Unused Cruiser Found In Prophecy Files

  • Kevin Caccamo

    has made a cool discovery while digging through the guts of Wing Commander Prophecy. Using a modified version of

    Wing Blender

    , he was able to import an unusual ship file. The result is a preliminary version of a rarely seen Confed cruiser that did not appear in the final game. Little

    fuzzy glimpses

    have leaked out here and there, but these are the best shots I can recall. Although it doesn't appear that the ship is polished to nearly the level of the other capships in the game, it's still pretty solid. It's thought that this design was at one time intended to be seen in the losing track of WCP, but ultimately the Callisto Station

    comm relay

    was used in the

    Hellespont System

    instead. It's great to finally see the original Callisto!


    OMG! Look what I found.This model is CALLISTO.IFF, which I was recently able to import into Blender, after some investigation into the v9 mesh format, and a few changes to my Wing Blender importer code.
