Wierd things: or just a bug:

There are 3 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by SWAT_OP-R8R.

  • Just today, I tried getting onto the server to play a while. However, this did not happen as the server was no where to be found...So! I decided I'd play the storyline for a bit just to pass timel

    I had the option checked that lets me play the Open Single Player.

    The comodoties in this mode shows up all ? marks and no info on what or where to take the commodoties.
    Also Nothing is goin on my map. My map remains blank even after landing or docking. Nothing is showing up. I tried a reboot but got the same results.


  • This happened to me in multiplayer a couple of times. Only when I had a char in Sol strangly, maybe t applies to the SP too somehow? I used to fix t by taking my char out of Sol and restart, but since the server is offline, that's going to be a bit hard for you...

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  • I've had the same problem in Sol..jump gates aren't there. I would f1 out and come back in. However that was the only glitch..now, in open SP mode of this mod, all the info cards for ships, commodoties and the map don't work at all...not because of the server being offline but a genuine glitch..

  • no infocards or not shown names are result of either a manipulation of the CF code or a bad installation of the mod



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