Posts by ole

    ^^ yeah it was me.. i remember a big explosion of your ship short after you didnt want to pay; just the best spot to tax ;D
    my hint to anyone who meets me there: just pay, i have no mercy and you and your guns will end in a huge explosion.. this isnt efficent for me nor you ;)
    but as you said forlon more fun for me xD

    Raven: hehe, youre the one person who knows best.. got about 50% (100) of my deaths from you and wonko :D
    until i finally got to kill you^^ ty 4 the training =)

    in that case.. if theyre are any "mafiacops" which are interested in my offer, pm me ;).
    id also accept counteroffers, if theyre worth it.
    but like i said before.. if youre just one person forget it :D.

    due the fact theyre arent the best fighters, i guess especially UR and SA could need it^^.

    but if there arent police clans who want theyre personal, freelancing, butt-kicking pirate i dont mind.
    i just wanted to make the game more interesting for me and less frustrating for em. =)

    hehe.. well im sure im a pirate, but i have a little pitty with the cops as theyre always losing ;)
    also i like a good fight and most cops which are active on the server arent able to offer that.

    remembering the gouvernment-protected privateers of the 17 century (which were pirates) i made this offer.

    maybe ill make a new char then with a merc license, thanks for the hint :).

    Dear cops,

    ive been on the server for a copple of weeks now. My mainchars name is Olee, i guess some of you have met me online already. what ive seen is that you are manly loosing against too many or too good enemies.
    Well im a pretty good fighter and id like to join asf and support you in those fights, but im a pirate and want to keep this rp-status.

    So my offer is, that ill help you in your battles against other pirates and mercs. That would mean when im on the server and cops get in trouble with other players they can call me and ill help. Also i wont tax or kill any police member. This non-taxing counts for all systems exclusive Utopia.

    The only thing i want in exchange is that the police doesnt interfere with my other pirate buisness.

    This offer is directed to all police clans. I wont do this job for only 1 clan.

    Let me know if youre interested.

    Yours sincerly,


    what about a huge yellow warning sign just next to the server rules? everybody would look there when theyre starting..

    i mean really huge, the brightest yellow you got and in 8 different languages ;-) i guess everybody would read it then ^^

    hmm.. if the issue is so essentiell, that the server crashes if youre doing it wrong, why isnt there a bigger warning everybody clearly sees?


    im playing cf a copple of weeks now. i really enjoy playing this mod, but theres one thing that pisses me off. the server crashes very often, cause people dont know about the problem if they dont start the game with the launcher and dont restart it after a crash...

    if got to know this 1 week after i started playing, so i kept crashing the server myself all the time. my friends and i are trying to tell it to all the ppl which are even newer than me on the server, but if you told it to everyone theres a new one who crashes the server.
    Thats really annoying if youre farming ancient weaps or if youre travelling.

    Cant there be a warning for all the new ppl somewhere, so everybody knows and the server wont keep crashing, maybe a sign if you start in NY or smth?
    would be awesome.
