OK, so I tried my hand at Dilithium mining for the first time, and the Ferengi has 2 types: normal mining (daily) and a "rich deposits" mining, which requires a "rich deposits" permit. Where do we get that permit? I initially accepted the latter mission, but when I got to the asteroid, I had no permit to offer, so I had to go back and get the other mission; meanwhile, the timer was still running on the "rich deposits" version, so I guess it's a daily mission as well. Now that I have a few credits available, I can probably afford the permit, if only I knew where to look for it...
Posts by Centaurian
Thanks, mate. Actually, my online hours are wildly different than most of the Legion, since I'm @ GMT-7 time; I'll only see the pop-up if I'm online at the same time. I did finally check the "Social" button last night out of curiosity, and sure enough, I had friend requests from OP & Gunny. I would have thought the button would highlight green, the way it does for DOff missions completed, but oh well. Finding them on the PM system of the STO forum is not any easier, but I finally think I found Gunny's and Rex's forum handles, and sent a test PM. WE make progress day by day!
I'm usually not online until 0400 GMT, except for weekends, where I might also be online 1300-1500 GMT or 1700-1900 GMT. Next time I'm online, I will attempt to sent mail to OP, so we can see what their system does with my info
Normally, when I get an invite, it's another player in my immediate vicinity, whether in space or spacedock (I decline all but Phoenix Legion, of course). I guess a rendezvous in space or spacedock could be arranged, if someone set a time, date & place.
How do you define "old"? The best players here are not all "young"; besides, age is just a number once you've had a few cycles through the regeneration tanks! Prepare for a long and eventful future...
Where would a friend request normally show up? I still have seen no messages in-game or on the STO forum. I think there might be some issue, since I can never log in with "centaurianalpha" but instead have to use my e-mail address...
Outstanding! Thanks OP!
*cough* *cough* Where do I look for that info? Every time I check "Mail" there is none (of course). I supposed from what I read that it was derived from my forum account name... I'll be updating my progress at the top of the thread, so the Legion won't have to mine the whole thread for the latest info (see above).
Running & hiding have always been part of the Smuggler RP, but here you don't get to duck into a bunker. Most players have their own "store" on a secondary character, to use for the other functions you mentioned. The game engine is not set up for the pilot to change ships the way you might change your shoes, but you can have up to 5 characters, so you can change whenever you like, as long as you don't do it to avoid RP. I have always made it a practice to visit every base in every system, with every character, so that changing characters is more like just changing ships, similar to what you are longing for. This just means you've got to spend a lot more time on the server to log all those long open space flights; at least once you've done it a few times, you know the CF Universe pretty well!
Actually, I have discovered that if an item appears in the replicator UI, then I can give copies to my BO's, as long as they have an open slot for it. Character-bound items don't even show up in the replicator UI. I guess if I would just go out and earn some credits, I could buy more equipment slots & the gear to put in them for my BO's.
Hmmm...then I must be missing a piece (the only logical conclusion). Guess I'm going back to IC again...
EDIT: Sure enough, I had neglected to map the location of the Cloaking Device Crystal, and mistakenly thought the Crystal Key was the correct piece. D'oh!
I think maybe the issue is that some items are "bound" to the character. Nothing I've tried will move these to the BO's. Maybe if I run them through the replicator, they won't be character-bound? Gonna test this tonite...
I have figured out how to upgrade ship systems, but adding surplus inventory to my officers eludes me atm. All I have been able to do is sell surplus side arms, body armor and accessories; I'd much rather upgrade my bridge crew. Any hints would be much appreciated!
thats the char handle?
@OP: yes, I wanted to be recognizable to our SWAT mates; I have since observed that there are multiple "Alpha"s on STO, so I may have to work on another one related to my CF nicks. I am currently commanding the USS CAtalyst, having so far reached Lieut.(4). I'll edit my lead post from time to time, to update my progress and any additional char's I may create (tho I doubt I'll have time to do more than build my original character for the forseeable future). -
Well, I've got the parts unmounted in a ship with nearly $400M credits, and no assembly. Are there some ships the cloak will not mount to?
OK, this is only my 2nd online MP game ever, so it's going to take some time to get acclimated to a new universe. I can see why people are enthusiastic about STO, since it has a pretty good mix of space & ground action, and as much complexity as any engineer could ask for.
My initial character Alpha is Bajoran, so Centaurian Alpha is the full name. I don't imagine I will be of much use for a while, until I figure out how to use the interface better, and learn the "feel" of the gameplay. Not to mention that I still have a clan on CF to work with!
See you in space!
Edit: Let me know if there are other stat's I should post to save time in team planning.
UPDATE 1-16-14:
Federation: Alpha@centaurianalpha
Current Rank: Vice Admiral (50)
Current ship(s): USS CAstle, cruiser
Currently spending most of my profits on Fleet projects...
KDF: Alphal'Fa@centaurianalpha
Current Rank: Major General (46 )
Current ship(s): IKS CAncer
IKS CArak (in space dock)
IKS CArrion (in space dock)
Currently spending most of my profits on fleet projects...Rom: Qun'pau@centaurianalpha
Current Rank: Subcommander (26)
Current ship(s): R.R.W. CAvalier
R.R.W. CArapace (in space dock) -
Sorry for the late entry, but since the content exchange system is currently offline, will CF 2.0 bring it back? Just wondering, since I invested many server hours and credits to acquire the whole kit again...
Let me grab some pieces here:
QuoteIf a player leaves the system the tax or fine will be paid.
QuoteOnce fined though he cannot leave the system or just switch the char.
I think maybe you are saying that a player leaves the server (you used the word "system"), or switches to another character here? Because otherwise, the meaning is contrary to:
QuoteIf a smuggler can escape then he can escape. That makes no sense to punish him to be lucky.
I don't want to beat the point to death, but it seems that the "auto-pay" scenario as it has been described means that pirate/cop/merc now don't even need to actually kill the target anymore, so long as they get close enough for a couple of seconds to "tag" a trader ship with the tax/fine/bounty command, using a hotkey. I can't say that is even fair to the pirate/cop/merc RP, since they are essentially now playing flag football instead of full contact. If it is that easy to set up shop on some trade route and just play tag, I might as well be a pirate, since they don't even seem to be subject to fines, as they aren't licensed to carry BMG's.
And what happens in the situation where the trader has paid for an escort, gets tagged by a pirate/cop, and the escort kills the pirate/cop? Will FLHook still make the escaping trader pay the tax/bounty? It would be easy enough if the trader character kills the pirate/cop, using the normal PvP triggers, but a third-party kill would surely need some additional coding. Also, what use is the cloak then, if not to help evade threats to shipping? If I have spent >$120 million (and hours of acquisition time) on a cloak, and am able to use it to survive or evade attacks, why should that not be good RP? The burden should not always be on the trader to hire help; if pirates/cops want to assure a collection, they can band together or hire their own help, instead of getting a free pass by merely getting within range for a few seconds.
Apparently, my stay on the sleeper ship was longer than I thought; those files I wrote were for CF1.8! Still, I have never seen any of those rumors on any CF base since, so maybe they can still be used; new content will take a few days longer.
OP - since you didn't use the rumors and news I submitted for CF 1.9, I'll review those files tonite to see what might still be used in 2.0 (some of those were related to 6 quests that were never realized). I can add some for the new Coalition & Coalition Rogue bases; if there are additional bases related to the overall storyline, let me know the context. I assume that clan leaders would be submitting content for customized clan bases?