Posts by sagajr78

    Thanks for the answer Michael!

    I restarted this mission and wait several minutes at the same spot. But this time when I go closer (to 10 K range) the station activate its devastating armament and destroyed all Coalition fighters (fortunately its not shoot me, maybe because I use the afterburner to breach the 10 K range and perform a quick turn back and go away). After the fighter's destruction I got a message to flee from this system.

    On the 25th mission (when I go to the large gun station in the Sovietskaya system) the coalition attacked only Juni and she attacks them. I just don't know why they attacks each other when we had neutral status. That is why I ask about this situation. It doesn't affect the mission.


    What should happen in mission 27 new Worlds at the Menton system where the mission says, we must wait for the return of the Coalition Commander?

    I wait there about 15 minutes but nothing happened. I see my coalition wingmen fly toward the hipergate and I see them as they shoot the gate without response. After 15 minutes I decide to go closer. When I get closer than 10 units, the station kill the coalition forces and me at the same time (in a frighteningly effective way). When I stay away from the dead zone the coalition fighters shoot the gate, but the gate not shoot them.

    Oh and another question if you don't mind. During the 25th mission when we (together ewith Juni) go to the Coalition systems, Juni is always attack (and attacked by) the Coalition Forces. Its a little annoying to see their fight because Juni is indestructible. On the next mission (where we go to the Coalition HQ) no more fights between the Coalition and Juni. Is this normal?

    Thank you guys!

    My problem solved (I just need to suffer a little more damage).

    I try so hard to avoid any hull damage (dodge and strafe like a maniac and as soon as my ship take any damage I press the "repair" buttons), that I couldn't take enough to trigger Juni's retreat order. :patsch:

    Please accept my deepest apology for being robbed your precious time for such a trivial problem (caused by my inadvertence).


    I didn't modify the difficult scale. How can I open the Spoiler tag? I click on it but still cannot see the hidden text.

    Just played again this mission form an earlier save (the train escort mission from the Hood to the Order station), finish that and do the Coalition mission (begin it from the Order's Mars base, fly to the new sector, avoid the fighting against the nomad patrols and their task force, then go through the jump gates to the Coalition system). We finish the incoming Coalition forces (9 fighters, 3 gunboats, 2 destroyers one cruiser; for the first time all my wingman survived the battle :thumbsup: ) but nothing changed. The game still say the same (approaching Coalition forces) and I cannot use the jump gate (docking not allowed).


    Thanks for the reply SWAT_OP-R8R. Actually I reload and restart this mission eight times before asking for help (I use the save created by the mod, not the autosave), but the result is always the same. The mission get stuck. :(


    Currently I play the new single player missions and aside some minor defects (restarting the mission form its save always correct the minor problems), have not met any problem. But now, I think I found a possible bug in this fantastic mod.

    Am I miss something or is this a bug?

    Any help will be appreciated.

    Hello Everyone!

    First and foremost, the Crossfire 1.8 is fantastic. I play this mod since it released and enjoyed every minute of it. But now I am stuck and need some help.

    I go through many quest till I arrive to the new area (Inner Core).

    My question is: HOW can I help those guys who need my assistance in the new area? What they need? Because I cannot find anything about their request (and quest). No hints, no nothing. ?(
    Am I miss something important?

    Oh and another question: May I buy somewhere those new ASF/CSF fighter/cruiser/battleships patrolling the X-3043 system?