
There are 6 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by DayDreamer.

  • I made the mistake of buying a battlecruiser

    didn't notice the guns were 999,999,999 each .. what a disaster

    the minute i'd bought it .. i found i couldn't land on any planets and all the stations that said i could land on them were a bit misleading because the game just hangs on a cinematic ..... the minute you try and dock

    I've just spent about 3 hours trying to get the thing through jump gates and eventually gave up .. as it just won't dock itself ........

    So theres a big battlecruiser in the manhatten system somewhere if someone wants to blow it up ... or advise me a planet where I can dock ... or preferably lend me £10,000,000 so i can buy my fighter back

    what a mess

    see you later folks

  • yea, land by docking with the mooring stations above the docking rings, though I don't know why we can't dock with stations, other super-transports are able to, why can't we dock our trains or battleships? whatever.

  • OP never believed in battle ships in Crossfire, i think he added because of the pressure of the ppl.

    The BS, in Crossfire, are not designed to play with but more for defence in the clan system and many of us are thinking they are a reason for bad lag on the server.

    ( i even saw a BS trading VIP's with the help of a bull3 :D )

  • Personally I dont have any problems with Battleships. Its also a little fun hanging outside some Jump Gate guarding it, and having ppl come say:"Woa, nice ship!"
    But... they do become boring quite fast, and in terms of guarding/defense, they suck without support of fighters.
    Allthough I wouldnt have them removed from Crossfire entirely, I would suggest that they should be limited to clan ppl (not able for purchase, but optainable through request at Admin or serverpolice)

    "Danger, volatile gases detected"
    "argh, stupid computer"
    Server Characters:
    -DayDreamer (Merc.)
    -Zpectre (Smugler)
    -Day[Racer] (Racer)