Thanks for banning

There are 26 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by SWAT_OP-R8R.

  • As everyone 1 knows (almost every1 as it seems) ever since i came to this server i have been a trading maniac!

    All i did the whole day was trade vips , Later i joined *at thus i traded Vips half of the day and the other half i was Flying all over sirius supplying weapons to clans with Gunny and Fixer (Dodge Thatz) at the time

    All i can say is the money was good (2 good as it seems)

    Because when i decided to transfer all my credits to my R_39 chars i reached 2 billion in 1 hour (duhhhhh i can even top that severall time's in a few minutes)

    So i was happilly transfering my hard earned funds to a char called naabje , Mister Super ServerPolice Wavey thought uhhh looky looky 2 bill in 1 hour impossible so he started to ask where the money came from...

    I replied "All this money i got from SeV's old chars" but it seems the kid with power decided that wasnt good enough so he asked >>where<< it came from and i replied

    "From Vips and pods" not exactly like this it was more like how should i know where all these credits came from (because i dont exactly know where every single credit in the game comes from) vips and pods i guess and most likely from running guns

    And so i asked if he did bother BG Laserjet in the same way he is bothering me now Because although he is not a bad guy he made 12 billion in just 2 days(wich is not a secret he was ranked 1 to 6 in the serverstats) and all the serverPolice wavey could say was

    "Ok Ban"

    well M8 i transfered all my money b4 you were able to ban me so i dont really give a hootnanny if you banned me and as soon as the ban is gone im transferring it all to a char that i only have for 10 minutes and be flying through new york in my lvl 90 starflyer

    bottom line is i explained myself to him(everyone that knows me knows that every thing i do i explain it as good as possible) but it was not good enough for him he said "I dont care"

    u should care!! as mistakes like this if it even was a mistake (most likely not) are unacceptable if i knew how i wouldve banned all your chars also in a flash for 24 hours including your serverpolice char

    since you banned mine


    P.S. i know you are not a little kid but you reasoned with me like one

    and also this , you will c severall chars sky rocket in the stats soon because im not done transfering everything yet

  • Ok, m8 I´m sorry about the things happened to you.

    I was yesterday online for 1 hour and red a console message that Naabje was banned because of suspected cheating and didnt answer to the serverpolice as he was asked where the money comes from....

    We few, we happy few, we band of brothers
    For he, today that sheds his blood with me
    Shall be my brother...

  • Hey, keep me out of this!
    I`ve had my talk with waves & destroyed my credit source. & i could keep the $ `coz i`m running an event...
    Then ask urself why the prize in the NGH is so high...

    Assumption is the mother of all fuckups.

    Being a Cynic isn't that bad. Either I'm right or I am pleasantly surprised.

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  • To Sleepy : Nope m8 true R does not cheat like i said when i came online i was a trading loony and you , Gunny , Mhawk etc etc etc etc know this because you all were there too........ and im sure everyone seen me as Dodge This!

    to laserjet : Sorry m8 i only asked wavey that :p
    and about ngh i can ask myself that but i dont know how high it is:D

    And about my credits they are all legit and i use my hard earned credits to help out the one's who need some cash (mostly new people or starting clans)

    you can ask alot of people if its true ...... but the list would be to long for me to type i would need a forum for only just that lol

    to Riddick7 : I explained myself in various ways and im sure alot of people should agree to this .... i am not the kind of person who doesnt explain or has no explanation for anything i do .

    btw you all should know how much money i lost due to server crashes :( im sure you would go like

    [eek2] .....[shakehead] poor SeV


  • Quote

    I banned Naabje he refused to explain where he got 2 bill from when i asked him.It seems he was an r39 char Dodge .
    I asked him several times and he went on about why not ban Laserjet.
    Is only 24 hr ban anyway I believe


    1. it was waveys duty to do his job
    2. from what i know he did ask you about the $
    3. laserjet lost all his equipment coz of the $ he made using a bug (and this equipment was worth alot)
    4. laserjet does spend this money for the server
    5. there is a rule that clanmembers have to wear clantags on ALL chars... fake chars are not allowed
    I only allowed a fake char for DC because of a test and i allowed sleepy to keep his untagged char "sleepy"
    6. dont expect SPs to know everything about ur history, your chars, what money you have (had), and where it is from
    only the admin (me) can check this and if there are doubts about bans then come to me instead of blaming and SPs for doing their job
    -> exactly this made you look bad here... this published all the crap... rumours about cheats and such a crap
    if you would have come to me instead we would have dealt it without others getting involved and no bad word would have been said ever

    so tell me now... how do we deal this shit now?



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Props to you but your "zitat" aka "quote"

    is completely wrong

    I banned Naabje he refused to explain (1 I told him strait away where it came from ) where he got 2 bill from when i asked him.It seems he was an r39 char Dodge (2 i told him it came from my old chars SeV's chars )
    I asked him several times (3 that he did after me telling him severall times where it came from )and he went on about why not ban Laserjet.(4 i did not went on about laserjet i only asked him ONCE if he bothered laserjet in the same way he was doing me )
    Is only 24 hr ban anyway I believe(5 still banned and if not why does it say so )

    and also

    1. it was waveys duty to do his job (true )
    2. from what i know he did ask you about the $ (yes he did and i told him where )
    3. laserjet lost all his equipment coz of the $ he made using a bug (and this equipment was worth alot) (the equipment i lost was worth alot 2 )
    4. laserjet does spend this money for the server ( you think i dont spend my money on the server and on helping out the new players? )
    5. there is a rule that clanmembers have to wear clantags on ALL chars... fake chars are not allowed
    I only allowed a fake char for DC because of a test and i allowed sleepy to keep his untagged char "sleepy" (Ok so my brother is a R member aswell? cool )
    6. dont expect SPs to know everything about ur history, your chars, what money you have (had), and where it is from (i dont expect it at all but how he does his thing is wrong)
    only the admin (me) can check this and if there are doubts about bans then come to me instead of blaming and SPs for doing their job (i blame him for not caring if i am transfering my funds to the chars i am gonna use from now on )
    -> exactly this made you look bad here... this published all the crap... rumours about cheats and such a crap
    if you would have come to me instead we would have dealt it without others getting involved and no bad word would have been said ever (i dont look bad m8 i did nothing wrong + i did not say laserjet cheated i only asked him a question about him and it was on the serverstats )

    im sorry m8 i dont wanna argue with you but im am proving my point and i hope you dont take any sides aswell only because he is the (serverpolice )


  • and it seems i choose a bad collor for the things i posted but just left click over what i typed and move your cursor to the right sorry for the inconveniance

    no need to do the drag and read thingy i edited the color again :)

  • I have never seen Naabje on this server b4 and it was only active for 1 hr 30 mins and had nearly 2 billion.

    I asked Naabje several times where/who you got the money from all you said was "sev" and when i kept asking who, you said vips and pods and then went on about Laser.
    That was when I told you I would ban you.

    IF you had told me exactly who you were straight away and where the cash came from I wouldnt have banned you.Even if you had just told me who you were !

    I spoke to Gunny after I banned you ,he said I had banned one of his members and he said you were Dodge,I did not say the money came from Dodge .

    ps I didnt have a clue who "sev" was ,not exactly enlightening.
    I dont know if you have played other servers but you would have had an automatic ban on many for transferring that amount of cash.

    pps You NEVER explained anything to me
    I said "I dont care" to you when I said if you dont tell me who gave you the money I will get OP to ban your IP and you said your bro would be banned too.This was after you had logged on again.

  • Sev is good and honest player. when he was in *at they did lot of trading. I remember when the new version of CF was going to come out, all R39 and *at traded like hell that night in sigma-19 because it will be the last of that trading paradise. I have the picture if you need them with all people involve doing their honest trading. About Sev, he and gunny do spend a lot of their money helping new people in New York when they were in *at. I rmember 1 night that I joined them and it was pretty nice. There was a guy looking for someone and he didnt speak any english and I dont remember his formal language but neither Sev aka Dodge this, nor gunny, not even myself could speak this guy's language. DOdge did have a little knowledge of it. So when we try to help him, he started to run all over Liberty systems. At the end we caught up with him and he finally understood we were there to help him. Gunny and Sev got him new guns and new ship. In few words, this guys spends heavy amount of money to get people started.

    Last night i told some one that I wouldnt be involve in any issues but I have to stick my head in on Sev. In another thread this was what I was trying to say to the community. Misunderstanding, rumors could give a bad name not just to the people involve but to the community. My concerns are always the people i consider my friend and this community. I think both party got heavy damage on this, another new issue in our community. So we should just forget it and learn from it. I consider also Wavey to be a really good person. He was the first to help me out to start the Assault Event with darkstalker. Hehehe, you are goin to said, hell RG, you dont consider anyone a bad person. I can answer to that by saying in the SWAT community, the majority are good people. However each heads thinks and acts differently and sometimes you need to try to understand that. I remember once when I was in College at the USA, I have some Puerto Rican friends. One day they were in the library and I say hi using a comon word by Venezuelan people (not a good word but is not considered bad just a manner to say hello) These guys look at me strange but I had to left cause an exam. Next day, a friend of mine, a girl from honduras, which is friends to the Puerta Rican party asked me: Why in the world you spoke to your friends in that way? Why did you offend them? I was woooowww, what happen, you know me. Im not the kind of person that would do anything wrong to people 8at least no on porpuse) I asked her to explain me why they got offended and she explain because of word I said which was very offensive to Puerto Rican people (which is not to venezuelan people) From that day on I understand that every culture has their ways of speaking (even if it is the same language) and every person has his own way of behaving. Of course there are parameters, but dont you ever think that what we consider an standard parameter of behavior would be same everywhere i the world.

    SHoot, I talk too much..sorry about that guys but too much work here and this is the only chance I got these days t speak up my mind. I do miss my long talks with people online

    Anyway, as I said above, both party got some heavy damage here and even our own community. I just said learn from it, fix what it has to be fix, and move on. Dont take it personal, please, because even though we dont know everyone here, the first day you start to play here, you became a part of the Crossfire / SWAT became part of a new famiy :)

    Peace to all,


    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it

  • I want to make something very clear, I banned Naabje .

    At no time did I even know it was Sevat even after ban I was told it was Dodge.

    It seems that you believed that I knew who you were ?
    maybe that was why you did not tell me?

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Wavey
    I dont know if you have played other servers but you would have had an automatic ban on many for transferring that amount of cash.<----wrong c below

    pps You NEVER explained anything to me
    I said "I dont care" to you when I said if you dont tell me who gave you the money I will get OP to ban your IP and you said your bro would be banned too.This was after you had logged on again.<------also wrong because you said earlier that i said "SeV" while i said was "I got it from SeV"

    Same thing again .................................

    I immediatly told u where it came from look this is getting anoying

    i did not go on about laser jeez

    And about other servers yeah i been there once
    made 1,2 billion by just trading in 40 minutes with the server police of that server hanging in between the route so lets c...........

    if 60 minutes is an hour

    and i made 1,2 bill in 40 mins

    made a total or 2,4 with 2 chars that is 80 minutes ......
    1,5 hour is 90 minutes right? 8o

    transfered it to 1 char in the spare 10 minutes so 1 char 2 bill and the other 400mill in 1hour and 30 minutes
    then i made a new char and was given another 800 mill because server crashed hmmm no ban
    so i totalled out at 3,2 billion in 1 hour and 35 minutes
    1,2 bill more in same amount of time with trading(started out with 300k per char)

    and im not saying that mod is better or something just to point out you was wrong again

    And to RG lol yeah i remember :) he thought we wanted to kill him he was from greece btw :)

    tnx for the support but i dont wanna get you into any trouble

  • i dont get it....

    how comes that if i post something explaining what happened and this is taken, commented and thrown back in a sarcastic way


    Ok so my brother is a R member aswell? cool


    i blame him for not caring if i am transfering my funds to the chars i am gonna use from now on

    i mean... well tell me if im wrong but u want something from me and its not the other way
    if not you wouldnt have started this thread... to me it looks like that you are right and all others that have not the same oppinion are wrong here (at least thats what you said in the same post)

    well ok lets go back to my last post... i have explained about what has happened... i have explained previous issues with this $$$$ shit and i was hoping that this would answer everything and stop this stupid discussions here
    Ive asked you a question... which is still not answered.

    right now i ask myself why you just didnt stop at this point (you agreed that wavey just did his job) and tried to sort it out and answer my question instead of pushing this stupid discussion

    sorry to say this but in my oppinion to solve a problem is better then to discuss about it and make ppl feel bad just to prove to be right

    to answer your question... im not going to take sides in this matter
    i know that you have done much money with ur chars
    i also know that wavey was right doing his job as SP

    but i have a problem with the way this situation (this discussion) was dealt with
    you want to prove that you are right and wavey wrong?
    i tell you something.... you both are wrong... finito (this is an admin decision and therefor final)

    my question is still open to be answered by you so you can decide to solve this problem by answering or talking to ME
    or you can go on trying to prove that your point of view is right... but then you will win nothing
    (i could say the same to wavey now but he already came to me talking about this topic)



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • can we plez unbann...sev get back to game and drop this..its already gone too far.....i have oppinions..BUT....theres no sence in gettin this any more out than it alrady is

  • I have no problem with OPs decision on this matter

  • when you all are so honnest why no one tolt op that there was a bug after the 1.53/1.54.
    what i know is that you find one you have to report it not to use it.
    dont wanna blame any but it has happend.

  • talking about theat bug ther , i now about it and as far i now all BG were involvet ecept OP coz they dident wanted to lose the posibiliti to get easy mony,i dont blame anyone off you guy`s ther but if Sev explained were he got the mony thean its moste likely theat its the folt of Sp, i meen (not listening) to Sev.Theat my thougts about what i read over her.


    From the darkness we come to the darkness we all shall go
    Facilis descencus Averno. Qui non vetat peccare, cum possit, iubet. Sine cruce, sine luce, nihil interit. Pulvis et umbra sumus.


    The descent to Hell is easy. He who does not forbid sin commands it. Without the cross, without the light, nothing dies. We are but dust and shadows.
    Eve online chars: RavenMcDougal

  • members of all clans and freelancers knew about it
    besides a few the most of them didnt use it (as far as i know only 1 BG used it and we dealt with that - the rules for BGs are very strict)

    so are there more ppl wanting to blame others????? if so i make it easy for me and delete all chars so you all can start with 150000$ again



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Raven all BG were not involved ! I personally destroyed everyone of those bugs I saw.
    Look at my stats am I rich ?
    Dont ever make accusations like that