Posts by HBenceHUN

    HBenceHUN: Load last mission save (in Dublin if I remember well) and use "patience" setup you used when you successfully docked with convoy on TL to Earth. You are only one so far with this problem, so there must be something wrong on your side. :| . ... is possible you leave formation after arriving on Earth? .. Correct is that after you come in formation to Earth, you should have next point in TL to Mars

    No, I don't left the formation, i have 2 versions of problems: 1:the Mission Waypoint stay on the Jupiter->Earth TL or 2: The Mission Waypoint is on the train.
    And sorry but what is "patience" setup?

    Hello Everybody!
    PLEASE someone can send me a savegame file to this mission? Because in the train escort mission when i arrive to Earth with the trains, the Mission Waypoint jumps back to the Jupiter->Earth trade lane 160K away. I tried this mission 10 mines but not fixed. I tried Autosave, and normal mission save but nothing worked, I have to skip this mission, so PLEASE send me a savegame file of Mission 42: Coalition to this E-mail : PLEASE!
    Thanks a lot!

    Hello again!
    Thanks for help, i sucsessfully docked to the trade lane to Earth with the trains but after the arrival to Earth the Mission Waypoint returned to the trade lane where i came from (160K away).
    It's the third error with this mission. :(
    PLEASE can you give me a save game file to skip this mission?


    Thanks the help it worked! :)
    But unfortunately i have another problem.
    The mission where i have to escort a convoy from Dublin to Sol.
    My objective is to enter formation with the convoy. Everything were alright but after the Hessians attack i have to rejoin to formation then go to Earth by that trade line thing. I join the formation but it just circling around the lane, not dock in. I tried to dock manually, i was sucsessfull but the convoy dont followed me. So i cant go to Earth with the convoy.
    Sorry again for bad english.
    Please help me!

    At first sorry for my english, I'm Hungarian.

    I have the same problem, in the Sol system I killed the Nomad Strike Carrier and the game says "Well Done". After that, the game crashes with C++ Runtime Error. :(
    I tried what admins advised to load a mission save intstead of autosave but it dont worked.
    Please help me!
