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    Yesterday we talked about WC4 rumors in the press, and today's the whole big preview. A lot of magazines got in to glitzy cover stories on Wing Commander 4 like this, which was fabulous to see on news stands in game stores in the mid '90s. Based on the success of WC3 just a year earlier, editors weren't going to miss out on this, and the January 1996 issue of X-Gen is a prime example of a flashy six-page preview of the game. They gush about the production values and technical benchmarks that the game sets. They also talk about how it was made with Playstation development in mind (WC3 was actually the first PSX game, shortly after PC WC4 shipped). The article also has some nice storyboard art and set photos, which can be somewhat uncommon for this shoot. Good stuff!


    Blair, Maniac and Admiral Tolwyn return in the biggest games production of all-time. Wing Commander IV is the most expensive, most
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    “MARTOK!” The call rang out across the great hall, ending all conversation. Members of the High Council, dispersing to their own factions, stopped their myriad conversations and turned to look at the source of the sudden, piercing exclamation. Chancellor Martok turned as well, from where he had nearly ascended the dais to take his seat. The source of the shout was a young, strong warrior. He stood in the doorway of the Council chambers, hand on his mek'leth, shaking with rage. From the moment this warrior rose to a position of power, Martok had known he would be...trouble. And now, it seemed, that day had come. The warrior known as J'mpok strode forward, towards the dais, murderous intent in his eyes. Like he had with every challenger before, Chancellor Martok rose to meet him. *** General Martok stood in an empty council chamber, remembering the surprise and pain as J’mpok’s mek'leth

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    FredDude posted this nifty sneak preview of Privateer 2 from the October 1996 issue of Computer Gaming World. You can see they're pretty excited. The author spends quite a bit of time talking about the dark and cutthroat environment that the game exists in. There's also some hints of the devious storyline highlighted by a number of star actors. They're almost more optimistic about it than WC3/4, and it's perhaps these lofty expectations that affected the general perception of the final game. You can find their somewhat disappointed final review


    (although they did still end up being jazzed about the unique story).


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    Following a skirmish with a group of mercenaries, security forces in the Meene system have launched an operation to capture enemy agents in order to investigate the attack.

    Security Chief Harper Vargas of the Meene Defence Force gave the following statement:

    "The mercenaries were targeting Ram Tah's Phoenix Base, but it's clear they were just hired hands. We need to recover as many surviving mercenaries as we can and interrogate them, so we can find the real culprits."

    The Independent HIP 29241 Green Party, which is overseeing the initiative, has asked pilots to recover both occupied and damaged escape pods, and to deliver them to Felice Dock in the Meene system. The organisation has also placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, to ensure that those contributing to the recovery can do so safely.

    The campaign begins on the 8th of November 3304 and will run for one week. If the final

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    Crossfire Roleplay

    Crossfire is known for an open and free Roleplay environment. Doing roleplay for years we have kept it simple and without enforcement. Motivating players to do roleplay appeared to us to be the better way. With the introduction of Crossfire 1.9 the server sided roleplay massively gets improved....

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