Posts by Kalisie

    Since it seems to be an unpopular opinion for me to change my name to Eden Rising, I will just stay with my ED name. I will still make a private group for anyone on Swat, other friends, and their friends, etc to join. My ED character name is Vhnori Valmos, so that will also be the name of the private group.

    If anyone wants to add me as a friend on ED, you now have my name so feel free to send requests. :)

    I usually play in solo, and I understand the thrill of playing in open where anything can happen. My only thought was that a private group would allow for exclusive community RP and events just for Swat members, and give people a place to go if they dont feel confortable with playing in open but dont want to be completely alone like in solo, which is my current issue and the reason why Im trying to do something about it.

    I am more than willing to have my name changed to EDEN RISING for the sake of having an appropriate Private Group for Swat members, I just dont want to step on any toes, or cause any conflicts with my superiors (Namely OP and other admins/moderators).

    I would buy an account just for the sake of being able to make an appropriately named PG, but sadly I am (As usual) unable to afford it. All I am trying to do is get a PG set up so that anyone from Swat Portal that plays ED or gets ED in the future will have a place that they can go and hang out. As a private group specifically for Swat Portal, that allows us to set our own rules and guidelines for RP and other community related events without worrying about the rest of the world that isnt part of Swat's community.

    Ok so I have spoken to ED support, and they restored my original character so I dont have to restart from scratch again. They say that they are unable to make a private group that is different from a player name, and are offering to rename my character (Or whoever it is that wants to wield the name) to Eden Rising so that our private group can at least be called that. Im not 100% sure what course of action to take here, so any advice on this would be helpful, I dont wish to overstep any boundries.

    Ok so I left a support ticket on the ED website to see if its possible to get an open private group called EDEN RISING made. I dont know if/when they will respond, but I'll report back here once I know more.

    So after doing some research, I have found that you cant customize a groups name, it will only create one based on the character name of whoever made the group. So in order to make a Swat-Portal group, I would have to delete my current character, and remake it with the name of Swat-Portal (Or whatever everyone else prefers), and from there delete that character and remake another new one with my normal Commander name, but in doing so I would have to restart everything I have accomplished... Therefor I am not really sure what to do.

    Well I pretty much just play solo, so if its all right to do so, Id be more than happy to set up a private group for Swat-Portal members, in case anyone from here wants to join it.

    Yeah next year is supposed to bring quite a few big changes. So far Ive just been playing solo since I dont really have many friends that play ED, and its been a bit tedius to earn money for decent ships. Currenly Im sitting on 20 million creds with a Type 6 Transport as my main ship, but I found a decent way of earning money fairly quick.

    I was just hoping that there was already an established Swat-Portal group on ED so I wont feel as alone and bored, lol.

    The biggest problem I see is, how are big events such as races going to be handled? With this feature, if the race ends up going through more systems with pirates, its going to be a big problem for police. The pirate players can just bypass all the NPC pirates while the police are going to be attacked, harrased and slowed down like crazy. That would give the pirates a huge and unfair advantage in those systems. The same goes for if the event involves more police heavy systems, the police will be at an advantage.

    I think it would be a great idea due to the dynamicness of it, and in theory would work well, but in practice I think it might cause more problems in the long run due to creating too many restrictions and limitations of where people can go in the universe. Ultimately only freelancers have true freedom but pirates and police would be very limited.

    Would it be possible to make the licenses give a set increase/decrease so cops/pirates would just have to work harder to become friendly with the opposite factions?

    Well I for one tried Discovery just to see what it was like, and after spending about a day or two there for the sake of giving it a fair shot, I quickly realized that imo Discover sucked. It lacked EVERYTHING that I love about Crossfire. The community there was horrible, everybody expected something in return for even the smallest bit of help. The graphics were about as vanilla as it could get and therefor sucked. And the amount of systems, quests, and overall extended storylines it had was very very lacking with no real endgame goal, something Crossfire excels at. Even the station building feature it has sucks because its very much not worth all the effort it takes to make and maintain one.

    I would like to quickly say that I am not posting this for the sake of dissing on Discovery or anything, this is just my own opinion on something new that I felt like trying out. Other people may or may not think the same thing as me.

    My other Fleet, Battle Wolves, would very likely want to be involved with that should we decide to do so. Although its very very lacking in members to the point that its a miracle if one member is on per day...

    Id love to join the Federation side with my main character Vellaria@Kalisie. I just left my other fleet so I can join Swat's fleet whenever someone gets around to it. Lol. Whats the name of the fleet so I dont just blindly accept the first one I get invited to?

    Yeah the -dx had no affect for me at all. However after spending about 3-4 hours last night trying various different ini changing methods, I finally figured it out. Its not perfect since the main menu text is still larger than I want, but everything else seems to work great now. That being said, I should be able to be ingame a lot more now. ^^