Posts by mmika01

    Well.. that's a downer. Too bad. It seems to me that some of the audio samples dates a couple of yrs back and could use refreshing. It's only 3 or 4 samples, but they really kill atmosphere for me. Maybe I'm little too blunt for someone who's fascinated by the rest of the audio layer. The music in general is more than great. Maybe that's why I'm so bothered by this top-gun-b theme.

    BTW, you should try converting Links 2 3 4 sample to wav over DATA\AUDIO\MUSIC\Cantina.wav - it gives me chills every time :)

    Don't get me wrong: I love CF music and atmosphere, but there's a couple of "songs" I found hideous. While I managed to replace most of them (Altair jump hole music or Altair bar idiotic rave song) with my favorite Rammstein samples, I can't find the wav file of the most annoying of them all - Planet Launch Music. I listened entire audio section couple of times (using wmp, the files are not clean wavs) - but it's nowhere to be found. Is it embedded in some resource file? Is there a way to replace this stupid, poppy, ugly, %*!#*@... atmosphere-killing music? Thanks.

    p.s. This is for my SP repo, of course

    Inertia is not the bad idea, it does give a note of "reality", but I think that gameplay itself does not allow to much of it. The flight mechanics and ship behavior are originally created without consideration to inertia. That's why ships sometime float too much and if you're not prepared for 180 degrees turn to trust out of the drift, it can lead to frustration.

    About weight reduction kit: I think that it reduces the cargo space way too much. On the power side, the light materials should in theory decrease ship's dead weight leaving more power for the cargo. As for the space, the additional inner constructions should decrease space up to 25%, but certainly not up to 70% (one can argue that this is truth only for the light materials and constructions currently in use and that light materials of the future wouldn't have such limitations). On the other hand, the gain in speed/maneuverability is almost unnoticeable. I did some experimenting on "steering_torque" and "angular_drag" params on my ship (in my customized, SP only, repository :) ) and get some far more interesting results. I also don't understand why the weight reduction kit and armor plates exclude each other (theoretically two items of the corresponding class should reset the ship's agility to default with addition of extra thickness to the hull)

    about the inertia again: the effect is different from system to system, somewhere almost non existent (CF systems in Sirius) , somewhere too emphasized (DK systems)

    I really wanted to try as many new ships as my budget allows, but I soon realize one very, very annoying thing about cf ships in general. I really don't want to offend anyone who spent days or months helping with the ship models, but I'm one of those few who can't stand the "ass view" and always use cockpit view. Is there a way of making those cockpits little less obscuring? One of the ships I really like, Nike (even though it's little sluggish for my taste), have giant panel with texture of oscilloscope in the middle of the screen, making cockpit view practically unusable. Similar situation is with all VHFs I tried so far. There's always something reducing view-field or partially/completely obscure it. Personally, I don't mind non-existing cockpits on trains/cruisers, but I'm sure there's a lot of "first person pilots" who do.

    I found couple of related threads in the past and all replies suggested that nothing could be done, but it seems to me that cockpit models are not part of the ship model. Is there a mapping connecting ship to the cockpit? Could it be possible to use Eagle's cockpit on Nike for example? If not possible, will this problem be addressed in the future? It would allow the FPP minority to fully enjoy this great mod. Thanks.

    Did you tried your laptop original drivers? They are usually modified and some of the models don't work well with Nvidia's "vanilla" ge-force drivers. Try installing drivers from your laptop's online support/download section.

    I have optimus laptop with Quadro 1000M (matching GT540M / 550M) and Lenovo's version of Nvidia drivers, everything works like a charm.

    You can check what your windows says about the problem by examine critical error log (start -> run -> "Event Viewer" -> "Administrative Events") - it should give you problematic/missing file report so you can be sure is it c++ redist. or something else (but it does smell like c++, had similar issues with other software until I installed all latest versions available for my 7x64).

    It is not known why the gate does not annihilate the coalition ships...but there is another way to trigger the event that was suppose to it manually. When message appears telling you to wait....

    ignore it and fly back to the jump hole then jump to the other system and jump back and do the dirty work that the gate was suppose to do....kill your fellow coalition fighters....all of them, or until the message appears telling you to get the hell out of the system. DO NOT OPEN FIRE ON JUNI! SHE WILL KILL YOU!!! AND YOU CANNOT KILL HER :( SHE HAS GODMODE HACKS!

    Thanks man, that worked for me.

    Can someone please tell me the procedure to pass "wait at this position for the coalition commander to return" bug at Menton. I tried triggering the hyper gate, hold still on the mission way-point for a long time, circling around the gate at distance of 18k, repeat from last auto-save number of times, but I'm still stuck. Been here for hours.



    I already tried repeating mission couple of times with the same result. Please help!

    I didn't saw anyone posting this, sorry if I'm repeating:

    crash at the destruction of the carrier in sol

    Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit SP1

    Runtime error:
    This application has requested the runtime to terminate it in an unusual way

    Event Viewer critical error log:
    Faulting application name: Freelancer.exe, version: 1.0.1223.11, time stamp: 0x00534d69
    Faulting module name: DALib.dll, version: 1.0.1254.11, time stamp: 0x3ecbb141
    Exception code: 0xc0000005
    Fault offset: 0x000057d7
    Faulting process id: 0x15d0
    Faulting application start time: 0x01cc8ac1b27a2e59
    Faulting application path: F:\games\Freelancer\EXE2\Freelancer.exe
    Faulting module path: F:\games\Freelancer\EXE2\DALib.dll
    Report Id: 892944bf-f6b5-11e0-a7c7-f0def16976b2

    ... but as OP said, using mission save instead of auto or manual save works just fine.