Posts by {LP}SaxonRaider{X}

    chainfire dont work for me, because i time my shots to use maximum damage with 1 hit, hit n run tactics, fire and move, fire and move, the chainfire is mostly used by spray and pray types ;) does damage more often but smaller damage for each shot, plus a major downside is that it forces you to fly predictably, i.e. you will need to be facing your target and aiming at them for longer period, so you are less likeley to be ably to avoid missiles or gunfire yourself. choosing weapons that fire fast, i.e. not fast rate, but high speed projectile is more important, thats why 800 speed turret seemed a good idea.
    anyway yes, were drifting off topic....

    I use CG because the small bullets help me see what im shooting at, the ppc are so big that the bullets stop me from seeing which way my target is turning which is absoluteley critical to winning a dogfight. DKA are a compromise between the 2, but i still prefer the CG.

    Also, as a pirate, you need to use the element of surprise a lot. most people dont even realise theyre being shot at straight away, and dont notice when your attacing their fellow clan members, which makes them great for ambushes!!. ;D

    That being said, i cant pvp for long periods of time as its hard work seeing these small bullets, but the plusses outnumber the negatives by far :)

    oh good i do hope so Jack. :)

    I'm a guns only fighter, they are my primary, i use 4xCG and used to have Wyrms, but tried various combos in those 9 slots, such as Tiz, and Vulcan Batt, Collapser. I even changed ships sometimes to get an extra 360 turret, and stuck a nice 800 speed gun in there hehe. but, shame the ship wasnt strong enough hull to take a pvp well. good for hit n run tho.

    Tried missiles out but never got the hang of them.
    So i died a lot, but found certain guns were better against certain people ;)

    imho, CF universe design is better, much easier to get around.
    And the ships in Disco are too big, they block out 2/3rds of the screen, cant see whats going on. CF ships are presented smaller on screen so you can see what your shooting at without your ships getting in the way.

    I did like the variety of upgrades in Disco tho. Definateley had more variety and usable gear with no uber gear combo like CF has.

    Still will stick with CF tho, the ships sizes and universe layout really put me off disco.

    As a guns only fighter, i welcome these changes to the missiles, sounds really good, it will definateley open the pvps up more.

    Other things i beleive are essential to open the game up a lot more:

    A good Positron Shield, class 10, on par with Champ.
    A good Molecular shield, class 10, on par with Champ.

    The uber Trio of guns CG/DKA/PPC altered to have modifiers against 1!!! of each!!! of these shields, not all good against the same type of shield.

    this is just a request, because i feel this would make CF better. I think its a very worthy recommendation, and would be interested to hear why anyone thinks it wouldnt be a good idea?

    It is boring to see everyone fly the same ship, with the same guns, and the same sheilds, and same upgrades all the time.

    certainly presented well.
    certainly sounds interesting what with the balancing of ships for roles etc... i've always fancied having a dedicated pirate attack vessel combined with another clan member in a smuggling ship so we can plunder, and then while i fight, my comrade runs away with the loot in the specialised smuggling ship which would maybe outrun them or be cloakable, or have triple CM launchers or something.... very good.

    are you having a Pirate/Police etc style RP rules in there? seems to be a little vague on what RP is done from the forum link.

    I think theres one thing thats always overlooked....

    Theres no weight in space, lol. its a wieghtless environment. so, i think relying on weight to be a major part of game for balancing issues seems rather wierd to say the least. [8]

    personally, i think Shield typeis the answer.

    Usable other types of shields!!!!! i cant stress this enough, it would be the single most important thing to add variety to this mod.

    i.e. not just everyone using the CHAMP 10 sheild, maybe we should have an equivalent in the other 2 types of sheild too (brigante/barrier, etc...)!!! just imagine what it would be like to not know many many gun hit you need to land before you can fire a missile to blow your opponent up. it makes it much more exciting.

    Battles will be more dependant on your setup, and not on missile timings.

    also would be good if there was a particular sheild thats strong against missiles but weaker against guns. a new sheild type maybe. i think this combined with the fact we have anti-sheild guns will produce some interesting possibilities. also, maybe anti-sheild guns that are good against specific sheild types, just to make even more interesting :)

    out of interest OP, will we get a simple .exe or similar installer this time? i just think its easier to get new people on the server if they dont have so many different things to download, FLMM etc just to get it running, and then theres the FLMM is it supported factor. at least if its all installable in your own program then you dont have worry about problems people may have with the other programs required to install.

    I know this means that in order to play CF this means they can only have 1 mod installed, CF, but then, if people are playing other mods too then they arent exactly full on CF fans are they, and if they spread their limited gaming time over many servers, then maybe they are the type of people (whiners etc) that this CF community dont need.

    Its just a thought.

    btw FL_Freak that was a class response i LMAO'd big time dude.


    Originally posted by SWAT_OP-R8R…id=26&topic=1646.msg15064;topicseen#new

    OMG they reap what they sow, and look how it finished. they dont have even a single constructive thing to say at the the end. shameful. [17]

    I'm not an OP fanboy, theres been some things where we had little clashes, but im not gonna go into that here, but i think nobody is perfect and we must learn to accept differences in others opinions, no matter how strange they seem, and only be constructive in your criticisms. But he certainly dont deserve to be ignored. nobody does. What went on in that thread is prime example of how not to treat others. looks real bad, and makes SWAT look real good, LOL, i gotta say, i really like SWAT portal more now than ever. [10]

    bravo, and hopefully people will keep ingame chat to RP from now on?

    btw, always good to learn a bit of German, many times im stopped and asked to speak English instead because they don't understand what the hell i'm on about :D this way there is no argument :D

    I look forward to Gunny's return.

    i dont understand why anyone has trouble. its always worked on vista for me. no different to xp other than when the launcher is on 1.5 to make it download the 1.6 launcher you need to reboot in between. that is all. If anyone is having problems then make sure your pc can run other games okay.

    there is possibly some things people are doing wrong. basically you never install games with anti-virus and firewall on, turn them off! because they dont warn you when it decides to screw the install up.

    Wasp, Hornet, and Mosquito are all CD missiles, these are used to disrupt the targets drive engines. Also can be used to disrupt trade lanes if pirating. That is why they do hardly any damage.