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    has put together a neat short clip on the nature of fighter space combat. Daniel talks about the need to turn into your enemy, avoid jousting and aim for large targeting surfaces among other things. Wing Commander isn't the focus of the video, but it may as well be as most of the topic is relevant to fighting in the WC universe. A second video talks about how hard it would actually be to evade missiles in space. Tough times for fighter pilots!

    Spacedock gives some handy day-to-day advice on Space Dogfighting.
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    green_salthi_raptorxt.jpgI went back to see how the sprite-less Jalthi was mentioned in the original SNES Wing Commander. You can see it wasn’t mentioned in the US/EU manuals at all! And that as with everything else, the Japanese version is much, much better.The SNES version doesn’t have enough memory for five ships, so it tints the Salthi green and calls it a Jalthi! The US manuals pretend it doesn’t exist while the Japanese one embraces the weird change.They also had to drop the Exeter to include the Venture, so the Gwenhyvar becomes a corvette.


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    Here's a couple of new items for EmuMusicFan's graphical novel project. The first sketch depicts his first take on a Kilrathi warrior's mane. It might not be something you ever think about as the viewer, but from an artist's point of view, drawing a Kilrathi from behind takes some extra skill with fur. This Kilrathi is supposed to be none other than Khitz nar Ki'ra. There's also a more lighthearted image showing a Kilrathi instructor teaching proper vocabulary to a youngster.

    The plot I want to write is that the player is walking while checking the map on the cellphone without looking at the road, and then hits Khitz's back at a corner.


    "Teaching our cubs to learn about human culture is not an easy job."
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    On July 11th, prepare your blood wine and your bat’leths. It will be a Day of Honor. In honor of our favorite warriors for Kahless, Star Trek Online, Eaglemoss, Modiphius, and the Streampunks are all teaming up to hold an all day streaming event, featuring some of your favorite Trek stars and a whole heaping helping of honorable battle. We’re excited to have you join us for the event, live on the Queue Times Twitch channel. We’ll be announcing more details about the stream, and more importantly our guests, as we get closer. But we wanted to make sure you saved the date, so here’s the schedule for the day, with all times in PT: Introduction 12:00-12:15 Come and say hi as the hosts of all of the days’ streams hang out and chat with you about what to expect from the day. And maybe shout at each other in Klingon. We’ll see. Modiphius – Featuring Rick Sternbach! 12:15 -

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    After releasing six episodes of his Defiant Few audio series, Plywood Fiend has been out of the WC fan project world for a bit, but he's back with a new simpler take on amusing his fellow Wingnuts. It's essentially a live-streamed play through of the original Wing Commander, but it's been edited to include his own comedic take. He's already completed everything from Enyo to Venice, and they can be found in a Youtube playlist here. That's a lot to check out! The first mission and a couple of samples also embedded below.

    My most recent whimsy-work is a bit humbler, but just a bit. I'm doing a let's play of Wing Commander 1, but one riddled with my own peculiar brand of humor in the (text only) commentary, and with peculiar, (usually) funny intro videos, snippets of which I'll include below, best I can. Rest assured that for those like myself who've played this game more times than they'd care to
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    Today we have a short musical piece that was written as part of a film school project. The artist, Sean Sumwalt, used about a minute of footage from the end of the Wing Commander Movie right after Angel ejects and Blair is forced to keep moving. A new instrumental track accompanies the scene and attempts to set the tone. AD found it while looking for Overture covers, and it's definitely not that, but it's not bad.

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    All of us at the CIC are in shock at the news of Klavs' passing. We all get caught up in the frenzy of our hectic lives, but moments like this really make you realize you don't know how lucky you are to have everyone in your life until it's too late. I had the honor of meeting Adam Burch in person once about ten years ago. He flew into town on behalf of the kit-built aircraft manufacturer that he worked for at the time. I couldn't believe how knowledgeable he was about all aspects of the plane, plus the marketing and business sides, and then he could even fly it! I work in aerospace myself, so I know how complicated this all was, and his expertise was astounding. He was also exceedingly generous and kept mentioning how he'd like to return some day so he could take me up on a flight. If you didn't know, he didn't just design Wing Commander ships - he was also a spacecraft artist/designer at

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    Good news, Captains! We're extending the R&D Promotion for one extra day - until November 1st at 10am PT. You still have a final chance to purchase and open R&D Packs for the chance at any of our Infinity R&D Ships, including the Discovery Constitution and D7, the original T6 Consitution, and the brand new U.S.S. Franklin! But that's not all - during these last 24 hours, we're putting R&D packs on sale for 30% off! It's the best possible time to take command of the ship of your dreams. .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer .TI { background-position: 0 20%; } .share-footer .YT {

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    Good news, Captains! We're extending the R&D Promotion for one extra day - until November 1st at 10am PT. You still have a final chance to purchase and open R&D Packs for the chance at any of our Infinity R&D Ships, including the Discovery Constitution and D7, the original T6 Consitution, and the brand new U.S.S. Franklin! But that's not all - during these last 24 hours, we're putting R&D packs on sale for 30% off! It's the best possible time to take command of the ship of your dreams. .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer .TI { background-position: 0 20%; } .share-footer .YT {

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    One of our favorite things to come out of the internet this past year has been the fantastic Shield of Tomorrow, the actual-play show run by Eric Campbell on Geek and Sundry’s Twitch Channel and Alpha. The crew of the Sally Ride, Aliza Pearl, Bonnie Gordon, Hector Navarro, Sam de Leve, Amy Dallen and Gina DeVivo, beamed themselves onto our computer screens each week with new tales of the Federation facing against the unknown. It even inspired some of the STO developers to do their own tabletop live stream. Sadly, Shield of Tomorrow's initial run is coming to an end, and while you won’t have to miss the incredible cast on the screen (they’ll still be around in a brand new show), we couldn’t let Shield of Tomorrow pass into internet history without our own little memorial. Starting July 13th, the Sally Ride will hanging out in Sector Space in Star Trek Online…somewhere. We’re not going

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