Universe Map Sections Combined Into One Massive Image

  • Earlier this month LOAF


    a high res 20 megapixel shot of the Wing Commander universe map featured in the WC Movie's intro. But he and Thomas Hennessy held out hope that obsessive and meticulous Wing Commander fans were out there that could piece together dozens of individual close-up shots and produce one glorious ginormagantuan resolution image.


    is that crazed fan, and he's put together a masterpiece that clocks in at some 275 megapixels (24594 by 11150 pixels). He's corrected for the rounding distortion and fixed various blurry sections to make it as crisp as can be. And while he wouldn't be a fanatical Wingnut if he weren't open to tweaking it further, for his sanity's sake, hopefully this is the final product!

    wing_commander_movie_map_hight.jpgThis is a 12 megabyte sample at 6000 by 2720. Grab the full picture


    (65 meg jpg).

    I think I have the map in a pretty good state. I checked for broken lines and found and fixed one in the lower right. I also filled in the missing edges and masked out a lot of blurry text where two or more photos overlapped. It really takes a while to go over the whole map at 100% zoom. If there aren't any glaring issues I'll call it finished for now. I could mess with it forever trying to get lines straighter and overlaps better and stuff like that. Let me know if you have any questions or suggestions. Or if you want the ~600 MB TIFF/~1 GB multi-layer TIFF for some reason.
