Posts by SilverFox

    Hi all.

    When you click then Donate button to go the PAYPAL site, PAYPAL is in German !?
    Did I click the wrong button or has anyone really tried this ? ?

    It is not fair that only members who can read and understand German can DONATE - imo.

    @PAYPAL I just registraded a creditcard (my own) for payments. It is safe place to do that, i hope.

    PS. Nothing comes from nothing.

    My video card is rating FL/CF as good - sometimes it look like a puppet theater (2-3 layers).
    My setup is a EVGA Geforce GTX 580 (still rather expensive), Nvidia 3D Vision glasses kit and a LG W2363D monitor (120 hz 3D-ready).

    CF spaces have the best graphics and I can recommend to try it out. I expect CF 1.9 to be better, as graphics are upgraded (as I read it)
    I think that (SP) exploring is better visual and "dog fighting" is a lot harder (I don't play MP).

    Has anyone tried this ?
    Are there any settings recommended ? I have some problems with bright white light and depth adjustment. Tried to set Gamma lower.
    Maybe I can use another colour scheme.
    Yes I know this is not a 3D development - With some adjustments it maybe worth to try.