rewards! During this special event, you’ll find that all of your assignments give out double Campaign XP, allowing for faster progression, no matter who’s missions you’re completing. Get in good with the Ferengi, serve the Federation or the Klingon Empire, or help rebuild the Romulan Republic. In addition, all Tour of Duty missions will award bonus Dilithium Ore during this event! We hope you enjoy this special event, Captains. Command your fleet to take to the stars! .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent;

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    Hello once again from the Tardigrade Adoption Agency! We hope you’ve all had an excellent time reading all about your Tardigrade’s adventures over the holidays. We had a wonderful time sharing them with you. But now, it’s time for our little space babies to grow up and go out into the world. And who better to guide them than you? That’s right. Starting with the launch of Mirror of Discovery on PC (and coming soon on Console), you’ll be able to purchase your very own Tardigrade pet from the Lobi Store in game. Each one of our five unique Tardigrades will be available as a non-combat pet for any of your Captains. They’re eager to get to know you. So who will you be adventuring with – Smarty, Skipper, Party, Arty, or the Lieutenant? .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display:

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    CD1188 Entertainment has posted a neat video of the latest AI upscaling and image processing techniques. They're using a screenshot from the WC3 introduction to demonstrate how amazing the technology is. AD asked the Wing Commander community's resident neural net expert, ODVS, for his take and he provided some additional context:

    They're using Gigapixel AI with its new Facial Recovery algo (which was just released). I'm already doing a deep-dive into experimenting with it for motion. It's impressive, but you hit the uncanny valley pretty hard. Sadly, they've currently only trained it for static images. I suspect it will be a while before it gets incorporated into their motion-friendly models, but I have no doubt that's coming. I am already doing experiments, though. :D

    Even if this isn't quite ready to actually animate videos with, the technology remains incredibly impressive!

  • 07


    Howard Day has put the long weekend to good use with the creation of a fighter for Wing Leader. The new addition is the Krant, which is a popular alternative to the Dralthi in the medium fighter space. This one's got a few unique quirks down the middle: Howard has done some creative placement with the cockpit as well as a second set of guns. You can see in the final shots below some further experimentation with these elements. These latest shots make me think the ship would fit great in an Advance Wars game, and now I really want an AW-style Wing Commander game.


    Evening #WingLeader work - making my version of the Kilrathi Krant medium fighter. It's definitely got some modifications - single cockpit, and 2 additional Ion Cannons are the main ones. Still WIP, but good enough to show.


    I think you'd be surprised to hear there *aren't* any textures on this guy - the only thing that might qualify is the
  • 03


    Development of the WC4 Fan Remake is picking up again, and the team has a new update today on comm videos. If you were thinking the clips that play in the communications VDU were simply upscaled, that's just the tip of the iceberg! It was quite a process for AllTinker to extract the colorful Playstation versions and then sync them with the PC version which are higher resolution. They aren't even cropped to the same frame. Then all of that was given to ODVS for an advanced enhancement based on color channels. It was quite a process, and you'll need to read the full article at WC Respace for the details. There's also a video that walks through the comparison.

    Oh, and last - but not least - there's a whole new playable demo! Grab it here (886 meg exe). It showcases these new comms, and also a whole bunch more:

    • Prioritize GPU based on maker if multiple are found
    • Support for 128 button joysticks
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    The leaders of Aegis have formally petitioned the Alliance, Empire and Federation to reform the anti-xeno organisation.
    Although all three superpowers are in the process of building their own taskforces to replace Aegis, they have been unable to assist against a recent surge of Thargoid incursions.
    Chief Administrator Carter Armstrong gave a statement to the press:
    "Surviving members of the leadership council have submitted an appeal to reverse the decision to disband Aegis. The essence of our case is that the superpowers are currently distracted by various internal situations, but the Thargoids care nothing for our politics and must be met with a unified show of force."
    "Aegis support ships have recently been repurposed by other crews in several regions, including the Dan, HIP 12314 and Nauni systems. But they could have been operated officially by our trained personnel, if only we were

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    Aegis has announced that its Eagle Eye initiative is proving to be a great success, and has helped to repel Thargoid forces from systems in the Pleiades Nebula.

    The Eagle Eye orbital surveillance installations were established earlier this year to monitor transmissions from known Thargoid surface sites. This data is then made available to independent pilots.

    In an interview with The Federal Times, Admiral Aden Tanner remarked:

    "I have no doubt that without this surveillance data, more starports in the Pleiades would have been attacked and damaged. Only last week, Thargoid incursions in the Lwalama and Lalande 4141 systems were vigorously resisted thanks to the early warnings provided by Eagle Eye."

    "We all owe a huge debt of gratitude to those brave Commanders who have engaged the Thargoids in battle. Aegis was established to help protect the galaxy, and with the help of courageous members of

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    Aegis has announced plans to build a military installation in the Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55.

    An Aegis spokesperson gave the following statement to the media:

    "After the recent occupation of Socho by a hostile criminal element, it is imperative that Aegis bolster its holdings in the Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55. The construction of a military installation will allow us to continue our fight against the Thargoids unhindered by external forces."

    Aegis Research has placed an open order for mined resources, promising to reward pilots who deliver these to The Oracle in the Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55. The organisation has also placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, to ensure those contributing commodities to the campaign can do so safely.

    The campaign begins on the 21st of June 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end