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In this section are placed ships which are available for buy through the CCN on different locations. One of them** can be purchased only when player reach certain story part (after the news bulletin about it is released).
Light Fighters
Straith | 10 K | 288 | 45°/s | 3 | 2 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 2 | The Straith is the cheapest fighter available on the private market in the Tri-System. Because of its low cost, Straiths are flown only by the most desperate of men - those generally willing to do anything for a quick credit. Count Perrymore once hired three Straiths to interrupt his duel with Baron Conrad Velder. Lev Arris (Vel Ricaud) flew a Straith when he first became a privateer. One of the Tri-System's most famous pilots, Monk Skungous, also flies a Straith. |
Aurora | 34 K | 320 | 65°/s | 5 | 3 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 2 | The Aurora is a mid-range civilian light fighter that is frequently used by low-level mercenaries. Notably, Wilford Biologics hired a pair of Aurorae to defend shipments against Mutant Rights Activists. The Aurora also serves in a corporate role: Arl Shoeyer owned three Aurorae as executive transports. Local planetary governments often maintain individual Aurorae for service as escort leaders. Aurorae have seen less legitimate service, as well: Good Ol' Boys Haulage, a front for a pirate organisation, maintained an Aurora as part of its arsenal. |
Velacia | 20 K | 320 | 50°/s | 3 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | The Velacia is a mid-level light fighter available on the civilian market in the Tri-System. Velacias are flown primarily by independent operators, but some have found their way into pirate hands. Good Ol' Boys Haulage, a front for a pirate organisation, maintained an Velacia as part of its arsenal. Three of the Tri-System's most noteworthy pilots fly Velacias: Lazenby Simpson, Brad Califaryan and Ignatius Furorum. |
Duress | 60 K | 380 | 80°/s | 6 | 2 | 5 | 4 | 6 | 2 | The Duress is the most expensive light fighter available on the private market in the Tri-System. However, its strong shields and very small profile make it very hard to damage for any attacker and this way worth every credit. |
Drakkar | 90 K | 400 | 80°/s | 8 | 2 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 4 | The Drakkar is a top-of-the line light fighter (sometimes classed as a Medium) flown by independant operators. The Tri-System's top ace, Liston Sativa, flies the ship. Beyond that, a number of notable celebrities fly Drakkars. Tamessa Ames, daughter of Senator Ames of Janus IV, used the fighter as her personal transport. On the other end of the spectrum, Scorpio, the madman who held ransom and killed Senator Noram Blagger's daughter, flew a Drakkar. |
Medium Fighter
Shaman | 17 K | 320 | 50°/s | 5 | 3 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 2 | The Shaman is an inexpensive light fighter that is flown almost exclusively by independant operators. It is the fighter of choice for two of the Tri-System's most well known pilots: Eryl Barsteadly and Tallboy Rickardson. Blackhood, one of the terrorists who targeted the Schimell Medi-Corp's spacestation, also flew a Shaman. |
Jendevi | 45 K | 280 | 75°/s | 4 | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 3 | The Jendevi is a highly-rated and manouvreable, though slow, civilian light fighter. They are flown almost exclusively by independant operators. One of the Tri-System's most well known pilots, Cinquante Delores, flies a Jendevi. |
Skecis | 85 K | 360 | 70°/s | 3 | 6 | 5 | 5 | 4 | 4 | The Skecis is a mid-range medium fighter available on the civilian market in the Tri-System. The design was followed by the unusual Skecis MK II, which differs in many respects. While the Skecis MK II is not necessarily a superior fighter, its lower price tag makes it a more common design. The Good Time Gang, a group of smugglers, included a pair of Skecis in their operations. |
Skecis Mk II | 80 K | 360 | 65°/s | 5 | 4 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 3 | The Skecis MK II is an unusual followup to the Skecis design. It improves in areas where the Skecis was limited, such as missile loadout and shields, but cuts down on things the original did effectively, such as gun mounts and armour protection. As a result, the Skecis MK II actually retails for 5,000 credits less than its predecessor. Because of this, it is the more common ship among groups in the Tri-System. |
Kalrechi | 110 K | 360 | 75°/s | 5 | 6 | 4 | 6 | 4 | 4 | The Kalrechi is the most expensive medium fighter on the civilian market in the Tri-System. As such, they occupy an unpopular void between the more celebrated heavy Freij designs and the more cost-effective Skecis medium fighters. Two of the pilots who acted as seconds in the duel between Baron Conrad Velder and Count Perrymore, Monty Pride and Curtis Blatch, flew Kalrechis. One of the Tri-System's most well-known pilots, Iuste Suttilis, flies a Kalrechi. |
Heretic | 100 K | 428 | 65°/s | 6 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 4 | The Heretic is a high-end medium fighter available on the private market in the Tri-System. |
Heavy Fighters
Karnenan | 70 K | 360 | 65°/s | 3 | 6 | 4 | 5 | 5 | 4 | The Karnenan is a civilian heavy fighter flown by independant operators and low-level pirates. It is notable for being the least expensive heavy fighter on the Tri-System's private market. The Good Time Gang, a Hermes-based smuggling operation, flies a pair of the fighters. Good Ol' Boys Haulage, a front for a pirate organisation, maintained an Aurora as part of its arsenal. More respectably, one of the Tri-System's most experienced pilots, Paetas Sturge, flies a Karnenan. |
Icarus | 105 K | 412 | 65°/s | 5 | 4 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 4 | The Icarus is a mid-range civilian heavy fighter which is primarily flown by independant operators. Icarus' pilots run the gamut. On one side, one of the finest pilots in the Tri-System, Orpheus, flies an Icarus. On the other, Youri Halargin, a corporate spy, posed as Kraven Technologies' Kain Borman by flying one. The Icarus is also the fighter of choice for Pablo Donerkiel of the Tri-System League of Hunters. |
Freij | 180 K | 400 | 75°/s | 9 | 6 | 4 | 7 | 7 | 4 | The Freij is a high-end heavy fighter available on the private market in the Tri-System. The design was followed by the Freij MK II, a superior fighter design. |
Freij Mk II** | 200 K | 440 | 95°/s | 9 | 9 | 5 | 7 | 7 | 5 | The Freij MK II is an upgraded version of the Freij design, and is arguably the most capable civilian fighter marketed in the Tri-System. It is a development, by Ares Systems, of the Freij. |
Danrik | 250 K | 440 | 100°/s | 9 | 5 | 5 | 7 | 7 | 5 | The Danrik is the most expensive private fighter in the Tri-System. Danriks are popular in corporate and mercenary roles. Hugo Carmichael of Blessed Aquawine flies a Danrik. Danrik pilots can afford to be unscrupulous: a pair of Danrik once defended a transport carrying weapons to Karatikus against an attack planned by Lord Mike Vonx. Two members of the Tri-System League of Hunters fly Danriks: Aroon Stenbor and Philipe Rellem. |
Faldari | 160 K | 360 | 80°/s | 6 | 5 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 5 | The Faldari is a mid-range heavy fighter available on the private market in the Tri-System. The design was followed by the Faldari MK II, a significantly cost-reduced design. |
Faldari Mk II | 125 K | 360 | 90°/s | 6 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 6 | 4 | The Faldari MK II is a significantly cost-reduced variant of the ML03 Faldari civilian heavy fighter. For its size, it has an astonishingly small profile which makes it very hard to hit, while packing quite a punch with its four guns. In the eyes of many pilots, this more than compensates for the lower armour protection and single gun mount reduction compared to the ML03 and makes the MK II a successful and worthwhile alternative. |
Cargo ships
Cargo ships can be hired via CNN at the Bulletin Board section.
Gea Transit | 50 | 288 | 0 | 4 | 4 | 250 | 5 | The Gea Transit, or Gea Transport, is the lightest commercial freighter in the Tri-System. It is completely unarmed. Gea Transits have been in service since before 2779. The Gea Transit design has been followed by the Gea MK II. |
Gea Transit Mk II | 100 | 288 | 0 | 4 | 4 | 400 | 6 | The Gea MK II is an upgrade of the original Gea Transit design. The Gea MK II entered service before 2779. |
Ogan | 240 | 220 | 1 | 4 | 7 | 550 | 6 | The Ogan is a civilian medium transport design available on the civilian market in the Tri-System. The Ogan entered service before 2778. |
Ilia | 390 | 200 | 2 | 7 | 7 | 750 | 7 | The Ilia is an aging heavy transport available on the civilian market in the Tri-System. Ilia entered service before 2780, and by 2790 many are being phased out. A larger design, the Ilia Mk II, exists. |
Ilia Mk II | 630 | 200 | 2 | 7 | 7 | 900 | 8 | The Ilia MK II is an improved variant of the Ilia heavy freighter. Ilia MK II are available for hire on the civilian market in the Tri-System. |
Monolith | 920 | 140 | 3 | 7 | 10 | 1500 | 9 | The Monolith is the largest commercial transport available for hire in the Tri-System. Many are controlled by Universal Freight, and are hired out for specific purposes. |
NPCs (only)
Below posted ships can support you or be hostile, but all are piloted only by AI.
Military ships
Gea Transit | 50 | 288 | 0 | 4 | 4 | 250 | 5 | The Gea Transit, or Gea Transport, is the lightest commercial freighter in the Tri-System. It is completely unarmed. Gea Transits have been in service since before 2779. The Gea Transit design has been followed by the Gea MK II. |
Gea Transit Mk II | 100 | 288 | 0 | 4 | 4 | 400 | 6 | The Gea MK II is an upgrade of the original Gea Transit design. The Gea MK II entered service before 2779. |
Ogan | 240 | 220 | 1 | 4 | 7 | 550 | 6 | The Ogan is a civilian medium transport design available on the civilian market in the Tri-System. The Ogan entered service before 2778. |
Ilia | 390 | 200 | 2 | 7 | 7 | 750 | 7 | The Ilia is an aging heavy transport available on the civilian market in the Tri-System. Ilia entered service before 2780, and by 2790 many are being phased out. A larger design, the Ilia Mk II, exists. |
Ilia Mk II | 630 | 200 | 2 | 7 | 7 | 900 | 8 | The Ilia MK II is an improved variant of the Ilia heavy freighter. Ilia MK II are available for hire on the civilian market in the Tri-System. |
Monolith | 920 | 140 | 3 | 7 | 10 | 1500 | 9 | The Monolith is the largest commercial transport available for hire in the Tri-System. Many are controlled by Universal Freight, and are hired out for specific purposes. |
ML1b | 400 | 80°/s | 60 | Good | Poor | The ML1b, commonly known simply as the Military Light, is the military's standard light fighter. ML1Bs are among the finest light fighters in the Tri-System. They are deployed both en-mass for system patrols and launched from MCOS Carriers for specific point-defence operations. |
ML2b | 440 | 80°/s | 60 | Good | Good | The ML2b, more generally known as the Military Medium, is the Tri-System Military's middleweight starfighter. With at least six missile mounts, four Flux Beam MkII cannons, fine manouvreability and excellent speed, the ML2B is a serious threat to all enemies of law & order. |
ML3b | 320 | 60°/s | 60 | Good | Great | The ML3b, or Military Heavy, is the Tri-System Military's sledgehammer. Although five Stream Laser MkIIs and six missile mounts give it excellent striking power, its lack of speed and large profile make it a poor dogfighter. |
ML4X | 560 | 80°/s | 60 | Good | Good | The ML4X is one of the largest fighters in the Tri-System, and also one of the best. The "Extra-Heavy" can keep pace with a Jincilla Skull, turn with a Duress or Ashearer, and match an ML3B for firepower. Colonel Slade “Tex” Carver flew one of these distinctive ships. |
Military Destroyer | 240 | 10°/s | 48 | Outstanding | Outstandng | The Destroyer Ship ML4D ("Salvia") is the standard military destroyer of the CIS. They are the largest CIS capital ship routinely sent on space patrol, engaging the numerous pirate fighters which prey on hapless merchants. Their aggressiveness, firepower and ubiquity makes them a frequent target of coordinated pirate operations, and many Salvia have been captured. The ML4D carries a small fighter complement. |
Military Prototype | 160 | 2°/s | 48 | Awesome | Awesome | CCTb transports are the military’s primary bulk transporter – Previa shuttlecraft are also used for shipping individual personnel. An alternate version, designed specifically as a prison transport, also exists. Notable CCTbes include the CIS Orream. |
Military Carrier | 160 | 5°/s | 48 | Awesome | Awesine | The MCOS is the military’s heaviest carrier ship. Because of their status, military carriers are often the target of pirate groups – the CIS Whatley recently fell to one such operation. Notable Veldors include the CIS Zarkowsky, the CIS Patriot, the CIS Kaitlin, the CIS Katreed and the CIS Stryker. The Veldor is not related to the pirate fighter of the same name. |
Military Dreadnought | 120 | 1°/s | 48 | Awesome | Awesome | The MDRE "Yackard" is the standard military dreadnought design. CIS leader Shiela Nabakov travels aboard a Yackard-class ship. |
Military Transport | 120 | 1°/s | 48 | Outstanding | Awesome | CCTb transports are the military’s primary bulk transporter – Previa shuttlecraft are also used for shipping individual personnel. An alternate version, designed specifically as a prison transport, also exists. Notable CCTbes include the CIS Orream. |
Pirate Ships
Hostile ships with which you will need to fight.
Chirichan Demon | 280 | 70°/s | 56 | Poor | Poor | The Demon is the Chirichan pirate clan’s primary light fighter. They are extremely common in the Tri-System, and their modular, circuit-like design is exceedingly appropriate for the Tri-System’s only cybernetic pirate clan. Like all Chirichan fighters, the Demon is a serviceable design, but not the best in space. |
Chirichan Heron | 400 | 80°/s | 62 | Poor | Good | The Heron is the Chirichan pirate clan’s primary medium fighter. Statistically they are a stand up fighter which can hold their own against the average civilian counterpart. Visually, they are far more striking – their unusual hull is a strange reverse of the even stranger Veldor-class ship. |
Chirichan Testmos | 440 | 90°/s | 64 | Poor | Good | The Testmos is the Chirichan pirate clan’s primary heavy fighter. With their imposing yellow markings and unusual donut hull, Testmoses are one of the most feared pirate fighters in the Tri-System. In terms of pirate ships alone, they are decidedly inferior to the Ashearer-class, but are a step ahead of the Kiowan and Jincilla offerings. |
Chirichan Shuttle | 240 | 25°/s | 48 | Great | Great | The SH2a is the primary combat platform of the Chirichan pirate clan. SH2As are used for every type of operation: from average patrol, ordinary commerce and smuggling to direct attacks on Jincilla and military targets. The CIS maintains a SH2A, which it uses for covert operations. |
Chirichan Cruiser | 180 | 5°/s | 60 | Excellent | Excellent | The CR2b is the primary cruiser of the Chirichan pirate clan. Compared to the cruisers of the Kiowan and Papogod clans, the CR2B is especially rare. Like the Jincilla, the Chirichans prefer to keep their cruisers away from the standard shipping routes. Never the less, Colonel Slade “Tex” Carver managed to track down and destroy a pair of the ships during his highly publicized final mission. |
Jincilla Skull | 560 | 85°/s | 56 | Poor | Poor | The Skull is one of the deadliest pirate fighters in the Tri-System. Though only a light fighter, and weakly armed, it boasts a level of maneuverability feared by merchants and mercenaries alike - it is the finest fighter ship employed by the Jincilla pirate clan. Their speed makes them ideal for harassment, or as commerce raiders. However, the ship is most infamous for its unusual appearance, which the Jincilla are happy to play up whenever possible. |
Jincilla Tacon | 380 | 70°/s | 60 | Good | Good | The Tacon is the heavy weapons platform of the Jincilla pirate clan. They are visually similar to the military ML3b fighter, although they are significantly less well armed and armoured. |
Jincilla Veldor | 380 | 70°/s | 60 | Poor | Good | The Veldor is the standard medium fighter of the Jincilla pirate clan. They are deployed on specific missions and on an extensive series of anti-shipping patrols. The Veldor-class has what is easily the most unusual layout for a pirate ship, enhancing the already strange Heron design. The Veldor is not related to the military carrier of the same name. |
Jincilla Shuttle | 240 | 20°/s | 48 | Great | Great | The SH1a is the primary combat platform of the Jincilla pirate clan. SH1as often accompany Jincilla forces on anti-shipping raids, where they are used to collect cargo, and on straight up battles against Chirichan forces. They are also used for behind the scenes operationgs, where groups of shuttles form moving platforms which can be used for storing armaments and for conducting fighter refits. |
Jincilla Cruiser | 160 | 5°/s | 48 | Excellent | Excellent | The PR6a cruiser of the Jincilla pirate clan is the heaviest pirate cruiser in the Tri-System. It boasts more armor and more turrets than any of its contemporaries. It is also, by a significant margin, the fastest: the PR6a is the only pirate cruiser with an afterburner. It is also the least often seen: the Jincilla do not regularly deploy their cruisers for specific missions: they remain hidden as deep space command posts for most of the time. |
Kiowan Krell | 400 | 70°/s | 60 | Poor | Good | The Krell is the Kiowan pirate clan’s heaviest fighter. While the Krell’s gull wing design is imposing, it is easily the lowest quality pirate heavy fighter in the Tri-System. Facing Ashearers or Tacons, the Krell comes in a distant fourth. Because of this, it is more rarely dispatched on traditional missions than the fighters of the other groups… but it is more common on patrols. |
Kiowan Leighat | 400 | 75°/s | 60 | Poor | Poor | Leighats are decidedly the Tri-System’s inferior medium fighter. Produced by the Kiowan pirate clan, these fighters are neither much to look at nor much of a threat. Aging Leighat fighters are the clan’s most common platform for complex mission assignments, but they rarely see much success except when deployed in large numbers. |
Kiowan Vector | 360 | 70°/s | 64 | Good | Poor | The Vector is the standard light fighter of the Kiowan pirate clan. It is one of the most common light fighters in the Tri-System, and is also the least effective. Kiowan design ethic shies away from quality fighters, and instead focuses on building masses of inferior ships. The Vector follows this design philosophy to a T. |
Kiowan Shuttle | 240 | 20°/s | 48 | Great | Great | The SH1b is the Kiowa pirate clan’s secondary combat platform, and also their primary support craft. SH1bs are used for smuggling, fighter support, cargo collecting and other tedious but important goals. |
Kiowan Cruiser | 120 | 5°/s | 60 | Excellent | Excellent | The CR2a ties the heavier PR6a in terms of number of guns, making it the second most effective pirate cruiser in the Tri-System. The Kiowan pirate clan uses the CR2A for many missions. CR2Aes serve together in greater numbers than any other pirate capital ship: during one operation against Davis & Co. Arms & Supplies, five of the ships worked in tandem. Because of the close relationship between Kiowans and the Kindred, Kiowa are often dispatched in important assassination missions: a pair was deployed to kill Rhinehart, and four were sent to silence Ronula Smitts. Their primary service, however, is in the clan’s ongoing conflict with the Papogods. Following an abortive peace talk, a single Papogod cruiser engaged a pair of CR2Aes. It managed to destroy one before it was felled by the Peltier XVI. The Kiowan clan officially classifies the ships as carriers due to their ability to launch fighters. |
Kindred Blade | 480 | 95°/s | 64 | Good | Good | The Blade is the Kindred’s signature fighter. Blades are used for the most important, most dangerous and most illegal missions in the Tri-System. They are particularly common when the Kindred is interested in performing a high level assassination – their extensive weapons array allows them to engage multiple target spheres in a single operation. Because of the threat now faced by the Kindred, the military offers a double bounty for destroying Blades. Blades are typically armed with a quartet of Mass Ion Cannons, giving them short-range, but significant, firepower. |
Kindred Vendetta | 380 | 90°/s | 64 | Good | Good | The Vendetta is the primary light fighter of the Kindred. They are often used to escort the heavier, more valuable Blade-class fighters during Kindred operations. Because the Kindred does not field a medium fighter of any sort, Vendetta are often used in roles that traditionally require a higher classification of ship. Because of the threat now faced by the Kindred, the military offers a double bounty for destroying Vendettas. Although relatively fast and manoeuvrable, its large profile is a vulnerability. |
Papogod Ashearer | 480 | 80°/s | 60 | Poor | Good | Kindred fighters aside, the Ashearer is the finest pirate fighter in the Tri-System. It is the standard bearing heavy fighter of the Papogod clan, and it is as well-armed and armoured as any high-level private ship. Ashearers often work alongside Ecantona on assignments. The Ashearer puts its counterparts, the Tacon, Testmos and Krell, to shame. |
Papogod Ecantona | 400 | 70°/s | 64 | Poor | Good | The Ecantona is second only to the Ashearer as pirate fighters are measured. The Ecantona is the medium fighter of the Papogod clan. Ecantona and Ashearers are often deployed together, as they both resemble complex civilian fighters more than they do the average pirate fighter. |
Papogod Tembler | 408 | 75°/s | 60 | Poor | Good | The Tembler is the light fighter of the Papogod. While it is decidedly less impressive than the Ecantona and the Ashearer, the design legacy of those heavier ships is clear with the Tembler, which is probably the most impressive pirate light fighter in history. |
Papogod Shuttle | 300 | 25°/s | 48 | Great | Great | The SH2b is a secondary capital platform for the Papogod clan. SH2Bs are used for smuggling, commerce, fighter support and close fire missions. A variant of the SH2B, first deployed in 2790, mounts a giant emitter weapon on the shuttle. This weapon is capable of disabling the largest enemy starships. |
Papogod Cruiser | 160 | 5°/s | 60 | Excellent | Excellent | The PR06 is the second most common pirate cruiser in the Tri-System. Belonging to the Papogod clan, the PR06 is their first-line weapon in the ceaseless bloody conflict with the Kiowans. Following an abortive peace talk session, a single PR06 engaged a pair of heavier Kiowas, destroying one and damaging the other before falling itself. PR06es also see extensive service against military targets – more so than any other pirate capital ship. In 2790 the Papogods began a campaign to destroy as many military carriers as possible. |