1.8 single player

There are 4 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by bostick2003.

  • hi folks... am playing the mod in single player due to slow internet(looks great by the way) and have a yellow diamond shape above my ship is it possible to remove this ?? also can u change crosshair colours without having to activate the mod again....

    thanks :D

  • I'm guessing you bought a Mercenary license for your ship. In Single player licenses don't do anything. If you wish to remove the yellow diamond above your ship, just sell the license. :)

    As for the crosshairs well, I don't know if you can do that without reactivating the mod. I personally had to reactivate it 5 times (and reinstall each time because it wouldn't work...) just to get the settings perfect. :/

    [CFPD]Lone_Renegade __________[CFPD]Lone_Renegade_TR

    Crossfire Federal Police Department Website

    When you want to curse and swear, don't despair, use some flair. Be creative with your words, and enjoy the whole affair!

  • nice one thanks....yes brought license just to fill slots up.... so will remove thanks.... and yes my crosshair red not very easy to see on most backrounds....lol

    if i copy out save games and then reactivate mod (with better colour) will save games work ok when i put em back ??? (dont want to start from first mission again)

    and thanks again

  • I think it should work if you backup your savegames. When OP said to delete your old savegames he meant from 1.7.

    Also, I recommend you select the old crosshair set. You will be able to see those very well. :))

    [CFPD]Lone_Renegade __________[CFPD]Lone_Renegade_TR

    Crossfire Federal Police Department Website

    When you want to curse and swear, don't despair, use some flair. Be creative with your words, and enjoy the whole affair!