Posts by SoulPirate

    ok thats a good idea .It should be nice to count npc kills for each participants during 1 week or month maybe and at the end of week/month event, results could be analyzed and winner announced. So, u can have all days occupied with 2 or more players during a month. You can give prizes daily/weekly/monthly :). Nice to expand in IC or Altair.

    You exagerate a little i suppose :) . This extra RP its not so only for clans especially and for achieving in a way or other of ASF/CSF map supremacy. And is based on a kind of financial currency resource. Like a rat u can play role as usual.AS a clan member, u may aim different purposes, from a different perspective, besides usual RP.

    @SilverFox : I am already :) here ! (in RL i like any religions and i hate all i`m 100% a believer in nonexistence of deities )

    I opened this thread in idea to know the opinions of all players who like playing a role or ofc who would like to get into a bit more developed roleplay( based on everyone's ideas and concepts).I'm not saying it's not interesting what exists in this moment. My point is not to change anything.I thought it would be beneficial for RP structure to expand clans activity somehow.

    I think that the clans must be caught somehow in some routines that involve a little bit more implication, to make RP more attractive (IQ/brainstorming/goals/tasks/etc).In short, you got the idea.

    After a few hard days of holidays, my synapses began to regain slowly their old functions :) . Digging through Crossfire statistics and looking at several FL/CF stats,I had some flashforwards :) .

    What if?

    Being a dedicated fan of the ASF/CSF challenge (no matter the name, the purpose is the main goal or perspective),I tried to figure an overRP, based of course on usual RP rules.

    Shortly, the concept is the jcoins system (or a RP virtual jcoin system).

    ---From the point of view of freelancers---

    According to FL/CF stats, pvp stats, any char has a number of ..something.(npcmostkills,pvpmostkills,credits,etc.)
    Starting from the idea that:

    x pvpkills(fines) = 1 jcoin
    y npckills = 1 jcoin
    z touched systems or bases = 1 jcoin
    q goodies traded = 1 jcoin

    x pvpkills(taxes) = 1 jcoin
    y npckills = 1 jcoin
    z touched systems or bases = 1 jcoin
    q goodies traded = 1 jcoin

    x pvpkills(bounties) = 1 jcoin
    y npckills = 1 jcoin
    z touched systems or bases = 1 jcoin
    q goodies traded = 1 jcoin

    x BMGs marketed = 1 jcoin
    y npckills = 1 jcoin
    z touched systems or bases = 1 jcoin
    q goodies traded = 1 jcoin

    any player can achieve a number of jcoins. What can they do with these jcoins? Dunno :). Feel free to expand.
    IMO they can exchange them for credits with clanleaders or other chars, use it for buying some expensive

    stuff,donate or get real cash back from OP :), dunno.

    --- Now from the point of view of clans (declared or registered) and this i am mostly interested in ---


    x pvpkills(fines) = 1 jcoin
    y npckills = 1 jcoin
    z touched systems or bases = 1 jcoin
    q goodies traded = 1 jcoin

    x pvpkills(taxes) = 1 jcoin
    y npckills = 1 jcoin
    z touched systems or bases = 1 jcoin
    q goodies traded = 1 jcoin

    x pvpkills(bounties) = 1 jcoin
    y npckills = 1 jcoin
    z touched systems or bases = 1 jcoin
    q goodies traded = 1 jcoin

    x BMGs marketed = 1 jcoin
    y npckills = 1 jcoin
    z touched systems or bases = 1 jcoin
    q goodies traded = 1 jcoin

    BUT >>>

    1.These jcoines achieved by the any clan member, can or should be used by clanleaders to expand theirs own

    2. These jcoines can be donate to a specified ASF/CSF council in order to achieve systems


    1.These jcoines can be used by any clanleader or ASF/CSF councils to achieve one or other system to obtain property/influence on ASF/CSF map.(price of each system is determined according to OP wishes) Now , the opposite forces( ASF/CSF council or clan) can regain that system at green table :) with same/higher amount of jcoines OR can ask a challenge at a specific time/date in Arena with that amount of jcoins like a prize, in order to regain supremacy of that system.
    Advantages ? - more RP i think
    Disadvantages ? - should be ?

    Ofc i would say more about the possibility of using or obtaining jcoins but I wanted to call your attention somehow. If anyone likes the idea or has another one better like this ... lets do something good, if not on another post and treat this with indifference .

    Before of all, I ask development team if this so-called overRP can be posible/playable or can find its place into the mod.

    Happy new year and endless fun to Op and Huor because you still keep alive this wonderful community, to Forlon, Ajay, Ape, Denne and to all pirates, police, smugglers and mercs who maintain this wonderful 'Matrix' alive and for being a part of the Swat Portal and Crossfire universe.Besides the usual greetings, I wish especially to meet in space as much in 2015, and perhaps more. Somehow , we are all connected by what is characterizing us , meaning that individually, group or particular affinities., Don't stop, even if that it isn't good enough or perfect, whatever it is(time is endless so u have time to correct urself ).This is my wish for you, and all of us, and my wish for myself ofc. Hope we have a great new year 2015 !!!

    sorry for the misunderstanding ... I thought I saw only 4 kills AT MY NAME..sorry again
    Not my style to taunt someone as long as I'm a noob too
    (I was in a "euphoric" state to see something on the screen :) )

    (Now I see well, but I have a terrible headache instead )