Search Results

Search results 1-8 of 8.

  • (Quote from SWAT_OP-R8R) I would venture that the reason that people did not report the dervon gun harvesting was that they did not think it was a bug or an exploit. Personally I thought it was a new way to make money you had introduced in 1.8. Especially since you had to voluntarily choose to give them a high value. So please do not hold that fact against the players, there was no way to know that was no intended.
  • Could it be possible to switch the economy manually to another day without activating the dynamic economy? Maybe we will get lucky and it will be a day with more opportunities.
  • All the alien guns are very fragile and can be destroyed after only one or 2 heavy fights. Could their ''hit point'' , for a lack of better term, be increased to be in the same region as other guns of similar power?
  • To solve the problem with people mounting 2 standard RP licenses: Currently licenses mounting point are class 8 if I'm not mistaken. Would it be possible to modify the standard RP licenses to be class 10 and modify one of the mounting point to only accept class 10 licenses? That way only one slot could be occupied by a cop, merc, smuggler or pirate license. Theoretical with this system people could still mount 2 ASF/CSF licenses but I think people wouldn't make that mistake. mounting points:1 l…
  • If possible, move SMG's banner in hiruga so that it is visible when you jump in. Currently you can't see it unlesss you turn around to search for it.
  • In the past there was a strict ban on keeping stores and and ships in NY that was enforced by the SPs. As long as NY is a protected system, keeping ships secure there is not sporting. And it's preventing RP.
  • And I have seen somebody with a kusary destroyer with huge caship turrets that completely obscured the ship. I do not remember what was their name
  • More like an old one