Game Cover Art Book Fails to Fund

  • [feedquote='Wing Commander News','']


    Some bad news to report today: Michael Winterbauer's Kickstarter failed to fund, meaning that a printed copy. The project ended just over $2k short, meaning that there's clearly a lot of interest in the project. Mr. Winterbauer has already posted that he intends to pursue a small print run of the book anyway, and we will follow carefully to let the community know when it happens!

    I am sad to say my project did not get funded.

    But I am very happy the project did get 76% funded and there is a lot of interest in seeing the book get printed.

    So stay tuned, I am planning on doing a smaller print run and getting the book available on my website!

    Thanks again backers, it has been a lot of fun!

    For those who missed the earlier story, this project would have created a print edition of the wonderful art book he released freely online. It was of special interest to Wing Commander fans because it included pages about the creation and use of the cover he painted for the Super Nintendo port of Wing Commander I. Plus, the proposed book features a Dralthi right on the cover!

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