Posts by bostick2003

    hello folks can anybody tell me where to download the Solurus Systems mod for freelancer have tried everywhere all links seem to be broken or dead... (have registered on warpededge) website too but wont seem to validate ???

    cheers for any help u can give :)

    ok thanks... have seen the blackhole and 4 weapon looking things pointing at it but will search out the other gate ?? is it in one of the clouds or in open (i must be blind coz nearly flew on every square in map...) lol

    p.s so am guessing the gate is going to take me to domkavosh land...?? lol

    hi folks... am playing the mod in SP due to very slow internet lol,and have just completed the story and am now off exploring and remembered seeing something in the distance when in Omega 3 but we unable to get there (due to story) and have now visited again found the GMG base and jumpgate there and am now in the innercore.....
    Am i missing something there base,gate,wreck ?? coz cant seem to find anything and now when i try to jump back out through annomally i just return to same place....??

    anyhelp would be appreciated.....

    P.S am in the werewolf very nice ship (saw it on first mission but had to finish story to afford

    nice one thanks....yes brought license just to fill slots up.... so will remove thanks.... and yes my crosshair red not very easy to see on most

    if i copy out save games and then reactivate mod (with better colour) will save games work ok when i put em back ??? (dont want to start from first mission again)

    and thanks again

    hi folks... am playing the mod in single player due to slow internet(looks great by the way) and have a yellow diamond shape above my ship is it possible to remove this ?? also can u change crosshair colours without having to activate the mod again....

    thanks :D

    ok thanks people better sell a few more escape pods first

    am flying the titan is that ship good enough to take with me... ???


    ok so if i eventualy get there from sol is ther anything i need to put in place first...i.e bribes ?? will everybody be hostile to me ????

    hello people....
    just a bit of advice really is the only way to Altair through Sol ?? or is there another way to get there ??
    a prod in the right direction is all i am after.... thanks
    Dam Dom

    hello... every time i try to play in single player as soon as i click on start single player in game on title screen it just goes back to desktop and freelancer closes....
    if anybody can help would be very grateful as i only have very limited internet and cant get online very well...

    ok i play on server with my mate Briove we just been exploring and trading a bit at the mo.....
    but it seems he has about 8 or so hostile factions and i have 2 (which makes him a liabilty to fly with) LOL :D
    which is best way for him to get on better terms with some of em...
    (can he take junkers bribe again ?? will it work)

    cheers.... :D

    i found all the blackboxes already was just mixed up thinking i had to go somewhere from DV...

    (am just saving up so can go to sol and get some decent weapons and ship...)

    thanks for all your help... :D

    ok thks will explore some more..... :D

    there is a jump hole right after gate into nomad lair..?? is this no use then...??

    and one more do i need SOL system to get to coalition or DV....

    thanks for any help... :D