CF Grand Melee Event

There are 286 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Crysis.

  • June 6., 2008

    Team 1
    CFPD Oogly Boogly 2/7
    SZ Iceman 11/24
    SMG Simba 12/6
    MN SHS 7/24
    * TRF Flash Gordon 3/4
    DC Maxbur-Hunter 8/5

    Total 43/70

    Team 2
    SMG DuckDodgers 17/14
    SMG Picard 9/10
    TRF Black Phoenix 16/20
    Fallen Wolke-Sieben 4/13

    Total 46/47

    Winning Team is Team 2 :won:

    1. SMG Duck Dodgers 30 mill :won:
    2. TRF Black Phoenix 20 mill
    3. SMG Simba 15 mill

    all others got 10 mill [prost]

    Thanks all for participating, hope you had fun and to see you next week.

  • Rules clarification:
    In the last two TDMs capital ships were allowed, since all participants agreed to let them take part.
    The rules state that ships "must dock in Arena and may not leave Arena during the event." I don't have no problem with ignoring that rule, if everybody agrees, but i also intend to give a special prize to the participant with the least selfkills.
    And because someone has to be really dumb and/or a very bad pilot to kill himself in a Capital ship, they are out of TDM again.

  • 13. 6.
    As far as i know there was no TDM.
    Sorry, was in Berne, aka oranje-city watching the dutch humiliate the frenchies :D

  • June 14th, unscheduled event (but with 10 participatin players a very successful one, even when some people thought otherwise...)

    TEAM 1

    SMG Dr. Doom 15/7
    SMG Picar 10/6
    SZ Molach 13/4
    LP Canoso 7/6
    Pinkfreud 4/8

    TOTAL: 49/41, Kill/Death ratio 1,12

    TEAM 2

    SMG DuckDodgers 12/16
    SMG Argos 5/9
    BG Kalisie 2/11
    suite 0/1 (got killed back to Hiruga due to a server restart during preparations but got prize like all others)
    TRF LucyInTheSky 4/20

    TOTAL: 23/57 Kill/Death ratio 0,4

    TEAM 1 is winner by far :won:


    Congrats and thanks to everyone, hope to see you next time again.

  • June 20th

    Team 1
    SMG DuckDodgers 13/20
    BG Jack Bauer 7/20
    BG Kalisie 12/19
    BG Misery 9/27

    Total: 41/86
    Frag/Death ratio: 0.47

    Team 2
    SMG Picard 19/12
    (Fallen) Prinz V Killa 17/10
    Queen Wolfess 10/13
    TRF Lucy 26/22 (+ 1 rampage :D )

    Total 72/57
    Frag/Death ratio: 1.26

    Winner is Team 2 :won:

    Overall killer TRF Lucy

    Thanks all for participating and i hope to see you next week again 8)

  • June 27th

    Due to financial and connection problems team 2 was playing with various substitutes and often with 3 players only. Anyway, it was still fun.

    Team 1

    SMG Dr. Doom 13/13
    SMG Picard 17/12
    Daywalker 17/6
    BG Spiky 9/15

    Total: 56/46

    Team 2

    SMG FullMetalDuck 16/9
    *SMG Simba 6/9
    *Fallen Wolke 2/17
    *BG Jack Bauer 2/8
    *TRF Lucy 7/17

    Total: 22/63

    *didn't play all of the event

    Winner is team 1 1 :won:

    Overall killer is Daywalker :won:

    Congrats and thanks for participating. And thanks to BG Jack Bauer for his very generous donation of 100 mill!

  • Since i am at a wedding party tomorrow, there will be no TDM (unless someone else manages it)

    And just to prevent any rumors from starting: It ain't mine (the weddding)

  • Juli 11th

    Team 1

    sMG Simba 17/16
    Salim_the_deadly_Sniper 6/21
    BG_Jack-Bauer 11/13
    SMG_DrDoom 9/6

    Total: 43/56

    Team 2

    SMG_Argos 5/8
    Fallen_Prinz 7/14
    Tomy 7/17
    TRF_Lucy 13/18

    Total: 32/57

    Winning team is Team 1 1 :won:

    Overall Killer is SMG_Simba :won: and meeooow

    Congrats and thanks all for participating. Hope to see you again next week.

  • Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

    CF Chars: SMG_Simba, Simba[ServerPolice], SMG_Panthera_Leo, SMG_Kovu, SMG_Smilodon, SMG_Nimravus, SMG_Megantereon, SMG_Hoplophoneus, SMG_Ginsburgsmilus, SMG_Paramachairodus, SMG_Lokontailurus, SMG_LZ129_Hindenburg, SMG_Sponsored_By:_Puma, SMG_LZ127-Graf_Zeppelin

    SMG Forums

  • July 18th

    Team 1
    *SMG Duck Dodgers 8/6
    *DP Phoenix 3/32
    Fallen Ryder Hook 6/9
    DZ z@rdoz 5/21
    BG Jack Bauer 25/10 + 2 rampages
    *SMG Myric 9/10

    Total: 56/88

    Team 2
    SMG Simba 26/11 + 2 rampages
    SFP Michael 17/7 + 1 rampage
    Salim the deadly sniper 2/17
    DP Zangetshu Hunter 7/16
    *TRF Lucy 17/14

    *did not take part all of event

    Winning team is TEAM 2 :won:

    Overall Killer is SMG Simba :won:
    2nd: BG Jack Bauer
    3d: SFP Michael

    Thank you all for participating, hope you enjoyed it.

    NOTE: I'm hugging mountains next week, won't be here for TDM. Have fun!

    EDIT: Simba will manage TDM on Juli 25th. Thanks. Meow.

  • Team Death Match Results:
    /July 25, 2008/

    Team 1:

    BG_Jack-Bauer 11/15 (3 mil)

    BG_Nuclear_Winter 7/20 (2 mil)
    ~MN~Crysis 12/22 (5 mil)
    DC_DrStraw 19/19 (10 mil)

    Team 2:

    -=[T-R-F]=-BlackPhoenix 10/22 (6 mil)

    SMG_Simba 22/23 (10 mil)
    DC_z@RDOz=1974= 9/20 (4 mil)
    SMG_Dr..Dooom 26/12 (20 mil)

    [SIZE=3]Winner: Team 2 67/77[/SIZE]
    Runner-up: Team 1 49/76

    Top killers:

    1. SMG_Dr..Dooom 26/12
    2. SMG_Simba 22/23
    3. DC_DrStraw 19/19

    Thank you all for comming. Till next Friday - same time, same place.

    CF Chars: SMG_Simba, Simba[ServerPolice], SMG_Panthera_Leo, SMG_Kovu, SMG_Smilodon, SMG_Nimravus, SMG_Megantereon, SMG_Hoplophoneus, SMG_Ginsburgsmilus, SMG_Paramachairodus, SMG_Lokontailurus, SMG_LZ129_Hindenburg, SMG_Sponsored_By:_Puma, SMG_LZ127-Graf_Zeppelin

    SMG Forums

  • August 1st

    Team 1
    TRF Cap'n Capra 8/14
    SMG Picard 11/5
    SMG Simba 17/7 + rampage
    RaZer_(Hun) 0/11
    TRF Lucy: 17/22 + rampage

    Total: 53/58

    Team 2
    Fallen Ryder Hook 7/7
    Daywalker 15/8 + rampage in overtime :D
    ripley 4/11
    BG Nuclear Winter 11/21
    DC z@rdoz 5/9

    Winning team is team 1 :won:

    Overall killer is SMG Simba :won:
    2. TRF Lucy
    3. Daywalker

    Thank you all for participating and hope to see you next week.

  • Thank you (again) for hosting it. GFs everyone. And one correction :D - Daywalker +1 rampage (at the end), Simba +1 rampage (at the beginning)

    CF Chars: SMG_Simba, Simba[ServerPolice], SMG_Panthera_Leo, SMG_Kovu, SMG_Smilodon, SMG_Nimravus, SMG_Megantereon, SMG_Hoplophoneus, SMG_Ginsburgsmilus, SMG_Paramachairodus, SMG_Lokontailurus, SMG_LZ129_Hindenburg, SMG_Sponsored_By:_Puma, SMG_LZ127-Graf_Zeppelin

    SMG Forums

  • Meeeooow, wonder how you got that rampage, kitten :D

    But sorry, i really didn't see it. However, Daywalker in fact had his rampage only after the time had run out, so his rampage doesn't count.

    Results are edited.

  • August 8th, 2008

    First of all, my apologies, it was a somewhat chaotic affair, with many players entering and being kicked and (supposedly) thrown out.
    But i hope you still enjoyed it and will be there next week again.

    Now on to the hard (and cruel) facts:

    Team 1
    Daywalker 16/1 + rampages + godlike
    DC Maxbur 14/5 + rampage
    SMG Pic 24/4 + at least 3 rampages
    ripley 7/13
    LP Sunslayer 9/9
    *DC Neorek ??? logged off after event

    Total: 70/31

    Team 2
    Fallen Ryder Hook 3/6
    TRF Lucy ??? (forgot to write her frags due to a last minute switch)
    DCz@rdoz 1/14
    *DP Phoenix 0/11
    *DP BladeTrain3rFhtr 3/16
    *SMG Myric 8/11

    Total: 35/80

    Winner is Team 1 :won:

    Overall killer: SMG Picard :won:
    2nd: Daywalker
    3d: DC Maxbur

    Congratz to the winners!

    Prizes went from 10 mill for participants to 40 mill for the winner.

    TRF Lucy got no money but instead whacked by herself for messing up the frag count [wall]

    *didnt take part all of the event

    Thanks all for participating and hope to see you next week again.
    And a special thanks to the rather new guys, especially those in Team 2: You did all very well!

  • No results here but a special THANK YOU to three very generous donators to the Team Death Match prizes fund:

    Daywalker donated 600 million
    Gunny donated 500 million
    Jack Bauer donated 100 million

    Thank you all very much.

    (Now the only prob i have is: what do i say when i get caught red handed in SoS smuggling BMG?)

    But anyway, time for some banana dancing :D

    [1655] [1655] [1655] [1655] [1655] [1655] [1655] [1655]

  • Sorry to have missed it :( Again

    Live another day

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

  • August 9th
    Unscheduled event with 80% of the online server population participating

    TEAM 1
    TRF MissBehave 10/20
    SMG Simba 17/7
    DC M@xburHunter 15/4
    LP Sunslayer 6/23
    *SFP lev-arris 1/4 (left event)
    *DASH 4/6

    Total 53/74

    TEAM 2
    SMG Picard 14/8 + 1 rampage
    SMG Eclipsya 12/18
    SFP Immanuel 12/15
    BG Zein 9/29
    SP Ship Infocard ? (left event and logged off)

    Total 47/70

    Winning Team: Team 1 :won:

    Overall killer: SMG Simba :won:
    2nd DC M@xburHunter
    3d SMG Pic (sorry, got that wrong ingame)

    Thanks everyone for participating.
    And a special thanks to SMG Eclipsya, SMG Picard and SMG Simba for sponsoring 100 mill each. Hence the extra large prizes :D

    See you next Friday.

    Note: leaving a TDM because you feel a bit stepped on your feet sucks big time, because you mess up the results.
    Logging off directly after the event is over and before i can write the frags is just as bad, although maybe due to tech probs. Please try to come back in that case.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by lucy in the sky
    August 9th
    Unscheduled event with 80% of the online server population participating

    Correction - at the time the Assault was scheduled as a replacement because both miners were absent ;).

    Anyway thank you for holding it 8) .

    CF Chars: SMG_Simba, Simba[ServerPolice], SMG_Panthera_Leo, SMG_Kovu, SMG_Smilodon, SMG_Nimravus, SMG_Megantereon, SMG_Hoplophoneus, SMG_Ginsburgsmilus, SMG_Paramachairodus, SMG_Lokontailurus, SMG_LZ129_Hindenburg, SMG_Sponsored_By:_Puma, SMG_LZ127-Graf_Zeppelin

    SMG Forums

  • August 15. 2008

    TEAM 1
    SMG Simba 26/14
    LP Canoso 16/15
    TRF MissBehave 14/30

    Total: 61/69

    TEAM 2
    John Sheppard 34/16
    DC M@xbur 8/13
    DC z@rdoz 5/15
    Blood Omen 0/32

    Total 47/76

    Winning team is TEAM 1 :won:

    Overal killer; John Sheppard :won:
    Second: SMG Simba
    Third: LP Canoso

    Thanks to all who participated and hope to see you next week again.