Forlon's fly log 0004 - Elite Dangerous: adrenaline & experience

Run for life ...

I had more free time, so decided to gain more experience in mining and was lucky on BB missions with interesting payments ... three places with 6 missions and more as 1M$ for very few units of Painite and Platinum. This time I did preparations and purchased 2B Refinery (

... it have decent amount of Refinery bins - 5 and is still cheap

), 3A Collectors limpets controller which give decent operation range and mainly long duration for limpets (

... the best controller which you can put on Cobra_Mk3

), Prospector limpet controller (

... in real is not worth to buy it ... please check a comment below article!

) and cargo filled with limpets. I visited more places with asteroids, which needed allot time, but was not able find the above mentioned requested commodities ... then I have re-read all what we had here posted about mining and one post below which have nice "list " with systems containing PRISTINE mining sites.

Njikan system
I chose one system with the pristine planetary ring, which was not far from my position ( ... 100 ly is not far!

) and which had also station with possibility to rearm (... rearm = place where you can refill limpets). I arrived to system and in super-cruise (SC) flew to that planet with ring. When was closer I saw on HUD place called Hazardous RES (H-RES) which was exactly what was needed! Mining on such places may (... it will) give you few Painite/Platinum units quite fast: Chose a vector where you will see few asteroids in "line" and fire on the closest one a mining laser, check mined chunk for content, then quickly move to another one etc. (

... alternative is fire at asteroid prospector drone, but it will take you one additional utility slot and you will consume 1 limpet for each one "scanned" asteroid = aiming limpet, which breached into asteroid, will display what is inside and will provide also info about asteroid minerals depletion

). Both ways can be done quite fast, and if you have more asteroids in line, you can quickly "scan" them and find these with requested commodities. Mining with the collector limpets is really a walk in park, fire mining laser on asteroid, and release 1-2 collector limpets. Limpets are small and very fast robots which will go automatically for mined asteroid chunks and fill them into refinery. It is a fast process and you will have fulfilled mission goals in few minutes. For those who may think that it is boring ... please continue with reading.

I mined my third asteroid when in my area appeared pirate in Vulture. He was quite stubborn with wanting my cargo and I was no less stubborn with wanting to keep it and kill this cheeky NPC. My ship was seriously damaged, but the pirate's situation was still worse and worse and I was close to win. But then was my ship's canopy breached ... sudden silence, with combination with timer showing only very few minutes to oxygen depletion, were a very clear signs that this fight is not the one, where I can be the winner :evil: ... I boosted away and as fast as it was possible flew in SC to station. I need to tell you that time was going down pretty fast, and NPC which successfully interdicted me close to the station, did not do things better. I escaped and finally arrived to destination, but left SC on the wrong station side. Great, remained circa 120 seconds so there was not any time to waste ... I moved around station with assist off and turned ship 180°, then assist on and quickly headed to the station mail-slot. Was almost in it and wanted slow down when instead press key for reduce speed I used boost and hit the wall station! ... with some miracle I passed into station with timer showing 40 seconds, but the ship shield was inactive (

active shield saved my ship when I had hit the wall station, but with that was depleted

). Adrenaline was rising quickly up when I headed to designated landing pad. Now was really needed ONLY little slow down and release landing gear ... but instead I again mistakenly pressed boost ... aaaaaaaaaaaaand, my ship for a second time hit the wall station, flames were burning all around and was displayed "insurance screen". I needed leave my chair quite fast because adrenaline in my blood was strongly boiling ... mining is boring ehh?

Mining in H-RES with escort...
In that time arrived in space Moorhuhn and offered a help, which I gladly accepted. We went to H-RES again and in a time, which I needed for mining, he cleaned surrounding area from pirates and have collected nice bounties. ... If you can, find for yourself at least one wingman and do things together. It is not only more fun, but it will also significantly improve yours chances for a success in all activities. When was mining finished and cargo delivered, I re-equipped my ship and we flew to system with community goal where was requested the area cleaning from pirates. It were good fights there and also new experience for me because I used, for first time, the fixed guns on my ship. Travel in ED space will be continued ...

Comments 1

  • There is one very interesting info about Prospector limpets, which I did not know when I wrote this article. Thing is, that when is asteroid "scanned" with prospector limpet, you can mine from it significantly more chunks. This mean that if you will find a rock which contain the wanted commodity (using simple fire on it and mine from it only one chunk), then fire prospecor limpet and after continue mining with mining lasers and collect with collector limpets, you will do mining a very effective. Info about this was taken from:…ctor_limpet_buff_14_beta/