Forlon's fly log 0008 - Elite Dangerous: Wing & Not enough time to do all what I want

Can be a wing meeting ...

As a wing member I suddenly realised that ED space offers much more activities as I have ever imagined before. For understanding how it can be possible, could be good have first better idea what it is a "Wing" and what it is so called "Background simulation" (BGS) in ED space. As basic can be said that wing is a group of players which have something common (is not defined what) and decided to fly under the same flag. Here can be at distance used comparison with Freelancer/Crossfire clans but when you will go closer, you will see that there can be (are) quite big differences. One from main differences can be possibility use different mods for play ED (solo, private group, open) which all use the same galaxy. These modes limit players direct interaction with other players, but there is that word "direct" ... thing is, that also "solo" player influences a space around him, and therefore (through that) he can become part of something bigger. Bigger wings consist from hundreds (thousands) of commanders, and these with more open-minded leading do not limits which play-modes can be used by theirs commanders. For myself I prefer (strictly) open play, but now I slowly started to understand that for wing can have a "open-minded" leading many different benefits.

List of Minor Factions in system - right HUD panel ...
This can be seen as best in situation, when wing have newly added (or support already existing) minor faction which are basic part for BGS. Minor factions are NPC factions present in Star Systems, they own stations in systems and players have a reputation with each of them. Reputation can be influenced in many ways including trading, doing missions, delivering exploration data etc. and have direct impact on minor faction INFLUENCE in given system. The minor faction that controls the controlling station in a system (usually have the highest influence) rules that system. Can be good to add, that minor factions can under certain circumstances expand to other systems ... and eventually become a "Power" with special bonuses, items ... but this is really a long-term goal, which no one reached yet. However there was officially given info in 1/2016, that some from minor factions (supported by players), which already expanded to more as 20 systems, can have such option in the close future. How this all can have effect on "what to do?" ... this can be difficult to explain in detail, but maybe next example can help understand how it works. Lets take basic trading for commodities from A to B and back. You can search for good trade only because want moneys for new ship or equipment, OR you want trade to certain station owned by certain minor faction to rise this faction influence in given system -> GOAL can be to rise this faction influence, because you want initiate war between your minor faction and faction owning base. War status between factions is solved in Combat zones and wining faction will acquire control over a station. Commanders then can be involved in combat zones in all three above mentioned modes and all can help to rise influence for "theirs" faction. In fact conflict can then rage not only in "open", when commanders can attack each other directly in PvP but also "hidden" in private group or solo plays (mostly PvE). Similar way (influence change) can be applied for explorers. Deliver big amount of data to chosen station can significantly improve influence (in system) for faction which controls station at moment of data delivery. All this above can be used not only for helping "your" minor faction, but also in conflicts with another wings supporting theirs factions.

Returning from mining mission for wing minor faction ...
And here had started my thinking which ships I need, what activities I want support, how I can help with my wing short & long-term goals and how quickly I want build my personal fleet. So far I have fully equipped three ships - ASP, FAS and Sidewinder (silent with rails) which covers combat, fun (for Sidewinder its internal wing event) and quick long-ranges move through the "Bubble". For support trade (included mining) I have purchased Python which still need more money to be fully equipped (circa 100M), but also in current state is able to do good job. With this fleet I can fully choice what I want to do, starting with trading, mining, "rares" goods hauling, doing missions, but also do armed patrol for traders (PvP), go for independent search for "bad" guys, ask for PvP training or simply for fun explore and visit planets surfaces. This all in combination creates wide spectrum of activities which all have purpose/goal or how you want name it. My play time usually ends with thoughts that I want to have at least twice as much time for do more as I was able do so.

Comments 1

  • Short addition: depending on government of minor factions, not necessarily a civil war results when two leading factions have around same level of influence. It can come to elections, too. In that case, you have to support your faction gaining as much influence as possible or undermining the other faction to loose influence during the time of election...