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  • 05


    Today we have a very cool flythrough of a set of Space Engineers maps by Jason Musgrave. We've seen a handful of impressive designs over the year from Wing Commander 1 to Privateer to WC4, but WC3 was relatively untapped territory. Now we're getting three-in-one by way of a fantastic TCS Victory, plus a Confed cruiser and Kilrathi carrier. There are even fighters across the deck that you can get inside. Phenomenal effort on display here!

  • 04


  • 04


    It's a new year, but we're turning back the clock today with a new batch of retro reviews found by Maxi de Sokar. The first is a wonderful five page spread in PC Review for Wing Commander 3. It starts off with a couple pages of "behind the scenes" info before launching into the actual review. Then we have a quick take on Super Wing Commander for the 3DO by Micromania. Finally, there's a six page spread in OKPC about Wing Commander 4. I love how much space was dedicated to these new releases at the time!


  • 04


    New year, new Originator! AllTinker is kicking off 2024 with another release to his impressive Wing Commander modding and hacking tool. New features include a better reader for hex editing, support for more WC3 elements like cockpits, improved decompression of Privateer 2 contents and more. You can download the updated package here!

    Version 0.2.03 (2024-01-01)
    • Improved the hex viewer; added hover highlighting between hex/character views, also fixed an issue with larger font sizes.
    • Added support for packed WC3 shapes (e.g. for cockpits), and more IFF-embedded shapes in general.
    • Added automatic decompression for IFF chunks (QFS/Deflate), which is especially relevant to Privateer 2. As usual there are many palettes still requiring hook-up logic, so colours will be wrong in many cases for several games (including P2).
    • Added "Experiments" (under "Tools") which I will be adding to over time. Currently the
  • 03


    wing_commander_iii_detail_by_willtheartman-d32pnmqxt.jpgHappy New Year Wingnuts! We made it through another year. Some very cool projects got off the ground in 2023, and we're super excited where they go in 2024. Our annual new year's poll is live now. Got an idea for something that might interest Wing Commander fans in the year ahead? Or just want to hang out with a bunch of retro video game nerds? Stop on by the CIC Discord server!

    LOAF also pointed out that we've got quite a few exciting 30th anniversaries on deck this year!

    Some pretty big 30th anniversaries this year! 1994 was one heck of a year.
    • Privateer: Righteous Fire - February 24
    • Super Wing Commander - March 23
    • Wing Commander (Sega CD) - March 24
    • Wing Commander Privateer (CD-ROM) - June 13
    • Wing Commander Armada - September 22
    • Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger - December 8
    • Wing Commander Armada Proving Grounds - December 20

    And... here are the results from the birthday poll!

  • 02


  • 01


    StarvingPilot shared a cool tip for anyone with a Playstation 2 and PSX Wing Commander 3 or 4. There's a neat backwards compatibility feature for people who have the original Playstation versions of these two games. The PS2 supports "fast loading" and "texture smoothing" that adds bilinear filtering. This means the textures appear slightly less blocky and pixelated. If you've got the right hardware, it's a neat trick to check out!


    I found that texture smoothing can be enabled for old PS1 games. This includes the PlayStation version of WC3 (tested), and possibly WC4 (which I don’t own). This is done for any PS1 game without emulators on original hardware, although I imagine anyone running a PS emulator has been doing this for years.

    To get to the option, just enter the main menu for the console, highlight Browser and press triangle to enter the Version Menu. Using the menu options, Texture Mapping

  • 31


    Sorting through Wing Commander Prophecy's cutscenes means stopping everything each time I come across another exterior shot of the Midway hidden in a longer cutscene.

    wcp_midway_transition1t.jpgwcp_midway_transition2t.jpgwcp_midway_transition3t.jpgwcp_midway_transition4t.jpgWhere ya goin tonight???

    wcp_midway_transition5t.jpgwcp_midway_transition6t.jpgwcp_midway_transition7t.jpgwcp_midway_transition8t.jpgIn response to your many cards and letters:

    • The G'wriss jump doesn't have text
    • The G'mar jump isn't on the DVD (everyone boos forever)
    • There's no H'rissith jump scene

    wcp_midway_transition9t.jpgwcp_midway_transition10t.jpgVisit the massively expanded Prophecy Holovids video archive here!

  • 30


    Binary Legends has posted an awesome 16-minute video featuring the intro and first mission from Wing Commander 2 - in EGA graphics mode! We've posted various screenshots before and LOAF has done some wonderful comparisons between EGA and other iterations of the games over the years, but I don't think we've ever shown off a raw clip like this. If you haven't seen it in motion, it's something to behold. There's an interesting contrast between the EGA visuals and digitized speech with beautiful music behind it. The game may not look quite like the WC2 that you remember, but it gives big vintage '80s Tandy/Sierra game vibes, which is pretty awesome!

    Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi (EGA - Intro and First Mission). Running in EGA 16 color mode with Roland MT-32 for the music and Sound Blaster for the digitized sounds.
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  • 29


    Found a Wing Commander III bug! In the first scramble mission (B1 or C1) you are automatically assigned three wingmen: Weasel (a scripted death) and then Maniac and Mitchell. If one is shot down, they're replaced by a rotation: Vagabond, Bacon Boy, Hobbes, Flint, Cobra, Vaquero, Maniac, Vagabond. But it doesn't check for duplicates, so you can end up with two Maniacs or two Vagabonds! It's unlikely to ever happen during regular gameplay because there isn't really anything in the mission that will kill six of your wingmen.


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  • 28


  • 25


    We've got another great update to a new fan tool today. AllTinker has released a new version of Originator, his multipurpose extraction tool that can decipher all manner of internal assets from within the code of classic WC games. He aims to support a broad cross section of Origin and Wing Commander titles, so today's update improves the program's ability to read certain formats. It will also read more types of information, including text content within the games. This all builds on an impressive list of supported games and audio/visual file types from the first release. You can learn more and download the app at the CIC Forums here.

    Version 0.2.02 (2023-12-25)
    • Improved the IFF parser to cope with various quirks and non-standard features (e.g. Privateer's "table" structures).
    • Quite broad support for "shape" images - although there are palettes remaining to hook up for numerous games, so colours may
  • 25


    Master O dropped by to spread the word about a new alternative to DOSBox. DOSBox has been a tried and true workhorse of the retro gaming community for nearly twenty years, but updates have been very sparse since about 2010 or so. Although the program works fairly well to get games like Wing Commander running on modern systems, technology has continued to evolve and there's an enormous opportunity to add modern quality-of-life improvements. That's where DOSBox Staging comes in. A new team of developers have picked up where the old program left off. There is much improved support for modern video and sound setups, better controller and joystick integration, plus compatibility with a host of modern operating system features. The latest 0.81 test versions even add support for Voodoo 1 emulation for 3DFX graphics. You can try it out here. Be sure to share your experience at the CIC Forums!


    If you
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  • 22


    ea_walletfriendly3t.jpgMost of the Wing Commander games may be excluded from the holiday sale at GOG this year, but Electronic Arts didn't forget about them! The five WC games sold directly from (formerly the Origin Store) have been marked down as a part of the Player Favorites Sale. Each game is only $0.99, which is a pretty slick 80+% discount. Other Ultima and Origin games are included in a similar price range. There are some other hot titles as well like Star Wars Squadrons for $1.99 and the Command & Conquer Remastered package for $4.99, which are also good pickups!

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