After I did changes in my controllers setup, I spent some time in training missions just to be sure that there is at least some basic coordination. It have helped to lower risks in open space, especially when was needed during silent running in a hurry to pass through base's mail-slot ... hit to the stations wall due misclick can be quite costly at times. After I finished few delivery missions arrived message from Moorhuhn with offer to pay a visit the Combat Zone (CZ). When he arrived, we have chosen to try first several fights Cobra vs DBS, where was Moorhuhn clearly better ... but it were mine first PvP on ED and it was for me a good experience. After I have repaired my slightly damaged ship, we moved to system where were confirmed CZs. It was Eravate system and before we arrived there, we have used travel time for testing the wings functions. I was first in lead and Moorhuhn followed me easily, then we have changed roles and I had first opportunity to learn, how to follow someone in wing ... it may need practice for smooth progress.There was also nicely demonstrated that it is a huge difference if you have jump range 13 or 20+ ly.
After some time I said for yourself enough and we have left CZ, and headed to the closest base. It was not bad result in "$" and also my combat rank climbed up by one level . Once I have safely dock, I has opened the communication window and was relaxing while chatting. Moorhuhn has asked if we go for another round, but I refused, it was enough for me for this day (at least I thought so
). I started check through Bulletin Boards (BBs) for some decent smugglers runs offers but at that time on places where I was, was not offered something "interesting". Then I saw one mission where they asked for destroying three pirate ships, and decided go for it. I jumped to mission system and started search for zones (RES, USS, ...) where could be expected some pirates. It was second or third "stop" when I was, suddenly and without any warning, attacked by four attackers and lost shields and 30% hull in a very few seconds. I first thought (I was sure in that moment) that it were "murderers" (... players which like killing others players just for fun), but later when I had more time thought about it again I was not sure whether icons, which I saw on radar, were outlined (= players) or solid (= NPCs). I was able escape this ambush with 50% of hull (military grade alloys proved theirs worth, bcs I would be dead just on this ambush start without it) and did full repairs on one from outposts in this system. After this I continued with searching "targets" more cautiously and did two mission kills easily. Then I entered SC and continued with search when suddenly came interdiction on me (I rly should watch more radar also when in SC
). It was pirate in Cobra_ which successfully interdicted me and had better fight start, but in the end I took off him down and made final third mission kill. I returned to base where I accepted mission (and get some nice $ also for bounties) and found there interesting offer (180k) for mining. Well, why do not try it ...
First I checked mining guide article and did basic shopping when purchased one mining laser and basic refinery. I have thought also about collector limpets, but bcs I had no idea how it work (mining) I thought that it is not worth it for only one mission where they demanded "only" 2 units of Osmium (... it was ofc wrong thought and through it were a good lessons learned ). You need first know or search for system which have planets with metallic rings (preferably pristine) and go there. In my case I was not able find anything with quick search, so I went 80 ly (which is normally only short travel if you use A grade FSD) and first time saw how it looks on real mining site (RES). There can be quite high NPCs traffic and you can meet there also real players pirates, or other miners, if is that site "known" and frequently used. It was good experience, as I had no idea how it works in detail. You will fire mining laser into asteroid and it will give you chunks which composition is variable (for each asteroid it is different) and they have only % for one mineable commodity unit (progress and collected minerals are in right HUD panel). As example: for mine 1 unit of Osmium you need to mine 10 (variable amount) chunks, and each this chunk manually collect ... something what collector drones should do for you "automatically". In the end I spent in RES site much more time as expected but it gave to me also another lesson about ED space perspective. Space in ED is HUGE and looks very empty ... before you get close to locations like RES where is shown how nice and detailed views you can have in ED space. Once I was close to the two very near rotating asteroids and I had very real feeling that my ship will be wrinkled into metal plate when I will not move very carefully there. Add to this the need to constantly watch what is going around, like when appeared pirate Python and I quickly boosted away, and you can have alot fun also when do mining. Ofc it is going much better when you are properly prepared for such activity ... which was another lesson about how ED space works. You can do many things, but if you want to do them effective, then you should first properly equip your ship. And because you will not lose anything when purchase/sell equipment you can use the same ship and change equip how many times you want and do what you have mood for. Multipurpose ships it looks will be my favourites.
After I finished with mining and has delivered required goods to my employer, I had finally luck for the smugglers missions offered at BB and immediately accepted all of them. First it was very smooth going and I was pretty sure that my stealth skills are good enough to easily avoid scanning, till ... till the system security vessel pulled me two times in row from SC and I got nice fine, which had to be paid on local office. It was a fun, ED space once again confirmed that is dangerous and also "easy" travel can be really surprising ...