Posts by >Requiem<

    Wars ja auch beim ersten einloggen wars super einen tag später dann die sache mit den Bats und Bots beim 2 einloggen kam das deswegen hab ich ja den screenie gemacht . hatte dann autobuy auch abgestellt nur sicher kann man sich nicht sein deswegen hab ich den gelöscht und neu gemacht war noch nich viel mit passiert deswegen wars nich tragisch .

    Mahlzeit so ums auszuschließen hab ich Herrn Biernot beerdigt. R.I.P Biernot

    hab jetz n Neuen gemacht leicht abgeändert nennen wir ihn seinen Sohn Hans-Biernot :D

    kann man halt nichts machen solche Sachen können passieren...

    Trotzdem nochmal n riesen Dank anSWAT_OP für das Wühlen in der Datenbank und das Wiederherstellen von dem Char is ja auch nervig sowas . :salutes

    Some time ago a lonely Freelancer called Amanpour startet his Adventure in New York to explore the Space in Liberty as he found some new fighters and some new gimmicks , he goes more deeper Space to Bretonia and works as Mercenary. Life was good Money rolls Women where everywhere with other words all works fine . He went more deeper to Rheinland and also there no further Problems for him ..
    But then he cant get enough and take a Mission that garantied him more Money then he ever get ... he dont know that there was more that now to see for him... Catch a politican in Bretonia looks like an easy Job
    but it wasnt it was a Trap for him.
    Before he starts his mission the Politican was killed by someone , and now he has a Bounty on his Head mercs are comin and the hole police is on Hunt for him.
    But why ..?? he dont make anything .. not yet but they dont care ...before he going to understand whats happend he must escape but in which system ?? everywhere Police Mercs and some old Friends are hunting for him..
    so the chase of his Head begun ... CambridgeOmega-3Omega-5Omega-41 at last he fly to Omicron Gamma and hide there...

    some days later he want to start in another system but outer Planet Crete there was someone... Mercs ??? no not here Police ??? no ... It was a Pirate from the Fallen Syndicate " Oh no not this hard fast killin Rogues" he think.
    But there was no Escape .
    "come out i tax you " he says
    Tax me ??? forget it Hombre
    he set all one chance and make full cruise to a Jumphole . The pirate get nervt of this and shoot but he dont kill him. with luck he escaped to the jumphole
    " normally you are dead " he says " but i have a good day" so Amanpour pays the Price and gets some Info thatwas very importand for him.
    The Pirates name was RonaldoDaVinci and he shows him a new opportunity in the Sirius Sector

    That was the day then Amanpour changed his life and name he comes back as (Fallen)Requiem

    Hallo heute war ja Server restart als ich gerade am andocken war an Mainz mit meinen Char (Fallen)Herr_Biernot

    als der server wieder da war war dieser char bei mir weg. die Frage ist jetz ist er wirklich weg ? oder sehe ich ihn nur nicht mehr

    mfg requiem

    So i say i like this Game i like the mod and the Community

    Today i was on for the event Death match with wanderer and Luciferor satanas i dont know
    that was all
    The events are great and i like them
    now here it comes...
    i know thats not a game like battlefield or elite dangerouse but i really like to play its here and this Mod

    The Idea..
    at first everyone to install this Game and take later this mod is part of the server(not of Rp thats comes later)
    now also i know the user score is not so high like years ago
    new users come on make their thing for themself and all is good


    if they log on and install the mod they are part of the server ( not of RP )
    they can play for themselfes and all good


    i remember they are part of this ( i know they ar save if they are under level 40 )
    but we must find a way to bind them in ( if they are over level 40 )
    to show them that they are part of this

    ok is too much for words but i need this to explain what i really mean

    if an event like today not works not enough users

    then there must be a chance ( event manager wanderer) to adjust or to change the rules a little bit

    to bind the rest into the game ( if they want or not / they are part of the game not RP )

    so i think its become more interesting if user score is low to find away the users they are on give a new target

    how its now looks that must be discuss here( iam not the real one for this)

    i only one show a way if are not enough user on for event thats all

    sorry for bad english iam German :tanz:

    hmmm seems that The GR needs new ship if this becomes real (i dont think so) Serverpolice must oustanding to uphold the Law (upps and this says a Pirate :walklike: )
    but what is with a pirate ship against this badass Yggdrasil........ok here is the one fresh out of Factory and heaviely armed ..

    sorry SWAT Op and GR iam only a little bit joking

    Hi at all here..

    whoohaaa at first i must read and understand whats going on here :suchend: ( crossfire newbie ) , so the idea is very impressive and Jormdar as System is really good. I am not in clan for the Moment but if there is anything for help i can do for this or for your Base Building Project i do my best to help for this .

    greetz Amanpour

    Hi a little question .... i dock on Kyoto Base with armored Transport he docked half not full and now between docking ring and kyoto a dont come out i dont can die ......


    and know its in the rock and nothing can hit me ... is there a reason that man go back to save befor ????


    • fl d1.jpg

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    So at first to Dark i know thats Hiruga talken 1000 Times here and i understand thats for you is boring but before i write here i have look in Lex and sorry i found nothing and no you must dont link to show me now where it is ... and know i hope i can write here in my own language some words and its not against the forum rules but my english was better for 10 Years :P

    .... Also muss mal sagen seid langem macht dieses Spiel mal wieder so richtig Spass was zu 99 % an eurem Mod liegt und ja ich muss mich erst einfinden auch wenn ich das spiel kenne so ist es doch
    auf gewisse weise ein ganz neues also vergebt einem älteren semester wenn er nich gleich auf Anhieb hier alles findet allem voran die Sache mit Hiruga jaja so langweilig ....
    Deswegen hoffe ich ihr habt hier ein wenig nachsicht mit mir und vor allem mit meinem Englisch is leider schon sehr lange her ....

    Greetz Amanpour for the others use Translator :thumbsup:

    So the next idiot go into the mousetrap "Higura" and yes i have seen later is Clan Sector and i looked for the colours of the anomaly s or the system of jumping but i find no way out .
    its clever but also nerve racking :sos:
    so there must be a away out of there for every help i am be very thankful :thankyou:

    greetz amanpour