Posts by DonKavash74

    It's SP man.:hutab: I'm not yet ready for MP. My piloting and combat skill is laughable.:negativ::hust:

    What do you mean "you'll have to haul engine block all the way to Sirius and then back"?:hmmz:

    Hi Guys! I'm playing CF for sometime now and I just realize last night that I'm a missile fighter. :vinsent:The problem is, I'm now on my first leg on the inner core to hunt for savage and warrior jerks for their guns.:ninja: I have finished CF official mission for quite sometime and I'm here in inner core just to make some trouble.:roflmao: It created a quandary for myself because I realized there is no station here to resupply my missile and mine ammo. :sos: As I said guys, I'm a missile fighter, I'm not good on strafing runs. :sos: Any advice?:suchend:

    Hi guys. Is there any other way back to inner core?:sos: For some reason that eludes me, the guys running the GMG Resesarch facility in Omega 3 is hostile to me. Those Ion Cannons are a pain in the ass, and da@£$%&mn straight shooters to. :schimpf: i wonder why they hated me? We were good buddies back when they needed me to close the worm hole in inner core.:blush2:

    Da@£%&*mn those GMG's, the're a bunch of users!!! :vinsent:

    Well, some may say it's self-explanatory, but I just wan't to make it sure. :zitat::suchend: In the final Crossfire mission, I obtain alien guns by blowing up the mother ships and not the fighter ships:aok: I really wanted to get my hands on wa'r-sy propulsor and kelyrd-ray projector, but there was no savages and warrior mother ship around during the final mission.:rtfm: So, if I go to Inner Core in SP and visit the hostile systems, which I should shoot to get my hands on alien guns (wa'r-sy propulsor and kelyrd-ray projector), warrior and savage mother ships, gunboats or fighter?:vinsent: Can I DO IT ALONE and SURVIVE?:schimpf:

    I tried to kick some coalition rogues' butts through mission in Sovetskaya bar, but I ended up being kicked in the balls instead.:schimpf::verrueckt: Why are those guys soo tough I did not even last five seconds?:tot::bomb::daddeln: I observe the difficulty level about 35 to 46. Seriously?:diablo: Anybody here survived this type of missions is a KING:king Is there any bar missions in Altair space l can enjoy, about level 25?:suchend: My piloting and combat skill sucks:uebel:

    What's next after the transport orbiting saturn was destroyed, near a gravimetrical core? Is it under development or I did something wrong because there was no further instructions and waypoints....:blush2:

    I just finished the main Crossfire 2.0 missions. :walklike:All triumph and defeats bundled into one amazing experience. :aok::lokomotive:Superb story, plot and sub-plots.:thankyou: :thumbsup::salutesIn the end, the bald man went down on a heroic blaze of glory, which made the enemy aliens had a bad hair day. :roflmao:It almost made me cry. I'm from the Philippines and we are known to be tearjerkers when stories like this happens.||;(

    Anyway, I have a question to these guys below especially OP, and to those whose names were not mentioned, though made a contribution to make this awesome mod game.:sehrgut::aok: Why the HE@%&£$LL are you guys not create a game studio, and do the "Cris Roberts" thing?!!!:vinsent: You are obviously talented and have skills to make this work.:applaus::zitat:

    Credits SWAT_OP-R8R (creator main story, creator story related quests)

    Drakon (writer of the short stories for Crossfire based the main story layouts)

    Centaurian (writer of the ingame story elements and rumours for Crossfire version 1.8)

    Martind Forlon (writer of the short stories for CF based the main story layouts)

    Balefire (writer of the short story for Crossfire version 2.0 based the side story layout)

    Ajay (writer of the ingame rumours and other ingame texts for Crossfire version 2.0)

    denne (writer of the ingame texts for Crossfire version 2.0)

    Gearhead10 (grammar revisions for ingame texts for Crossfire version 2.0)

    By the way SIRS, I have two questions:

    1. Is Epsilon Eridani another mission? If it is, what should I do to activate it? :blush2:

    2. Are you guys making a new updated versions with new features like new stories, new characters, new aliens...virtually new everything? :aok: :tanz: