Posts by ChiefRedCloud-AGE-

    Don't know about previous additions of CF but in

    Vanilla SL some missions as you say are solo and some have support. I'm a wimp or atleast

    like the odds in my favour. So I normally opt out for support. Heel with the Titan (in

    Vanilla FL) fully tricked out I normally dispatch all bad guys before support arrives. No I

    was just wondering if this was omitted on purpose or something overlooked. Does make it

    challenging, but so does going after a fleet of bad guys in your underwaer. [10]


    ok,ok......first let me say that I like the Crossfire Mod so far. But one thing bugs me and

    that is that the support from taking jobs eraticating other ships (sp) seems to be missing.

    In other words I like to hedge my bets. Call it wimping or what ever. I take jobs where I

    know I'll eventually get some support. So far every job I take that is suppose to have

    support, does not. Has this been written in to make it more challenging? It's not a

    complaint but it does rub a little in what seems to be an outstanding Mod with a LOT of hard

    work put into it. So just call it a foot note and I'll get on to playing Crossfire. [4]

    Ok, sorry. But as far as FL goes, it's a flying

    tank. Flys like one too. But still I set back, for the most part, and let the bulltets (or

    what ever) bounce off. I'm quite sure you guys have done a better job here, but I've yet

    to try them. So I hope you'll understand.

    speaking of ships, Which one do we start

    with in Crossfire? What is it's load out?

    First I've been

    considering buying Starlancer (Amazon has it) Because I love Freelancer. I'm playing Open

    SP now in Freelancer. And Have just downloaded your Crossfire Mod and OpenSp mod. Perhaps I

    should play your Starlancer Reborn first. Is it availbable yet? Or should I get (Iknow, a

    seperate game) Starlancer first. I know it's subjective, and stupid, but I'm just
