Evochron or any StarWraith3dgames

There are 6 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by [Freedom]RG.

  • Well, I never cease to look for a good joystick game and since I got too much involved into online games (anything that is close or actually a space sim) I found long time ago this webpage but didnt really get into it until now:


    There are different types of games (depends on your taste but all of them are space sim/joystick oriented) there. Graphics are not too good though and still some bugs when you dock in a planet (yes, you actually entry the planet and land on a platform manually or auto when you get close) However, the Evochron game has potential from my Aerospace Eng. point of view plus it could get up to 24 people online. There are 3 other space sim game there where 2 of them are pure PvP/team oriented (starlancer type and more) Anyway, I just tried the demos so far on each so it would be nice to have some other input.

    I love this community here but i found out that it has been too long since I use a joystick (because of the mouse oriented market) that I got too rusty playing with it. I have a blast/fun/great time playing with OP and Petrus in Starlancer and I definitly want to get back to play Joystick oriented game (especially now that my wife is getting me a new Joystick) I have played so far too much mouse oriented game such as Eve Online, Earth and Beyond (before it closed down) and of course Freelancer. But to tell you the truth, I miss my online time in jumpgate. I tried to come back there these last days with my old account but support is not as they use too be at Themis. Now that my currency exchange problem is temporaly solved I can afford to buy or rent some stuff at least for this year so Im planning to do that.

    Anyway, i want you guys to check this site out, especially EVOCHRON and tell me what you think, espacially you, OP, I value your input on it.



    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it

  • starwraith is not that good... weird AI and crap graphics
    bought it long time ago



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • I wonder if you tried the new demo version of evochron 1.788

    Anyway, Ill keep looking :) thanks again,



    Update from Evochron Playground

    OP, I tested the new version of Evochron and the only thing that is not good is the graphics. I think the developer concentrated a lot on the games space dinamic and interactions rather than moddelling. A lot of bugs were fixed since my last tried. Also, for my Aerospace Eng. point of view this (taking out the graphics and some weird AI behavior) this game is the closest you will get on space sim. You have like 10 degrees of freedom here. That mean true control on lateral and vertical thruster, inertial motion, and lot of things close to real space but much easier of course (like jumping 20 years from now in the future of AE equipment) I sent an email to the developer and he told me that there like 30 more system that could be configure for the game. Besides, it is joystick driven and the control were set easy enough to not spoil the fun. In few words, it feel real, more than JumpGate was to me.



    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it

  • Well guys, the new version of Evochron is out and it looks good. Here are the new addtions to the game:

    - Windows Vista support added.
    - Full 3D cockpit added (all gauges, indicators, and displays are now rendered in 3D instead of 2D text and sprites).
    - Support for the NaturalPoint TrackIR 3D view control system added.
    - Directional shields added with augment control.
    - Padlock view option added.
    - Graphics enhanced greatly to improve various special effects, textures, models, logos, and menus.
    - Skill rating, scoring, and level system updated to better balance values between kills, contracts, upgrades, and cash.
    - Eject option added.
    - Physics system changed to match Arvoch Conflict's hybrid system by player request.
    - Sensor range in thick nebula clouds for ships increased to 1200.
    - Sensor range for wormholes and hidden containers increased to 2000.
    - Support for secondary control devices added.
    - Support for force feedback expanded for other formats.
    - Inventory console sometimes has layered text issue during campaign contracts, fixed.
    - Support for importing custom music added.
    - Support for importing custom primary weapon sound effects added.
    - Certain custom system exploits corrected.

    Plus it has now a Server File that you could download to host online gaming (online multiplayer) and control some features without even running the game.

    The only think I hate about this game are the the ship models. I wish we could form a team here to create new models for it but well, that is always up to the community.



    [4] Don´t argue, [3] Just Do it

    Good Friends are Forever [prost]

    We always remember the ones who are not with us within our heart

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    My Mind is Free & My Imagination would take me to places I never dream of 8)

  • dont have it and wont download it due to my connection



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • The whole game is not bigger than 40 megs...I guess that because of the ship poor models cause the space and planet engines looks decent for today standards :)

    [4] Don´t argue, [3] Just Do it

    Good Friends are Forever [prost]

    We always remember the ones who are not with us within our heart

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/pS7lS4fP_wc"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/pS7lS4fP_wc" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="450" height="350"></embed></object>
    My Mind is Free & My Imagination would take me to places I never dream of 8)

  • Well, they have a server where they are doing some testing, and gameplay for a 24/7 feature. VIce is working to increase the MP capabilities of the game eventhough the discussion in their forum is getting a lot of debate of what it should be done for next update. New models have been added but I still believe we need more models :D The graphics has been improved. The game is getting there and I hope they keep improving the MP envioment. Some new people from FL and JumpGate community has been input their point of view Evochron Alliance forum.

    Anyway, I still have trouble with my connection but Im working on it.



    [4] Don´t argue, [3] Just Do it

    Good Friends are Forever [prost]

    We always remember the ones who are not with us within our heart

    <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/pS7lS4fP_wc"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/pS7lS4fP_wc" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="450" height="350"></embed></object>
    My Mind is Free & My Imagination would take me to places I never dream of 8)