Posts by Republic_Owner

    His personal one? xD

    No chance to get one of those!

    I'll just check the arena, hopefully there are some Crossfire ships with much hull and shield

    (one question though, why are there so less planets and stations which sell crossfire ships???)


    Hey, i have a question about the storyline of Crossfire 1.7

    Is there an actual one or just finish the orriginal and then it's endless quests?

    'Cause yesterday, i landed on Earth and when i entered the bar i could hear the voices of Juni, King, Trent and some other people... it was cut and paste though but there wasn't anything like a video or some?

    Is there something wrong, or how can i continue the storyline of Crossfire?


    With all the joy I have.
    I can inform you that the mod WORKS!!!

    I can play SP and there are no crashes =D
    Though it's treu that the campaign has chaged but the missions are the same ('cause now it's like i'm playing FL with upgraded weapons and a big BillBoard in the middle of New York xD)

    But it works, and that's great!

    Thnx for your support :D


    Unistall windows Ö???
    To me that sounds like hell of a job with risks all over the place????

    Am i able to reinstall again, but i've no idea where i could uninstall windows... will my files be saved... and if i unistall my Vista should i install Vista again??


    I can say WOOOHHOOO

    The mod works it's activated and when I activate the game I get this window where i can choose between SP or MP

    But (Oh no, you think, why is there a but?)
    Because I CAN see the Vid's even until the orriginal form FL but once that one is finished i see the Crossfire Picture and then it crashes to the Desktop!!

    So what about that?



    I've done all of the things above, and it seemd to work... but the bar was filled up green almost when i got this error!!

    Error: problem activating 'Crossfire Mod 1.70 Client Edition'
    Error: SHCopyFile failed ('C:\Program Files\Freelancer Mod Manager 1.31\mods\Crossfire1.70\EXE\MiscTextInfo2.dll' to 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\EXE\MiscTextInfo2.dll')

    So what to do??



    I've got some major problems activating Crossfire.
    first of all: There where these errors that it couldn't SHCopyFile;... some of the files and i don't know what to do.

    After that it has changed into some other directory which it couldn't SHCopyFile;... ??
    (First it was something with pirates,.1 *anything* and after that it changed to something with buildings!

    Anyway it has now changed to:
    Error: problem activating 'Crossfire Mod 1.70 Client Edition'
    Error: SHCopyFile failed ('C:\Program Files\Freelancer Mod Manager1.31\mods\Crossfire1.70\EXE\MSINET.OCX' to 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Freelancer\EXE\MSINET.OCX')

    So you tell me what to do???

