Posts by Hayabusa.


    I'm playing in Multiplayer and I found this gate in the green nebula in sector F3 (near planet Carinea, Omicron Alpha)
    I've seen other players jumping through the gate some days ago, thats why I'm actually wondering why this gate is 'locked' now.
    I've not done anything weird or strange, nor have I messed up my reputation with any factions.

    Hello fellows.

    I'm exploring systems and I found out something strange.
    While my ride through Omicron Alpha I figured a Jumpgate named 'X-3043'
    My reputation table shows me neutral to all npc-factions exept the Dom'Kavash.
    My try to dock this particular gate failed with the voice of "Dock. Dock denied - Access denied!" ?(
    The Gate does not appear red to me, nor do any NPC's turning hostile on approach.

    May anyone be able to explain what I'm doing wrong?

    Sidenote: I bought some bribes to get neutral to NPC-factions and I did not kill any NPC's yet. My character is about 5 hours old and not messed up in any ways. 8|