Invincible AI

There are 23 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Revan.

  • ... "Live with the consequences" and "get in trouble" are no threats (you really think they are?). These are warnings - more like an info to you that the changes you have done might break something else, which we then couldn't solve.
    There is a slight difference between threat and warning. And in no way you were threaten by someone from us.

    If you feel like you dont need this info, then it is your free choice to ignore it. Same as it is our free choice to give support or not. The license agreement we have put in is comprehensible. And people ignoring agreements which they accepted before have to live with the consequence - thats an info and not a threat. Same as i cannot manipulate the steering of my car, get to the manufacturer and tell them that the car isnt working anymore. It would be idiotic to assume they will help me. Sure i can hope, but if they dont then its my fault and not theirs. I am really worried that some people claim they can do what they want, espeically with computer data. You are wrong abusing us and our warnings. Posting criticism of other sites which obviously dont like the mod or our community doesnt really help or add anything valuable, more likely because the admins over there are in conflict with our admin - which we know is true. We are not the kind of community a few claim - unbiased accusations which often are proven wrong.


  • Well, I don't play multiplayer, and if it's on my hard drive I'll modify it as I see fit.

    so we have a smart ass here, right?
    (before you jump to your keyboard in order to reply to my comments.... read them to the end.... think about them....)

    • You are quoting bullwinke here. A person which got removed from this community due to his bad attidude, lies, multiple rule breaches and his attempts to disturb the development of this mod. (over the years he similar appearance in other mod communities with exactly the same result)
      If you look around you would notice that his comments are not correct. We are not flaming... we help FL players for meanwhile more than 13 years and have supported a large amount of other mods and mod creators during that time.
      Posting one negative comment of a guy that is considered a "trouble maker" in large parts of the FL community is pretty irrelevant. How about you ask the ten-thousands of players we have helped and supported over the past years? People which after all these years still come where to have fun and meet old friends. People which dont hesitate to support us EVERY year at the annual Mod Awards (no other modding community has such a loyal and friendly fanbase, period!).
      But hey,... if you want to listen to the lonely comment of a stupid bully...
    • Just because you have software on your HDD does not give you any rights over that software. Infact the crossfire mod is distributed with a very clear license agreement. If that license agreement is broken the usage right for the software (Crossfire) will expire.
      Can I enforce that?
      Yes, I can... and unfortunatly each year have to enforce this mulitple times. (thats actually no big secret here)
      I have your post stating what you did... I have your IP... therefore I have everything I need. Its not a big deal making use of that to ensure that you cant use our software any longer.
      I could do that as soon you go online...e.g. NOW .... or when ever I feel that you are going too far. Fact is I can grant the permission to use my work... and I can revoke it.
    • Your claims about the Microsoft eula lacks a bit information. Beginning in 2003 till 2007 Microsoft directly supported the Freelancer mod community. Infact during that time the biggest FL mod community aka lancersreactor was directly hosted by Microsoft (I was admin of that community in 2006 and 2007). In 2005 already, several mod creators contacted Microsoft to discuss the terms under which Freelancer mods may be created and distributed. Microsofts official response concluded that modding the game and its content is clearly allowed and mods may be distributed as long:
      • the mod still requires the use of the original game
      • the mod is distributed as non-commercial software
    • You make claims that we are not allowed to use other parts of the mod.
      How comes?
      Where do you take that knowledge from?
      I can assure you that you know a shit about these kind of things.
      • The by far biggest part of our software was directly created by us (that means me, the other dev team members and also contributors which offered their work).
        That means that the SWAT Portal as developer of this content holds the direct copyright. We can infact (if we intend to) enforce this copyright by law as you directly violated the terms of use.
      • Another big part (and Ive spent a pretty large amount of time negotiating with the original creators) is about content from other commercial sources (such as meanwhile outdated games). All you need to know is that I know the right people and there are very kind agreements which allow us exclusive right to use content in a non-commercial way.
      • A somewhat smaller part is content which originally was published with public licenses. Undoubtfully we also have not done anything wrong with that.
      • Last but not least there is commercial content which requires official licensing. As a matter of fact, just alone for version 2.0 of the crossfire mod Ive spent almost 1000€ for licensing and usage rights. How much Ive spent for earlier versions I cant really tell atm (and actually I dont really care).

      Only once in the meanwhile more than 10 years that we have been working on this mod we accidentally included content without having the original authors permission. We obtained that permission two days after we got aware of that mistake. Whatever you think to know about our rights and permissions is wrong.

    • Do you know what respect is?
      Respect for the thousands of hours of hard work we have spent to create this mod.
      Most people respect our work and also the terms under which we develop it. They understand that they only have the permission to use our work... but not the right to do so. Thats a clear difference.
      These people have downloaded our work, accepted the terms of use and respected them.
      Such people are welcome here and such people get our full support and kind help (even if it takes days or weeks to figure our what went wront).
      They respect us and our work and we also treat them with respect.
      You seem to show very little respect and should not be surprised if other people respond to that in the appropriate way.
    • This btw is my personal opinion:
      The time you have spend on editing the mod and violating rules is better spend on learning to play the game.
      Dont take this as offense but... there are n00bs which learn to fight and they evolve to good gamers. And then there are n00bs which start editing files and they evolve to cheating n00bs.
      Sorry, Im just stating the facts.
    • Another thing that needs to be mentioned is that you have told another (other) player(s) to edit his (their) game -> which is considered cheating. With other words you have told them to cheat.
      If these players decide to join the server and get a lifetime ban due to your cheats then you are responsible to ruining other people fun.
      If these players follow your advice but mess up something while editing and their game starts to crash then we could not even help these players since we can only give support to players which use the mod the way it was originally distributed. So... if they mess up based on your advice you are once again responsible for ruining other people fun.
      There are better ways than your way.
    • Probably I should mention that this place here (the SWAT Portal... and its subordinate websites and communities) also have rules.
      I hope you intend to follow them and dont give me a reason to act.

    Thank you in advance for undestanding these points and respecting them in future.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Just move the difficulty scale to God mode - That's pretty much it

    Maybe if he didn't spend 3 hours typing up his posts he would have found this setting on his own? Saved my ass plenty of times in SP.

    Regardless, instead of adding this, I'm going to launch and play some Single Player, in God Mode where I'm the invincible ship :P

    [RA] Revan

    [Republic Alliance]
    (click for system rules)
    A Galactic Smugglers Clan in a galaxy not far away!

    Edited once, last by Revan ().