Select A System That Suits Your Style

  • [feedquote='Wing Commander News','']A whole bunch of exciting new video game hardware has come out in the past year, and it's been quite a while since we last asked what systems people would most prefer a new Wing Commander game on. The latest console and handheld devices out today are more powerful than high end PCs from just a couple years ago, so any of these platforms could produce stunning results. Which would you like to see?!

    wcp-stick1t.jpgpsn_wciv1t.jpgpsp4t.jpgxbox_metro4t.jpgxbox_metro6t.jpg The last poll was our annual pulse on what fans are expecting for the year ahead. Like most years, the results were mixed. About a third of folks aren't particularly optimistic, but about 40% expect another big year. Take a peek at our

    2017 roundup

    for a summary of all the fantastic things that happened last year - we're sure this year will be at least that amazing!
