CF Grand Melee Event

There are 286 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Crysis.

  • 2007.11.22 10.30 PM GMT

    That event was not planed but ppl wanted it.. so we did it.


    Team1: 48/53

    IOC_Nofuture 17/19
    SMG_Picard 13/11
    MaxPower 12/17
    SMG_Dr.Doom 6/6

    Team2: 28/67

    SMG_Simba 9/14
    MN_Optimus 9/20
    CFPD_Ozy 2/20
    IOC_X-Ray 8/13

    Winners : Team 1 with 48 points

    Prizes :

    IOC_NoFuture 20 mil
    SMG_Picard 15 mil
    MaxPower 10mil
    SMG_Dr.Doom 2 mil

    SMG_Simba 15mil
    MN_Optimus 10mil
    IOC_X-Ray 5mil
    CFPD_Ozy 2 mil

    Overall winner: IOC_Nofuture, prize: Adv.champion shield

    Sponsors: CFPD_Ozy and SMG_Dr.Doom

    congrats to everyone and thx for participating in the event :)


    Life is just a game, scenario is crap but at least video is excellent.

    CF chars: SMG_Pic, SMG_Picard,SMG_Explorer, SMG_Savage

    When you constantly wining fights you loosing skills, when you loosing fight you learning how to win.

  • 2007.11.23


    Team1: 35/54

    SMG_Picard 9/9
    TRF_BlackHawk 9/20
    IOC_X-Ray 9/13
    BG_Galactic 8/12

    Team2: 33/55

    IOC_NoFuture 8/12
    SMG_Ky 11/12
    IOC_Executor 7/17
    MN_Crimson 7/14

    Winners : Team 1 with 35 points

    Prizes :


    SMG_Picard 20 mil
    IOC_X-Ray 15 mil
    TRF_BlackHawk 10 mil
    BG_Galactic 2 mil


    SMG_Ky 15 mil
    IOC_NoFuture 10 mil
    MN_Crimson 5 mil
    IOC_Executor 2 mil

    Overall winner: SMG_Ky, prize: 2 DK anihilators

    congrats to everyone and thx for participating in the event :)


    Life is just a game, scenario is crap but at least video is excellent.

    CF chars: SMG_Pic, SMG_Picard,SMG_Explorer, SMG_Savage

    When you constantly wining fights you loosing skills, when you loosing fight you learning how to win.

  • 2007.11.30


    Team1: 56/73

    SMG_Argos 10/21
    SMG_Eclipsya 21/23
    MN_Crysis 25/29

    Team2: 54/81

    IOC_Nofuture 23/31
    SMG_Kyron 12/13 (SMG_Picard 3/3)
    IOC_Executor 16/34

    Winners : Team 1 with 56 points

    Prizes :


    SMG_Argos 10mil
    SMG_Eclipsya 15mil
    MN_Crysis 20mil


    IOC_Nofuture 15mil
    SMG_Kyron 5mil
    IOC_Executor 10mil

    Overall winner: MN_Crysis, prize: 2 DK anihilators

    congrats to everyone and thx for participating in the event :)


    Life is just a game, scenario is crap but at least video is excellent.

    CF chars: SMG_Pic, SMG_Picard,SMG_Explorer, SMG_Savage

    When you constantly wining fights you loosing skills, when you loosing fight you learning how to win.

  • 2007.12.09


    Team1: 19/45

    Spirit 4/7
    IOC_Nofuture 7/16
    IOC_Executor 6/10
    SMG_Doom DNF
    M.c. 0/3
    TRF_Huor 2/9

    Team2: 39/41

    SMG_Eclipsya 11/6
    SMG_Argos 6/6
    SMG_Picard 6/5
    IOC_XRay 8/15
    LP_Canoso 8/9

    Winners : Team 2 with 39 points

    Prizes :


    IOC_Nofuture 15mil
    IOC_Executor 10mil
    TRF_Huor 5mil
    Spirit 3mil
    SMG_Doom DNF
    M.c. 3mil


    SMG_Eclipsya 20mil
    LP_Canoso 15mil
    IOC_XRay 10mil
    SMG_Argos 3mil
    SMG_Picard 3mil

    Overall winner: SMG_Eclipsya, prize: 2 DK anihilators

    congrats to everyone and thx for participating in the event :)


    Life is just a game, scenario is crap but at least video is excellent.

    CF chars: SMG_Pic, SMG_Picard,SMG_Explorer, SMG_Savage

    When you constantly wining fights you loosing skills, when you loosing fight you learning how to win.

  • 2007.12.14


    Team1: 58/85

    SZ_Tito 14/22
    SMG_Ky 14/19
    SMG_Picard 11/8
    KOH_Bahamut 12/19
    IOC_XRay 7/17

    Team2: 54/72

    MN_Crimson 10/9
    Prokiller 7/9
    LP_Marauder 13/13
    IOC_Executor 6/12
    Vor 6/11
    SMG_Doom 12/18

    Winners : Team 1 with 58 points

    Prizes :


    SZ_Tito 15mil
    SMG_Ky 20mil
    SMG_Picard 3mil
    KOH_Bahamut 10mil
    IOC_XRay 3mil


    MN_Crimson 3mil
    Prokiller 5mil + PPC
    LP_Marauder 15mil
    IOC_Executor 3mil
    Vor 3mil + DKA
    SMG_Doom 10mil

    Overall winner: SMG_Ky, prize: 20mil

    congrats to everyone and thx for participating in the event :)


    Life is just a game, scenario is crap but at least video is excellent.

    CF chars: SMG_Pic, SMG_Picard,SMG_Explorer, SMG_Savage

    When you constantly wining fights you loosing skills, when you loosing fight you learning how to win.

  • 2007.12.21


    Team1: 71/60

    IOC_Executor 20/17
    IOC_Dr.Straw 24/13
    SMG_Dr.Doom 17/17
    Fallen_Prinz.V.Killer 10/13

    Team2: 38/93

    SZ_Haldir 7/19
    SMG_FullMetallDuck 15/27
    Vor 9/14
    SMG_Stoller 7/33

    Winners : Team 1 with 71 points

    Prizes :


    IOC_Executor 15mil
    IOC_Dr.Straw 20mil
    SMG_Dr.Doom 10mil
    Fallen_Prinz.V.Killer 3mil


    SZ_Haldir 5mil
    SMG_FullMetallDuck 15mil
    Vor 10mil
    SMG_Stoller 3mil

    Overall winner: IOC_Dr.Straw, prize: Adv.champion shield

    Sponsors: IOC_Executor 60mil and SMG_Doom 50mil

    congrats to everyone and thx for participating in the event :)


    Life is just a game, scenario is crap but at least video is excellent.

    CF chars: SMG_Pic, SMG_Picard,SMG_Explorer, SMG_Savage

    When you constantly wining fights you loosing skills, when you loosing fight you learning how to win.

  • 30th of Jan 2008

    while out lovely EM Picard was "lost" in some Hiruga strip bar enjoying with bunch of pretty ladies (who love money;)

    we were having an unofficial TDM and i was (as substitute EM) very pleased with pilots effort and spirit!!!


    Team 1: 40/41 WINNERS

    TRF_Black 17/17 OVERALL WINNER
    SMG_Argos 8/8
    SZ_Haldir 7/2
    BG_LaserJet 4/3
    Blade 4/11

    Team 2: 28/46

    Fallen_Ryder 9/3 + rampage
    Fallen_Prinz 1/4
    SMG_Eclipsya 9/13
    MN_Darco 7/10
    Exloj 2/16

    15mil - Black and Ryder
    5mil - Argos, Haldir, Eclipsya and Darco
    1mil- all others who participated (who hasnt got it let me know:)

    gfs to all and it was a great fun but ofcourse its not the same without our Mr. Jean Luc;)

    Keep on rockin'...!!;)

  • 2008.02.01


    Team1: 84/113

    SMG_Kyron 8/18
    SMG_Eclipsya 17/9 ( 1 rampage)
    SZ_Tito 6/16
    Lucy_in_the-sky 11/20
    MN_Crysis 17/14
    Fallen_Prinz_Valium 2/8
    IOC_XRay 11/16
    LP_Koravov 11/12

    Team2: 56/86

    Sleepy 1/1 (DNF due to connection probs)
    SMG_Argos 3/8
    SMG_Doom 7/8
    SZ_Iceman 25/19
    SZ_Haldir 9/9
    Abras_Devil 2/14
    SMG_Myric 7/10
    BG_Magnet 2/17

    Winners : Team 1 with 84 points

    Prizes :

    Team 1:

    SMG_Eclipsya 50mil
    MN_Crysis 30mil
    LP_Koravov 15mil


    SZ_Iceman 30mil
    SZ_Haldir 20mil
    SMG_Doom 10mil

    All others 5 mil.

    Overall winner: SZ_Iceman, prize: 2 DKA guns

    Sponsors: SMG_Dr.Doom 75mil

    Few screenes from event:

    congrats to everyone and thx for participating in the event :)


    Life is just a game, scenario is crap but at least video is excellent.

    CF chars: SMG_Pic, SMG_Picard,SMG_Explorer, SMG_Savage

    When you constantly wining fights you loosing skills, when you loosing fight you learning how to win.

  • 2008.02.15


    Team1: 78/99

    MN_Crysis 27/29
    SMG_Kyron 20/11
    Fallen_Ryder 13/21
    SZ_Haldir 11/12
    Arcturus 7/26

    Team2: 68/100

    LP_Koravov 14/27
    SMG_Myric 14/20
    MN_Jan521 3/14
    LP_Inferno 34/32
    MN_HeroicAge 3/7

    Winners : Team 1 with 78 points

    Prizes :


    MN_Crysis 35 mil
    SMG_Kyron 25mil
    Fallen_Ryder 15mil
    SZ_Haldir 2mil
    Arcturus 2mil +DKA


    LP_Koravov 5mil
    SMG_Myric 10mil
    MN_Jan521 2mil
    LP_Inferno 20mil
    MN_HeroicAge 2mil

    Overall winner: LP_Inferno, prize: 2 DK anihilators

    congrats to everyone and thx for participating in the event :)


    Life is just a game, scenario is crap but at least video is excellent.

    CF chars: SMG_Pic, SMG_Picard,SMG_Explorer, SMG_Savage

    When you constantly wining fights you loosing skills, when you loosing fight you learning how to win.

  • 2008.02.29


    Team1: 48/54

    SZ_Tito 8/14
    SMG_Argos 7/12
    SMG_Myric 15/18
    Fallen_Prinz.V.Killar 9/6
    SX_Haldir 9/4

    Team2: 42/58

    SMG_Doom 15/9
    SMG_Eclipsya 6/8
    Lucy_in_the_Sky 7/11
    SMG_3rror 7/20
    Ravener 7/10

    Winners : Team 1 with 48 points

    Prizes :


    SZ_Tito 2mil
    SMG_Argos 2mil
    SMG_Myric 20mil
    Fallen_Prinz.V.Killar 10mil
    SX_Haldir 15mil


    SMG_Doom 15mil
    SMG_Eclipsya 2mil
    Lucy_in_the_Sky 5mil
    SMG_3rror 2mil
    Ravener 10mil

    Overall winner: SMG_Doom, prize: adv.champion shield

    congrats to everyone and thx for participating in the event :)


    Life is just a game, scenario is crap but at least video is excellent.

    CF chars: SMG_Pic, SMG_Picard,SMG_Explorer, SMG_Savage

    When you constantly wining fights you loosing skills, when you loosing fight you learning how to win.

  • 2008.03.21


    Team1: 52/63

    SMG_Simba 15/9
    Riddick 12/12
    SMG_Picard 11/3
    Heat 7/10
    Lucy in the Sky 7/13
    Smokey Simon 0/16

    Team2: 56/84

    SZ_Haldir 13/10
    hos3 13/33
    DC_M@xBur 10/16
    IOC_XRay 6/7
    IOC_Tyrael 5/8
    SMG_Burro 9/10

    Winners : Team 2 with 56 points

    Prizes :


    SMG_Simba 25mil
    Riddick 15mil
    SMG_Picard 5mil
    Heat 3mil
    Lucy in the Sky 3mil
    Smokey Simon 3mil


    SZ_Haldir 35mil
    hos3 25mil
    DC_M@xBur 15mil
    IOC_XRay 3mil
    IOC_Tyrael 3mil
    SMG_Burro 3mil

    Overall winner: SMG_Simba, prize: 2 DK anihilators

    Freelancers who participated in event got extra prize : adv.champion shield

    congrats to everyone and thx for participating in the event :)


    Life is just a game, scenario is crap but at least video is excellent.

    CF chars: SMG_Pic, SMG_Picard,SMG_Explorer, SMG_Savage

    When you constantly wining fights you loosing skills, when you loosing fight you learning how to win.

  • I`m sorry i left the event.

    GF @ all :]

    Proud member of the Independent Operators' Consortium ever since day 1 in Crossfire. :herz:
    In-game characters: (IOC)Tyrael, (IOC)HimejiFortress

    “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” Sun Tzu

  • 2008.03.28


    Team1: 104/72

    SMG_Simba 15/6
    MN_Crysis 23/10 + rampage
    CFPD_Wolvie 24/5 + 3 rampages
    h0s3 0/36
    IOC_XRay 13/6 + rampage
    LP_Psycho 23/9 + rampage

    Team2: 63/132

    DC_Hipogriff 9/21
    DC_M@xBur 13/12
    CFPD_Immanuel 25/17 + rampage
    IOC_Asgard 5/23
    Bax 8/18
    Z4c 2/41

    Winners : Team 1 with 104 points

    Prizes :


    SMG_Simba 2mil
    MN_Crysis 15 mil
    CFPD_Wolvie 35mil
    h0s3 2mil
    IOC_XRay 2mil
    LP_Psycho 25mil


    DC_Hipogriff 5mil
    DC_M@xBur 15mil
    CFPD+Immanuel 25mil + rampage
    IOC_Asgard 2mil
    Bax 2mil
    Z4c 2mil

    Overall winner: CFPD_Wolvie, prize: Adv.champion shield

    Freelancers who participated in event got extra prize : adv.hydroxin truster

    congrats to everyone and thx for participating in the event :)


    Life is just a game, scenario is crap but at least video is excellent.

    CF chars: SMG_Pic, SMG_Picard,SMG_Explorer, SMG_Savage

    When you constantly wining fights you loosing skills, when you loosing fight you learning how to win.

  • 2008.04.04


    Team1: 65/84

    SMG_Simba 28/19
    IOC_XRay 14/17
    CFPD_Immanuel 11/21
    SMG_Doom 4/4
    RazielLD 8/23

    Team2: 66/107

    Fallen_Prinz 10/15
    Lucy_in_the_sky 24/21
    SZ_duh 12/32
    SMG_Myric 5/27
    SZ_Iceman 15/12

    Winners : Team 2 with 66 points

    Prizes :


    SMG_Simba 25mil
    IOC_XRay 15mil
    CFPD_Immanuel 3mil
    SMG_Doom 3mil
    RazielLD 5mil


    Fallen_Prinz 3mil
    Lucy_in_the_sky 35mil
    SZ_duh 15mil
    SMG_Myric 3mil
    SZ_Iceman 25mil

    Overall winner: SMG_Simba, prize: 2 DK anihilators

    Freelancers who participated in event got extra prize : adv.champion shield

    congrats to everyone and thx for participating in the event :)


    Life is just a game, scenario is crap but at least video is excellent.

    CF chars: SMG_Pic, SMG_Picard,SMG_Explorer, SMG_Savage

    When you constantly wining fights you loosing skills, when you loosing fight you learning how to win.

  • 2008.04.10

    In this event was counting deaths, team with less deaths win.


    Team1: 92/119

    SMG_Simba 16/17
    SZ_Iceman 32/27 + rampage + amok (+ 3 points)
    Fallen_RyderHook 19/15
    SZ_duh 12/22
    Fallen_Nekro 10/38

    Team2: 70/103

    SMG_DuckDodgers 3/9
    MN_Crysis 27/24
    Lucy_Pirate_Wench 22/30
    Iceassassin 4/19
    DC_Phoenix (DNF)
    DC_Maxbur 7/16
    SMG_Argos 7/5

    Winners : Team 2 with 103 points

    Prizes :


    SMG_Simba 5 mil
    SZ_Iceman 15mil
    Fallen_RyderHook 10mil
    SZ_duh 2mil
    Fallen_Nekro 2mil


    SMG_DuckDodgers 2mil
    MN_Crysis 20mil
    Lucy_Pirate_Wench 15mil
    Iceassassin 2mil
    DC_Phoenix (DNF)
    DC_Maxbur 2mil
    SMG_Argos 10mil

    Overall winner: SZ_Iceman, prize: 2 DK anihilators

    congrats to everyone and thx for participating in the event :)


    Life is just a game, scenario is crap but at least video is excellent.

    CF chars: SMG_Pic, SMG_Picard,SMG_Explorer, SMG_Savage

    When you constantly wining fights you loosing skills, when you loosing fight you learning how to win.

  • 2008.04.18


    Both team got equal kill points, so winner is team with less deaths.

    Team1: 59/104

    Fallen_Prinz_Valium 8/11
    Fallen_RyderHook 12/14
    Fallen_Assassin 9/22
    IOC_XRay_Bomber 18/40
    MN_Crysis 12/17

    Team2: 59/85

    SMG_DuckDodgers 19/17
    SMG_Picard 18/12
    Lucy_In_the_Sky 6/34
    Bax@noskill 9/16
    SMG_Doom 7/6

    Winners : Team 2 with 85 points

    Prizes :


    Fallen_Prinz_Valium 2mil
    Fallen_RyderHook 5mil
    Fallen_Assassin 2mil
    IOC_XRay_Bomber 25mil
    MN_Crysis 15mil


    SMG_DuckDodgers 30mil
    SMG_Picard 20mil
    Lucy_In_the_Sky 2mil
    Bax@noskill 10mil
    SMG_Doom 2mil

    Overall winner: SMG_DuckDodgers, prize: 10 mil

    congrats to everyone and thx for participating in the event :)


    Life is just a game, scenario is crap but at least video is excellent.

    CF chars: SMG_Pic, SMG_Picard,SMG_Explorer, SMG_Savage

    When you constantly wining fights you loosing skills, when you loosing fight you learning how to win.

  • 2008.04.25


    Team1: 70/69

    SMG_Eclipsya 12/18
    SMG_Simba 24/16
    MN_Darco 17/19
    SZ_Duh 17/16

    Team2: 51/115

    SZ_Iceman 22/34
    MN_Crysis 21/20
    Fallen_RyderHook 6/27
    DC_Zardoz 2/34

    Winners : Team 1 with 70 points

    Prizes :


    SMG_Eclipsya 3mil
    SMG_Simba 30mil
    MN_Darco 10mil
    SZ_Duh 20mil


    SZ_Iceman 25mil
    MN_Crysis 15mil
    Fallen_RyderHook 5mil
    DC_Zardoz 3mil

    Overall winner: SMG_Simba, prize: 10 mil

    congrats to everyone and thx for participating in the event :)


    Life is just a game, scenario is crap but at least video is excellent.

    CF chars: SMG_Pic, SMG_Picard,SMG_Explorer, SMG_Savage

    When you constantly wining fights you loosing skills, when you loosing fight you learning how to win.

  • Hello @ all:

    The results now are from a TeamDeathMatch on 18th. May

    Team 1:

    Ryder'Hook: 14/6
    DuckDodgers: 15/13
    X-Ray: 11/22
    Dr..Doom: 21/13
    3rror: 10/10
    Kalsilie: 1/1

    Team 2:

    Darco: 11/18
    Jack_Bauer: 6/23
    Lucy: 9/31
    SHS: 0/21
    Ryder'Hook: 7/3
    Kasilie: 0/2

    Winner is team 1 with 72 hits:

    1st: Ryder'Hook (21/9) - 35 (+10) mil
    2nd: Dr.Doom (21/13) - 30 mil
    3rd: DuckDodgers (15/13) - 25 mil

    all others got wage compensation of 10 mil.

    Sponsors of this event: Ryder'Hook with 100 mil, Doom with 50 mil, and RogueJet with 70 mil...
    Rest of sponsored money is taken for other event!

    Thanks for participating! Hope to cya soon in other events as well...

  • Scheduled TDM on May, 23.


    TEAM 1
    Jack Bauer 4/16 (didnt take part in whole event)
    DC Zardoz 2/21
    CFPD Michael 9/14 (didnt take part in whole event)
    TRF Black Phoenix 20/18
    TRF Lucy 4/9 (didnt take part in whole event)

    Total: 43/78

    Team 2
    SMG Doom 26/13
    SMG DuckDodgers 24/19
    (Fallen)Prinz Hunter 9/7
    Mig30 14/12

    Total: 73/51

    Winner is team 2 by a long shot^^

    1. Doom 30 mill
    2. Duck 15 mill
    3. Black 10 mill

    all others got 5 mill

    Sponsor: DuckDodgers 30 mill

    Thanks all for participating.
    Hope to see you next time too, without reloading, swearing and servercrash it will be even more fun :D

  • May 30. 2008

    Team 1
    Arctic Wolfess: 12/6
    CFPD Fixer: 19/27
    Ryder Hook: 9/9
    *SMG Duck Dodgers: 12/5

    Total: 52/47

    Team 2
    SMG Argos: 9/10
    *TRF Nautilus: 0/1
    Mig30: 7/18
    *TRF Lucy: 2/3
    *Darco: 8/9
    *SMG Picard: 10/10

    Total 36/62

    Winner is team 1 :won:

    1. CFPD Fixer 30 mill :won:
    2. SMGDuck Dodgers 20 mill
    3. Arctic Wolfess 20 mill

    All others got 10 mill

    *: Didn't take part in whole event

    Thanks all for participating and i hope to see you again next friday.