Martind Forlon’s Blog

Blog Articles Tagged with “Elite Dangerous: Horizons”

    Neverending Travel ...

    Elite Dangerous play can be seen as never-ending travel, where exists more ways (mechanisms) how player can influence space around him. One from more "advanced" mechanisms is called PowerPlay (PP), which many see and calls as buggy, grindy, unfinished and uninteresting ... but ... yes, BUT, this is it. It's now almost one year when I started play ED and except two last weeks I decided fully ignore PP because I read countless criticism about it. Now, with only two weeks involvement, I quite significantly changed/updated my views. Why?

    I maybe should start from a little another angle to explain better my views. At my start in ED space I needed learn how to fly my ship(s), how to travel, how to fight (PvE fight in the video to the left), how to build and maintain my fleet, how to ... (many things). Then I get involved deeper into minor (local) factions background simulation (BGS) and learned what it can offer for me. It also helped (slowly) understand that single player in ED space…

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    Jadimo system, Grzimek Dock medical facility 3302/01/16.

    Jadimo system, Grzimek Dock medical facility 3302/01/16
    Inside a cryogenic medical tank is hovering a man without a move. Doctor is checking outputs coming from the status monitor and reads medical report containing informations about deep burns, wounds and cracked bones. Brain activity is rising, is need to apply more inhibitors, too early for wake-up.

    "... who I'm ... where I'm? ... what happened? ..." mind was fading -out and -in and then ... "What you want to do? It is only a few hours since was Your escape pod rescued from Arawere deep space and not too long after this again, this time from space around this station! People from local security were asking many questions, and local unofficial FEDs office was too interested!" My good old friend arrived as fast as he was able to, once he heard about my troubles and now was sitting in the chair beside my bed. "I will be OK, what I need to know now is, if he is still around!" He was looking on me with deep disbelief ... "You must

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    On horizon ...

    Horizons, with this new ED season have a lot changed for me. As first ... there are many new places for visit (with countless very nice sceneries), very entertaining flights in low altitude, possibility to leave ship and use SRV (vehicle), and also new mission types and theirs combinations between space and the planets surfaces ... all this multiply possibilities how to have fun. You can spent few hours in Combat zone (CZ), hunt bounties or trade/smuggle and want/need relax, then visit some airless planet/moon and fly at high speed only a few meters above surface in deep canyon, or you can visit some from fortified settlements and tease their air defence, or you can support yours mate which is in his SRV on the surface after he in a hurry leaving guarded settlement after successful infiltration.

    Meeting on planet surface ...
    Horizons came not only with new in-game stuff, but there was also global system change from 32 to 64bit. I need to say that for me is ED on 64bit working much smoother as it was before, fps

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