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    From February 15th at 8am PT to February 19th at 10am PT, we are having a 20% ship sale. Enjoy not just a discount on our ships, but fleet modules, dry dock slots and ship upgrade tokens as well! Have you been eyeing a new ship or ship bundle in the C-store? Now is the time to grab the ship you've always dreamt of commanding – including the brand new Allied Pilot Escort Mega Bundle on PC, and the Allied Flight Deck Cruiser Bundle on Xbox One and Playstation 4! All ships and dry dock slots in the C-Store are 20% off. This includes bundles which are comprised only of ships. This does not include bundles that have items other than ships in them. The ship upgrade token, ship upgrade token bundle, and the fleet module are all 20% off as well. Each time a player buys a Tier 5 ship, they will receive a free ship upgrade token. This only occurs when the Tier 5 ship is bought for the first

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    This week the WC4 Fan Remake team has an update on sound effects. They revealed last month that a new composer had signed on, but a specific audio effects specialist, MrCoffeeee, is now also on the team to punch up what you hear even further. This is one of those things that your nostalgia brain might think was just fine back in 1996, but when bringing those dated chirps forward 25 years, the quality don't match the stellar visuals and music that fans are creating for the remake. Check out the sample below to hear what the updated version sounds like! Don't forget to visit the full article over at for more background on today's update.

    Recreating sounds for Wing Commander 4 turns out to be a task on its own. When playing the old lady again in 2021, it turned out that the game holds some very cool sounds for its time but unfortunately in low audio quality. In order to save space in the
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    Technology company Herculean Machines has begun mass production of its new device, the Duradrive personal computer.

    Following the successful performance of its prototype at the Rackham Ultratech Expo, the company has received corporate funding from a range of sources, including Rackham Capital Investments.

    Maddox Hurd, CEO of Herculean Machines, told the media:

    "As I've said before, what people want is a reliable tool that is tough enough to handle anything. I'd like to once again thank the galactic community for providing the commodities that made our success possible."

    There has been no comment from rival CEO Scorpio DeVorrow.

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    It’s almost summer, and that means it’s time to kick back, relax, and disappear from your daily troubles for a while. And what better way to do that than to take a cruise with some of your favorite actors from Star Trek? To celebrate the release of Rise of Discovery, Star Trek Online is teaming up with Star Trek: The Cruise and SteelSeries on an exclusive giveaway for Star Trek fans! From now through May 26, players can use the link below to enter to win a cabin for two aboard Star Trek: The Cruise IV, a seven-day Carribean voyage with Star Trek royalty including William Shatner (Star Trek: The Original Series), Kate Mulgrew (Star Trek: Voyager) Jonathan Frakes (Star Trek: The Next Generation), Ethan Peck (Star Trek: Discovery) and more. The grand prize winner will also be granted every starship currently available in the Z-Store of Star Trek Online on PC and a prize pack from SteelSeries.

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    Thanks for continuing to share your feedback and reporting issues to us – we’ve been working hard on our next patch which is coming to both PS4 and PC today! Here’s a look at the fixes and changes you can expect:

    • Fixed an issue where large numbers of portal visits would be added to save files, greatly increasing the save size and impeding the ability to save the game. We’re aware there are still some players experiencing this issue, and we’re currently investigating any remaining reports.
    • Prevented the terrain editor draining in charge when editing empty voxels
    • Prevented players being able to edit terrain outside their base radius for free while standing inside their base
    • Fixed responses made to Artemis and Apollo at times being incorrectly tracked
    • Prevented players being blocked from progressing if they decline to enter glyphs into a particular story portal
    • Fixed instances where Atlas text was appearing
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    A trio of chirps stole Lieutenant Commander Amna Patel’s attention away from a pair of senior security officers and her own data pad. She excused herself and stepped out of the busy shuttle bay where hundreds of Starfleet Security personnel were mustered and boarding shuttlecraft bound for the Conestoga-class transports. Patel removed her communicator and, with a flick of the wrist, initiated contact with the person on the other end of the transmission. “Buran to Lieutenant Commander Patel, situation report.” Her communicator crackled noisily; there was always so much cross traffic during a major operation like this, and it usually took its toll on the comms network. Despite this, Amna smiled at the voice of Commander Ellen Landry on the other end. For a moment her thoughts drifted to happier futures than the one looming in the immediate. The communicator crackled again. “Patel, this is

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    The Federal Intelligence Agency continues to search for the Children of Tothos, a fringe cult that has stolen a nuclear weapon.

    Ethan Takahashi, crime correspondent for The Federal Times, reported:

    "The FIA has rooted out additional cultists within the Zlota system. All fervently worship their charismatic leader, Barnabas Cole, but none seem to know his current location or plans."

    "The Children of Tothos believe they were chosen by a demonic being that exists 'in the spaces between the stars'. Cole claims that only he, aided by select adherents, can summon Tothos with an enormous ceremonial sacrifice."

    "Criminal psychologists fear that Cole's egotism permits any act that justifies his delusions, including detonation of a nuclear warhead. Since the recently stolen Lucifer Device is both portable and undetectable by security scans, practically any location might be chosen for the cult's

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    Release - Discovery Freelancer 4.91: Pyres of Remembrance

    It has been nearly a decade since Igiss graced us with his posts of old on the overarching development of the mod. For the past three years we've been enamoured with spreadsheets and technicalities from the simple changes of base IFFs to system redesigns, that we seem to have forgotten exactly what it means to write for a roleplay environment. In this post we aim to correct that failing, by providing an inclusive overview of Discovery 4.91, Pyres of Remembrance.

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    Captains, the Alliance is eternally grateful to you for your service to the galaxy, and for sticking with us even when not all seemed the brightest. Indeed, there have been times - recently - where we found ourselves facing off against waves of enemies who didn't seem to actually be there, or screaming at our turret gunners, wondering why they weren't firing, and we want to thank you for still defending the galaxy while we work to make everything smoother in the fight against J'ula and her minions. Therefore, the Federation, the Klingon Empire, the Romulan Republic and the Dominion have opened their coffers to make the Phoenix Prize Pack and an Upgrade Weekend available at the same time to all Captains on PC! Here's the details: *** Still striving to get the greatest performance out of your equipment? This weekend will be the perfect time to apply Tech Upgrades to your gear, as we’re doubling