You know that you are BG when you...

There are 108 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Spiky-.

  • I just cant hold myself ... well what the hell i'll reply :D
    Even i havent been here for nearly 3-4 MONTHS i'l throw all of my best in RoundHouse - Kickikng your but along with the rest of the Comunity and sweeping the floor of the whole universe with you ... and even if i have said to myself not beat up smaller kinds and stuff especialy retards but .... i'll make an exeption for you ;)
    You have been warned and beware you might not see from where i'll come (and it wont be from behind or while you undock...Noo..) You are dead man Walking [9] [7]

    To touch the light, you must cross the darkness. To see the life you must know the death.
    [725] [694][uglygaga][40][40][40][92]

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

  • Lmao, there's still plenty of room left on the bandwagon, let's pick up a few more hunters from each of the clans and call it a possie :P (and yes, I'm terribly bored atm to keep posting in this thread :D)

    24/7 SWAT CF veteran from sometime before 1.6 up into 1.82. Lots of memories!
    Built 88 chars between DC, BD, UAC,
    STC, and freelancers. Ashes to ashes, alas? D:

  • dont cry when you all are reduced to space dust


    Nobody can touch me!

    For i am the supreme uhhhh thingy and so on

    I need more hunting me you will all DIE!!!

  • couldnt find "holing corn" in the stats list - tho seems no character of this name exists...
    but if any DC likes - hunt him!!

    General - DC commanding staff member & DC Truchsess
    DC Website:…hp?page=Board&boardID=413

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

    Karl Marx: To do is to be!
    Lenin: To be is to do!
    Freddie Mercury: Doo be doo be doo!
    RPG: Es gibt keinen Alkohol in Mittelerde! -> Mist!
    I heard that's me having a beer (^^):
    ..... O
    LI² \ ' /
    ..... ^
    ..... / \

  • Whit pleasure [9]
    [11] [11] [11] [11]
    [11] [11] [11] [11]
    [11] [11] [11] [11]
    [11] [11] [11] [11]

    To touch the light, you must cross the darkness. To see the life you must know the death.
    [725] [694][uglygaga][40][40][40][92]

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

  • I too will kill Cornholio aka "the big mouth with no name".

    Somebody sh*tting at OP and BG is not tolerable. If someone wants to be a weenie instead of having fun then death it is.

    I invite my m8's in IOC to join in the great Cornholio hunt.

  • Cornholio, whoever you are
    I call you "n00b" from now on, that fits to you

    You came here starting to flame and insult people without even being provocated, I can't see that BG or OP did anything bad to you and you still do this shit here... you are shit (and i just treat you like you deserve it and i know that i might get banned for this now)

    OK i needed that time to calm down again so let's go on

    You attacked one of the best Clans that I have met for a very long time and that is just pathetic. You claimed many things which are not true just to make them look bad. But its a fact that BG is one of the most successful FL clans. Not you, your pointless claims or anything else will change that. This clan has gained more respect in the last years than most others, they have won more fights and wars than most others and they have done much more for the whole FL community than most others. Not to mention that this clan is older than any other clan in FL and didn't loose just a single clanwar (from what i know).

    So "n00b" (yes i mean you Cornholio) what do you think you are doing here? You are pissing against the wind.

    You claim to be SOOOOO good and that you did beat SOOO many people but nobody can even remember seen you fighting. What is it? Are you using a cloaking device or what? Or is it just that your awesome fighting skills don't even exist and that those fights didn't even happen?
    Maybe you are hiding, maybe you fear what people would do to you. You fear exactly those people that you claim to be killed just because they are better than you.
    You are spreading your words without a single proof that they are right so in my eyes you are a unimportant big mouth, a nobody which has to hide.
    No i need to correct myself, you are a stupid nobody which has to hide because a guy which leaves a ship in space while he is afk and thinks that roleplay would stop just because he is not on his PC is just plain stupid.

    So "plain stupid coward n00b" (aka Cornholio) you think you are better than those which build up all this here? You are a nobody, but i already said this didn't I?

    Want me to tell you the difference between you and OP?
    - he has skill/you not
    - he has the respect and friendship of hundreds of people/you not
    - he does help others/you not
    - he is the reason for many good things in FL/you not
    - he has success/you not
    - his name is well known even beyond the borders of FL/yours isn't even known in FL
    - he once was second best player in Starlancer(worldwide) and best player in a game which can't remember at the moment/you can be glad to get under the top5000 where ever you play
    - he doesn't need to claim that he is good (people simply know it)/you have to claim that you are good to get attention/while he gets attention as soon he enters the game or a room
    - many people consider him as a legendary player and friend/while you will always stay the "plain stupid coward nobody n00b" that you are
    - he has style/you don't

    Ok better again.

    You started to mess with people that are way better than you will ever be and it wont take long until you have a whole community against you (and I am not only talking about Crossfire). You are just an ordinary motherfucker, one of many that simply should be whiped out of the gene pool.

    And now do us and the whole world a big favour and shoot yourself!!!!!

  • Oh my... there's a fire growing now. I suppose it's too late to quell it with something carring and nice, so I'll just sit here and roast marshmallows while everyone projects their vibes.

    @Boyscout: I'm pretty sure this isn't what he had in mind when he made the first post, but until he stands down this really isn't going to get any better :D


    24/7 SWAT CF veteran from sometime before 1.6 up into 1.82. Lots of memories!
    Built 88 chars between DC, BD, UAC,
    STC, and freelancers. Ashes to ashes, alas? D:


    Who the hell is this character? by that i mean disrespectful a***hole. What are you hiding from by not telling us your char name? if you have something to say at least have the balls to come out of the shadows and make yourself known. sry but all of your indignant and disrespectful remarks to these good ppl of CF is going to get you kicked from Sirius to Altair and back again by them; and the clan leaders will all roast marshmallows over your smouldering ship and rejoice at your forthcoming departure from the server!!!

    You are making claims that you can PWN some of the most experienced pvp er's on the server, lmfao. when 1.7 is up and running make yourself known so we can all form an orderly que. dont get me wrong im not claiming to be amongst the best, but i will buy up all of Sirius' ordnace an unleash it all on your ass!

    if you havent seen me pvp then the rest of cf can testify that i will keep my word on this!!!! :D


    i do hope there are no dyslexics reading that last line!!! :D

    no disrespect intended to those who have the condition.

    P.S. @OP. please dont ban him until we have kicked his smouldering behind all over the server, pleeeeeeeze!!


  • Quote

    Originally posted by Marshal Cunningham
    Oh my... there's a fire growing now.

    What? I`ll better get my fire extinguisher ^^

    Assumption is the mother of all fuckups.

    Being a Cynic isn't that bad. Either I'm right or I am pleasantly surprised.

    My Homepage

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature
    (" )_(" ) to help him multiply, because that's what bunnies do.

  • So...mercs doing charity work? Ah heck, I can't keep up this business image all the time and I needed a target.

    Grtz, cya serverside, mister

    <A href="" target="_blank">IMVU - The World's Greatest 3D Chat</A>
    It's just a job, not who we are.
    WE decide who we are.
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Cerebral Logo" /></a>
    There is no good nor is there evil. Just sides holding different point of views.
    Who are we to judge?
    <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0"></a>
    It's a weak mind that can only think of one way to do a job.

  • Count me in i'll hunt together with my friends in bg and cfpd and other clans op has done alot for freelancer and i won't let a big mouth destroy this piece of great work

    My life My death My world My Living. Living in the past causes sorrow Living in the future causes hope.
    Which one will You choose?
    Mess With The Best ........................................ Die Like The Rest ........................................

    Chief Information Officer of IOC

    "We've come a long way since then - We have grown, we have prospered, we have flourished. But we will never forget." - Independent Operators' Consortium

  • What a complete and utter Wanker ,I doubt you will survive long if you act like that in life.......

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Cyb3r
    Count me in i'll hunt together with my friends in bg and CFPD and other clans op has done alot for freelancer and i won't let a big mouth destroy this piece of great work

    I just laugh and see it all develope

    And no offence to the guys saying that they wil kil him but
    i know it wil not be so easy as all of you are hoping

    and another thing

    Someone says serverwide kos and you al listen (ok if you want)
    I am CFPD and Im not doing it i just throw this in the RP and protect the weak

  • Hey cornholio, is your head up your bungholio for the warmth? it just aint very smart to start stuff like this [9] [11] Btw dont try to take from my siggy about cant touch me.Leave a list of all your char names on this thread and we'll have some fun [7] [8] [46] [72] [78] [81] [95] [146] [711] [728] [doom] [bat] [headshot] [instagib] [toilet] [kreuzigen]

    [bat]Here's some sweet videos of Gundams kicking @$$ :
    The best of Epyon:
    Epyon's final battle:
    Gundam Breakdance! :D:

    As long as the warrior has a genuine will to fight, the Epyon will eliminate all distractions. There is nothing more noble and beautiful then a warrior with no distractions. One could say, that he is the closest thing to God...
    1. Peace is just a result of war
    2.Space...It's so quiet
    3.Life is but an endless waltz...
    4.The 3 beats of War, Peace, and Revolution will continue on forever
    5.Weaklings should not fight


  • Quote

    Originally posted by Gundam
    Ill give u a taste of my warping abilities [9] [11]
    Btw dont try to take from my siggy about cant touch me.
    Leave a list of all your char names on this thread and we'll have some fun [7] [8] [46] [72] [78] [81] [95] [146] [711] [728] [doom] [bat] [headshot] [instagib] [toilet] [kreuzigen]

    Talking to me?


    Dodge This!
    And Se\v/

    and dont be proud of your warping skills cause if i could kick i'd do you for it to because it is no skill it is anoying
    im sorry m8 but its the truth (and yes i know it sometimes cant be helped and its not just at you m8)
    You know he didn't have enough power in his thrusters to muster Warp 5
    Plus if he pushed it, the fuel cells could rupture and then they would die
    Then the galaxy would suffer so he knew he had to try
    But he couldn't risk it, put the cure in the escape pod and kissed it
    And told her goodbye, she started to cry, but he knew if he could distract 'em
    He could buy her some time and she could make it out alive
    Turned the ship around and got prepared for the stand off
    Space mine had blew one of my hands off
    Damaged laser cannons and he got a system jamm
    But he faced the whole fleet, blood seeping through his teeth
    The final saga in the seven planet wars
    Unsheethed the sword and then he charged forward
    His eyes flashed behind the cracked cockpit glass
    He let out a laugh and then all she heard was a blast like

    And ill do this