Posts by SA_TANGO

    "The US dollar to be destroyed and replaced by the Amero"... Top of page 2 :)

    Yeah, i saw that video when it came up to the internets. Personally my country is so deep in its own problems that we have no time for conspirations and secret goverments. Over here at Argentina we are simpler. Corruption is in plain sight, we just don't care (OR: we just accept that we have a "political machine" working for about 50 years and if we change something up, everything goes -more- to hell ), and well, even if the US Dollar keeps falling down, no way that the amero (or another coin) replaces it. Well, that's my humble-ignorant opinion :3


    Originally posted by NucNuc


    It should just be something like "backside"-text of a book, where you get an idea HOW FANTASTIC it would be to get the whole story.

    Maybe, then, a wiki is not the correct answer for that. The concept of the MediaWiki software stands for "free to use, to edit, to read, etc", and, while you can still "block" pages so nobody (or a few selected users) can edit the content

    I think (using my experience as a Wiki user/admin) that having a CF wiki is a double-bladed sword. All the things that you get by using a wiki (like: everyone putting their knowlodge together, and everyone taking advantage of it)...are the same things that, sometimes, will "spoil" everything to the unfortunate reader.

    Yes, we can create a "rule for no spoilers", but again, with the "everyone can edit" part, you kinda can't really control in real-time if someone puts a spoiler (OR miss-information), and well, if you block all the pages (or the spoiler-sensitive ones), you just might get a wordpress running, so you can be able to read the history and get to know the ship specs and the vanilla maps (with no wrecks, of course :P)

    Going web 2.0 on FL would be a excellent thing...we just need to get some nice ideas (and keeping the spoilers to ourselves :))
    Well, that's my opinion :)
    One crazy idea i had a while ago, was creating a Jisko / twitter account of my ship, to just post something CF-related (like "hey i just went on a nice deal on Planet Malta! the people around seems really nice :D", but well, doing that alone might be lame (and people will mistake me for a loner/crazy/normal person)

    Sorry for my long and lamely-english written answer :)

    Yet again, doing a second reading of the initial post by OP, adding a wiki inside the portal sounds nice, but i personally think that a blog might be easier. But well, i'm not in charge of nothing around here, i just put my opinion based on job experiences :)


    Originally posted by Bond
    i think that we need to calm down...shit happens...


    I second that. And maybe remember that this is still a beta release, so crashes are bound to happend (and needed. We need this to know what's wrong...and then figure out ways to fix issues :) )

    Comes back online today or tomorrow, i / we apreciate your hard work :)

    Thanks for this wonderfull mod (and for 1.8! :D)

    as for now, with the server down, all i cant think of is going out to the garden, with my laptop, and play some SP :D

    See ya in space soon! :D


    Originally posted by djsolidsnake86
    so what ship can i buy for play good? (and where can i buy it)?

    The magic of it all is to Explore and find out ;)

    Good luck out there. If it's hard for you now, trust me. If you keep playing, you'll see that it's not :)

    It just takes practice (maybe because the learning curve of the original fl is inferior to the learning curve at cf, in my humble opinion, of course :D)

    sorry, but i do not understand. by "my internet crashes" you mean that "the whole thing" (i.e: you can't acces any webpage, your IM services stop running, etc) OR do you mean that you lost your conection to the server?
    Sorry for my bad english and for bother you with this kinda-silly question :)


    Originally posted by Corynthos
    Nothing stops me playing anything. (Except a Power outage, a natural catastrophy or a biblical plague...)

    A wife's anger is considered to many as a Power-paranormal-biblical proportion-catastrophy. Do not get your wife in a nerve :P

    Awesome news!

    I must ask (i have searched the forums and found a few people with the same question):
    Does the new launcher works on GNU/Linux? if it does not, there is some workaround to make it to work under Wine or something?


    best regards to everyone

    It's an "pseudoscientific planetary object" , pseudo for being "half science, half fiction".

    Personally, i have no proof of the existense of this planet, and, we can check Wikipedia:

    Refer [URL=,_astrology_and_ufology]ONE[/URL]

    Refer [URL=,_astrology_and_ufology#Planets_proposed_by_Zecharia_Sitchin]TWO[/URL]

    So, well, i do not think so (but that's only my opinion)

    Can this download be optional?, I mean, i do not know where the music manager of FL is located, but can you still play with the "old system" and , if u will, download the "new and improoved" (and optional) new Sound System?

    Might sound confusing (adding that english is not my native language), so sorry about that.

    Also, i allways had this weird day-dreaming sequense of listening to an online radio (i do that often when i play FL), but between the music, some "RP publicity" like "Tired of Manhattan? Join the Bretonian Armed Forces". That idea is clearly OT, but oh well, Sorry again :)

    my two cents:

    you can check the status on the Server Page (

    when it says "N players online" and "The Server is NOT Full".

    When the server is rebooting, it says "Server is Rebooting", etc.

    that should be fine.

    If not...try to close Freelancer and restart by the launcher (so it can download updates or anything important) :)

    hope you can work it out!

    best regards,




    Originally posted by Myric
    From what I heard, the place where all the crazy people of the Net live. :)

    and the crazy people lives on /b/

    but let us not talk about it. (inner joke of /b/)

    and then,


    Originally posted by Trainwiz
    Pretty much.
    But the thing is, it's one of the most visited sites on the internet.
    That meant that FL gets a good bit of publicity.

    i do agree, but let just saty away from the crazy people, and get the publicity from the other channels :)

    safe flying,



    Originally posted by Sam-Arrow-Thomas
    I do appreciate the warning, I don't take it offensively. I take good note of everyone advice. It is not wise to ignore others' knowledge. :)

    Sign of a good leader ;)