Posts by firewaran


    thank you for the explanations!

    I realize that for many users the new launcher is working, but there are still a few people
    out there where the launcher is not working as it should.
    I will provide as many info as possible, till the launcher will work for everyone.
    If i bug you too much just let me know and i will keep my mouth shut.

    I was able to resize the window without using the maximize function of windows.
    As i found out the original width/height of the launcher is 961/575 on my system.
    The maximum height that can be applied is 700, then i can see options and buttons.
    By pressing the "settings" button, the original height is applied again and it should only
    hide the settings, unfortunatly this applies for the buttons also.

    The server status is not working because of the error "Could not write to the server's socket",
    you may already know this because its not working at your end, too.
    This feature is not essential, i agree with you.

    How can i download the new content of the launcher without installing freelancer and crossfire again.
    Somehow it seems that i dont have the files that i should have.
    Based on the shader options i can select which are removed weeks ago.

    I've uploaded a screenshot where you can see, that i see the two options.

    I tried different display resolutions to find one that may display everything correct.
    On my pc i couldn't find one that was working, tried everything starting from 1024x768 till 1920x1080.

    While testing with the resoulutions i catched something else.
    At the bottom of the launcher there is a gray border, it seems to me that is has the height of the buttons.
    I think it is overlapping with the buttons. Heres is a example Gallery Image

    May the new information help all of us.

    Have a nice day.



    i understand that you want to have it in a specifiy size. I also can understand that this size is based on the web interface.
    What i do not understand is why you don't let us change the size. I mean you can set a defautl size of the window when the application starts.
    If we see all elements like links and buttons nobody has a reason to change the size. But for those of us that have the button-problem could
    just change it.
    Nevertheless, i dont know if the manual resize would even fix the problem or if that would just create new ones.

    Would it be possible to give me a version where i could change the size of the window manually?
    I could test if this would help or not and if there are other problems because of this change.

    Other problems with the launcher

    • I noticed that the "settings" button does not respond when i click it. Is a bug or something for a new version thats not active yet?
    • The Serverstatus seems not to work for me.
    • When i want to activate the FXAA or SMAA then the launcher stops working "Applications is not responding"-error.
    • All "application has stop working"-errors seem to come when the pc is not fast enought at unpacking to \EXE2\-Path, but i dont know why.
      1 out of 5 times (or less) it's not working. After the games closes the EXE2 is deleted. Maybe you dont need to build the directory up each time,
      only if there are changes due to an update or change of settings?

    Would be great if someone could reply and cofirm any of the points above, so i know its just me or not ;-)

    Have a nice day!



    regarding the launcher problem i have a question. Why has the launcher windows to be fixed in size (width and height) ?
    Maybe the problem can be solved if we could resize the window? Maximizing is just a spezial kind of resizing.

    Further thoughts
    It seems to me that the application is configured to open on the primary monitor.
    Additional the application tries to center itself horizontal and vertical on the monitor.

    By maximizing it I notice that the window stays the same width, but the hight of the window is adjusted.

    The maximizing has not the same behaivor as when you for example maximize your browsers window.
    By that i mean when you maximize a window the whole application fills the monitor, except the taskbar area.
    But the luncher just change the position to 0,0 and extends the height.

    Hope these things help you to develop a fix.


    Hi there,

    Possible Crash Fix on launcher start
    When you open the launcher and it crashes all the time try to add * to the trusted sites in internet explorer.
    (open internet explorer -> extras -> internet options -> security -> click on trusted sites -> click "site" -> type in the address in the upper field -> make sure the checkbox in the lower area is not checked -> press "add"; close all windows with "ok") then start freelancer.

    After that the launcher stopped crashing on my maschine.
    Would be nice if someone could confirm this.

    Missing Buttons for game start
    When you have the launcher open then just maximize the window then you should see the buttons to start the game.
    There are different ways to do that, the simpliest way is to just double-click the window-title where it says "Crossfire 1.9 Launcher"

    At least on my system with windows 8 + 16:9 (1920 x 1080) is this working.

    Hope that this may help to play again until an offical fix is rolled out.

    Happy gaming.



    ok, knowing that this is not the problem i investigated a bit more.

    I found out that a specific file could not be downloaded from the server.
    In my case "omni.ja" was the file that was not copied to the desired destination folder.

    I don't know if it was a problem of Internet Explorer, checksum error or file could not be copied.
    After i did this step manually and restarted the luncher a bunch of other files got downloaded after file 206 and the error message is gone.

    In my case the problem with the error E4 is solved.

    Have a nice evening.



    Du schreibst das die Waffen nicht funktioniert haben, das hatte ich auch.

    Lösung: In rechten unteren Bereich, in der Box in welcher die Waffen gelistet sind einfach jeweils beide Waffen einmal anklicken.
    Dann öndert sich die Schriftfarbe, bei mir von Blau zu Grün.

    Danach sind die Waffen "aktiv" und es klappt auch mit dem Schießen.

    Soweit es mir bisher aufgefallen ist tritt nur hier auf, wenn Du später welche käuflich erwirbst dann sind diese automatisch aktiv.


    HI there,

    i encounter the same error message
    "Crossfire Update not found ... only Singleplayer available [E4]"

    The only hint i found on the net was that the process has no access to the file.
    I made sure that all files in my freelancer-folder are not write protected. The error still occured.
    I used Process Monitor to find out where a problem might be.

    After downloading file 206 i get the above error message and Process Monitor says that freelancer.exe wants to access the follwing files:

    Unfortunately i dont have them, i am not sure if i need them but is the only thing i found.
    I search on the installation cd in and to see if these files are there, but i didn't find them.
    I also checked the the crossfire1.9.exe if the files might be hidden in there, negative.

    Does someone know where i can find them to manually copy them there?

    I dont know why they are missing, before the last fresh install i was able to update to the new luncher, but with the new
    luncher i was not able to start the game, start game button was missing.
    I tried a fresh install and now i am able to play singleplayer but multiplayer doors are closed because of this error.

    Thanks for reading, standby for help ;-)
