Posts by DarkOmen

    This isn't fair i have yet to meet you Vanessa!

    Your rp posts were very inspiring and entertaining to me i really hope you will be back someday

    Be safe and take care of yourself!

    First I want to say I feel worried about the current situation.

    I know Im a new player here, but i regularly check the forums, Im online as much as I can, and I believe Im observant enough to state some opinions on this situation.

    I have played many games online on many different servers/shards for years. I dont want to write very long so Ill cut it short.

    I think the most serious problem is the lack of enforcement. There are rules, that are neither loose nor oppressive, but they are not enforced. For this problem my opinion is to check when there are most online players and try to have Serverpolice online at those times. Maybe a shift to have at least one SP online at those times? I agree to both PipeHitter and Michael here, adequate punishment for offending and disrespecting players.

    As some players stated in their posts, we should organize some more entertaining stuff to keep people distracted and have good time at the server.

    I dont know if I will be explaining this one properly. In every game most players try to be the best, I mean have the best equipment, own the best ship, having the best statistics on the server etc. Here everyone has the best stuff, did all the quests, explored everywhere. All that could be done is done (for the gameplay part). I think the best motivation for players is (after having good and close friendships), to try to reach something that is hard to achieve. Like a very rare ship that needs you to pass through a very crowded difficult hostile space to get. Maybe making the best statistics in a perspective in the server a month and be awarded with something unique ( like a PPC but has green firing color, stats would be the same, just an example). Just to make the player feel that he accomplished a task and was rewarded with something that only belongs to him.

    Last thing is similar to the previous. An objective can be made available. To accomplish this mission, players would have to unite and play together. Like that example I gave before. An objective that it doesnt matter if you are a cop, a pirate, a merc, a smuggler or a freelancer. The only requirement is that you are a member of this community and want to achieve a goal that needs teamplay. It would boost the feeling of being a member of the community I believe.

    Before finishing my words, I want to say that the way I see the private servers is, we are all guests in here. That means we should remember this fact every time we do something. If we think this way I think most of the issues can be solved before they even begin. Im not trying to say we should obey everything staff says or they are gods and we are vassals. It should be something mutual.

    Finally I want to say I dont mean to disrespect anyone. These are just my opinions about this issue.

    Thanks for being patient and reading,


    In my opinion missiles and CM's should not be allowed, just for the pure fun of gun fighting.

    About armor.. I think they shouldn't be allowed at all, instead of checking each participant if they have or not and supplying armor to the ones who don't own it.

    It's the lack of hi-tech and powerful stuff that would make this competition fun. For both older and newer players.

    Note: Armor could be a prize of the event perhaps?

    Thanks for the guide mate :)

    I think i did the things exactly the same way you described. Maybe i missed a point at the first time i reached there i don't know.

    I never obtained them with this char,

    I attacked it immediately after a restart no one was around, hull dropped to zero and attacked afterwards a little more to be sure,

    Switched the radar to show all, tried to beam anything by pressing "B" thinking maybe it doesn't show on radar, and flew around the whole station pressing "B" in the meantime to be sure i didn't miss it.

    I'll try it one or two more times but i lost the hope of getting them with this char i have been trying for almost a week :(

    Edit : Now that i know it's forbidden i'll leave lost paradise before logging off.

    Thanks for the quick reply Crysis.

    I never obtained DKA's from deva before this will be my first time. And i can't seem to get them in any way. Any other suggestions?

    I have been having the same problems - been trying to get DKA's from deva for days but nothing so far. System restarts had no effect either (this includes the 8 am GMT restart too). I stay close to the spot where the weps would spawn so i don't think missing them because i can't see them would be the case here. I shoot the base with 4 PPC's nonstop till it's hull drops to zero. I even kept on attacking after it dropped to zero. Still nothing.

    What should i do now? Should i forget getting weapons with this char or is there something else that can be done?

    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    <a href=""><img src="" border="0"></a></td></tr><tr><td align="center">

    Thanks for all the replies. Seriously i never intended for a theft, but it seems what i did is considered a "polite" thievery :). I just didn't want to have a bad reputation from the start. but now i see thievery is considered as a RP act not something forbidden by game rules.(which is actually cool)

    Bond : I doubt anyone "allows" theft in their system. :)

    After reading a second time yeah, i agree it is too polite. but i really felt sorry about it that time. Like i said i wouldn't want a bad rep from start.

    And thank you for all your support. Hope to see ya in space!



    First i would like to say hi to everyone in this community. I used to play freelancer a lot when it was first released but never thought there would be a mod that would make me play this game ever again. Last week while i was checking moddb for mods of another game i stumbled upon Crossfire mod. The screenshots were very tempting and i was amazed by the effort put in the mod. So i decided to give it a try... and now i can't seem to stop playing it when i have the time.

    I am trying to get used to things around here since there are lots of rules and details one should learn in order to play properly. Because of that i am checkin the forums regularly to avoid missing any.

    Today though i made a mistake. I saw at forums that certain systems are owned by certain clans. While i was exploring around (alot of exploring that is, i love it), i stumbled upon a gate called Hiruga. Somehow it sounded familiar so i decided to check back the forums for it. I saw that it has a maze in itself which is quite tricky to solve so that some players spent hours to get out. And i also found out that it belongs to SMG. I waited a while for any of SMG members to be online, but after long waiting still there was none. So i thought it would be ok to enter since i think i read someplace some clans allow access to their systems when none of them is online.

    So, i lost to my curiousity and decided to get in there. The thing is, the maze was great. I love solving puzzles of that kind. Took me like 1.5 hours to solve it but i almost solved the way out.

    While i was working on it, Diablo logged in and told me i was in forbidden space so that i should leave immediately. I said of course. And i cursed myself at that time. I shouldn't have come at the first place but couldn't help it. I told him i was very sorry about it and said i'll leave.

    He put a bounty on me and i also agreed to pay him for a shield i bought from there. I felt very guilty about what i have done, i had put myself in a position of a thief. I feel very ashamed of that. I honestly didn't mean to steal anything.

    So, i apologize for what i have done. There is no one to blame for my mistake, i should have known better. I couldn't help my curiousity. I am really sorry.

    I hope my apology will be accepted. If necessary, i will give the shield back to a member of SMG. I just want to be friends with everyone, since we are all trying to have some fun and good time here.

    Thanks for reading,
