About 300

There are 13 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by hipogriff.

  • Pls tell me what do you think about the movie "300". For me it is only very good presented battle with definitely good effects but with none subject. If i must choose from 1-10 i choose 3.


  • nah, hipo .. you dont know waht is a QUALITY movie ..

    i just watched this last night ... and geez ..
    iit was GREAT ... special effect on every corner, cool audio, sound, slow motion battles ..

    and what most important .. a battle for your own ideals

    this movie is a clear 10 if you ask me ... now, lets make a new sig with the motive from that movie ^^

  • Nice movie with i think following subject:

    Also small groups of 300 spartan special forces are able to defeat hundreds of persia malformed soldiers to defend their homeland - some kind of good patriotism.

    I like this, because everyone should try all that is under his power to prevent his/her homeland from war and/or rejection.

    AND also a sight for sore eyes for our femal movie watchers :D

    Hope a next movie with the big fight at the end will arise soon :D

  • I need to watch it asap cos it looked fantastic

    The story reminds me of some of those David Gemmell books

    @usul - If i ever see that you (bad stuff) about other clans again (no matter if you hide it in Roleplay stories or say it public) it will be the last thing you have said here in this community.

    If you have a problem with what Ive said here... then leave my forum and my server!


  • I think 300 is fantastic. The imagery / artistery / special effects.....great. I think the story actually has a lot to say too, it all sinks in a little more each time you watch it :D

  • I liked it. For me it was a very well told/shown mithological tale. Its not a movie its a movie of a mith, a mith-tale, a mith telling/narration movie. Its great, and I thnik unique in its kind. (And Xerxes is a brazilian actor :D )

    Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

    {LP}Amos and derivatives; {LP}Ivanov{X} from the Altair branch of LP

  • Is a great movie, Rodrigo Santoro as Xerxes was great, he make lots of great movies here in Brazil and is making a great work world wide

    Let's trade and bring happyness to the universe :))

  • If i choose a movies like this, presenting big battles, LOTR the third part, is better than 300. The interesting in 300 is that there is no scene that it wasn't effected by computer. Well after all the film is made by the same team which have worked on Sin City. But the other is just the fight. I mean the subject was nothing more than how 300 worriors wake up one big country and lead them to the victory sacrifing their own lifes for it. Also level up the quality of the films, so we can wait for another gr8 quality in a film but it will be only this. One good film cannot make out only with good effects and a lot of money in it. I can give you a good film. It has nothing at all with 300. The film is called "It's all gone Pete Tong" and i can give this film with no consideration 10/10. If you can understand it and estimate it as it diserve then you will find out which film is good.


  • As Hipogriff said the film was entirely "edited" with computers and all scenes were filmed in the studio, none were taken outdoors.

    For me the film is great, i give it 8.5/10.

    Only thing i resent is that the Termopil battle story was not interpreted very good.

    Buy a ticket, take a ride! [45]

    DD BlackOps Hassassin

  • Finally watched it last night!!

    Damn kids - always get in the way and you are restricted to DISNEY films blah blah

    I though imagery and affects new and interesting and the battles mostly good.

    Reminds me of many D Gemmell books about small groups of people fighting against huge numbers, Druss, Legend, Lion of Macedonia etc

    Very disapointing in the ending and would have liked to see more on the battles and to show how hard they faught and how determined they were.

    Some bits, like with the Rhinos and Elephants were over too quickly.

    And its great to honour those people in the past that faught againt invasion and for freedom.

    The ending - crap!!

    @usul - If i ever see that you (bad stuff) about other clans again (no matter if you hide it in Roleplay stories or say it public) it will be the last thing you have said here in this community.

    If you have a problem with what Ive said here... then leave my forum and my server!


  • First about the end, it was good enough. The film cannot be 6 hours you know... And because you have expected only battles what the movie actualy was and haven't understand what the film wanted to present then yes the end was stupid...
