bonus missions

  • hi there :)


    The last story mission (one of the Bonus missions) has been introduced a good while ago.

    from here: link

    maybe someone can give me a hint. i found the bonus mission in Sol and finished the complete SP-campaign. is there another bonus mission like that one in Sol? if so, where shall i start to find it?


    It is time for new missions to be released in 2017.
    I want you to help me with that.

    (same source)
    u still need help/ideas? because there is still a big secret in FL universe that needs to be revealed. why the heck is there a planet of apes in an unknown system? is it related to the planet of robots in the same system? was it a scientific experiment that went wrong or was it by design?

    "There is no connection between truth and politics." Londo Mollari (Centauri Ambassador) londo.jpg

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