Just a few thoughts.

Mission 31, Toledo autosaves as Mission 13, Toledo.

Also the story is very engaging... edge of seat engaging imo... (although Mission 31 was basically just flying and hoping not to get blown up by many many huge fish...). The evolving plot, atmosphere, visuals and music are actually better executed than the original vanilla storyline.

I notice the text has some minor grammatical and stylistic points that could do with touching up. Would that be an idea?

That having been said I actually like that the Dom Kavash "english" doesn't quite sound native... it makes it seem more realistic.

  • Please add concrete cases where should be text adjusted.

  • I was focused on playing through and enjoying the game... so I didn't keep track of the various errors. sorry! Some things that stuck out were Singularity being spelt as Signularity... and the automatic save of mission 31, Toledo as mission 13, Toledo mentioned above. (the game automatically saves at each chapter; mission 31 is named incorrectly, no doubt a typo.)

    I've been trying to go through the files to find all the storyline related text, but I can't figure out where they're kept. If you can enlighten me, I don't mind combing through and making the specific suggestions here.

  • Chapter 8

    You lose contact with the GMG Research Station right after the jump tunnel closes.

    Apparently travel through the Hypergate is a one-way deal.

    The thought of being marooned is terrifying, and the eerie absence of radio chatter doesn't help. You're too young to die out here, alone, in the cold, deaf silence of space.

    It looks like the only way to get home is to scavenge enough scrap metal to build another Hypergate, using your superhuman intellect and consummate engineering skills... neither of which you actually have in abundance... not to mention there isn't a scrap of... scrap... in sight. Scrap that.

    Perhaps you can follow in the footsteps of your forerunners. The expedition fleet is nowhere to be seen, and the absence of debris suggests they must have high tailed it out of here. There must be some way to get our bearings and navigate home.

    There - that huge, gargantuan, incredibly conspicuous super-massive black hole (did we mention gigantic?) - that must be the one at the center of the milky way.

    High above it loom some unfathomably immense structures. Serenely hovering a fixed distance from event horizon, they appear to be calmly defying the laws of physics, and gravity.

    Don't venture too close - the event horizon will tear your ship apart, and kill this cat.

    Far, far in the distance... what's that? A... structure? Perhaps that's our ticket out of here.